MAT 341: Applied Real Analysis

Welcome to MAT 341.

The aim of this course is to understand how certain partial differential equations arise (the heat equation and the wave equation, in dimensions one and two), and how to arrive at solutions to these equations by using Fourier series. The course begins with a discussion of Fourier series.

Course instructor

Lowell Jones Office: Math Tower 2-111. Telephone: 632-8248.
Office hours: Tu,Th 8:30am-9:30am; Wed 11:00am-12:00am.

Course Grader

Zhiyu Tian, Office:
Office hours: .


Lec 01 Tu,Th 9:50am-11:10am SB Union 226 Jones


Boudary Value Problems and Partial Differential Equations, fifth edition, by David L. Powers


You should read the corresponding section of the text before attending each lecture.

Problem sets will be assigned weekly; check this webpage for the assigments. Each homework set is due during the first class of the following week (unless otherwises stipulated). Note that the solutions to some of the problems appear in the back of the text book. You should nonetheless try and solve these problems without recourse to the answer key, and should write the problem up carefully in your own words even if you have consulted the book for the final answer: always show your work.

It is OK to discuss homework problems with other students. However, each student must write up the homework individually in his/her own words, rather than merely copying someone else's.


There will be one midterm in class: on Thursday October 22, 2009. The final exam is scheduled for Thursday December 17, 2009 between 11:15am-1:45pm. The place of the final exam will be announced on this web site towards the end of the semester.

Make certain that you will be available at these times, as there will be no scheduled make-ups for these tests.

Please note that makeup exams are only given if a student misses an exam for unforseeable circumstances beyond the student's control. In particular, schedule conflicts are not an acceptable reason for missing an exam.


30% Homework
30% Midterm
40% Final Exam


A very useful resource is the Math Learning Center (MLC) located in room S240-A of the mathematics building basement. The Math Learning Center is open M,Tu,Wed from 10:00am to 9:00pm, on Thur from 10:00am to 6:00pm, and on Fri from 10:00am to 2:00pm.

Another useful resource are your teacher and grader, whose office hours are listed above.


If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact on your ability to carry out assigned course work, please contact Disability Support Services (DSS)at 632-6748 or at DSS will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.

Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and DSS. For procedures and information go to the following website:


The following table will be filled in as the semester progresses. Always refer to it for each week's reading assignment and homework assignment. During this semester I shall try to cover (at a minimum) the following sections of our text book: 1.1-1.5,1.9,1.11; 2.1-2.11; 3.1-3.4,3.6; 4.1-4.5; 5.1,5.3-5.7.

Week Topic Notes Homework
8/31-9/4 1.1,1.2   1.1: verify 4.7-4.12 on page 439, verify table 1 on page 61,do problems 1 and 7 on pages 63 and 64 1.2:7,8,9
9/7-9/11 1.3,1.4   1.3: 1.4:
9/14-9/18 1.5,1.9,1.11   1.5: 1.9: 1.11
9/28-10/2   no class on Tuesday 9/29/09
10/19-10/23   midterm on Thursday 10/22/09
11/23-11/27   no class on Thursday 11/26/09
12/7-12/11   Thursday 12/10 is our last class meeting