Welcome to MAT 203.
This is a course in multi-dimensional calculus. We cover essential tools such as: partial deriviatives of functions of two and three variables; maximizing and minimizing functions of two variables; Lagrange multipliers; integrating functions of two and three variables; line integrals; Green's Theorem.
Final examination: the final exam will take place in room W0512 of the Library Alliance Room (in basement of main) library, from 11:00am to 1:30pm on Friday December 22. The focus of the final will be on the material we have covered since the midterm. To prepare for the final exam you should do the problems in the following "review for final exam", as well as go over the homework problems and the midterm problems.
Lec 1 | M,F 12:50pm-2:10pm | Physics P113 | Jones |
Rec 1 | W 10:40am-11:35am | Physics P117 | Stimpson |
Rec 2 | Tu 11:20pm-12:15am | Physics P117 | Stimpson |
Problem sets will be assigned weekly; check this webpage for the assigments. Each homework set is due at the beginning of a student's recitation period the following week. Note that the odd-numbered problems have answers in the back of the book. You should nonetheless try and solve these problems without recourse to the answer key, and should write the problem up carefully in your own words even if you have consulted the book for the final answer: always show your work.
It is OK to discuss homework problems with other students. However, each student must write up the homework individually in his/her own words, rather than merely copying someone else's.
For Lecture 1 (Jones) there will be one midterm in class on October 30; and the final exam is on December 22 from 11:00am to 1:30pm.
For Lecture 2 (Crispino) there will be one midterm in class on October 31; and the final exam is on December 21 from 5:00pm to 7:30pm.
Make certain that you will be available at these times, as there will be no scheduled make-ups for these tests.
Please note that makeup exams are only given for unforseeable circumstances beyond the student's control. In particular, schedule conflicts are not an acceptable reason: please let your lecturer know about any schedule conflicts as soon as possible. You must have your ID to be admitted to the exams.
Calculators of any kind will not be permitted in exams. The problems will require pencil, paper and reasoning only.
A very useful resource is the Math Learning Center (MLC) located in room S240-A of the mathematics building basement. The Math Learning Center is open M,Tu,Wed from 10:00am to 9:00pm, on Thur from 10:00am to 6:00pm, and on Fri from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
Another useful resource are your teachers, whose office hours are listed above.
All homework assigments are due at the beginning of your recitation
class of
the week following the
week in which they are assigned.
Week | Topic | Notes | Homework | ||
9/4-9/8 | 11.1-11.2 |   | 11.1:1,4,10,14,23,29,41,49 | 11.2:3,6,7,38,53 | |
9/11-9/15 | 11.3-11.5 |   | 11.3:3,8,15,18,23,26,49,50,73 | 11.4:4,5,9,16,32,35,54 | 11.5:6,11,17,26,38,49,62,90,96 |
9/18-9/22 | 11.6,12.1-12.2 |   in 12.2 cover only differentiation | 11.6:1-6,10,13,14,41,45,49 | 12.1:2,11,13,34,36,50,68,70,89 | 12.2:10,13,22,23,39 |
9/25-9/29 | 12.2-12.4 |   in 12.2 cover only integration | 12.2:54,61,64,75,79 | 12.3:10,15,19,27 | 12.4:13,28,40,45-48,88,89 |
10/2-10/6 | 12.5,13.1 |   | 12.5:10,11 | 13.1:9,18,36,37,52,70,71 | |
10/9-10/13 | 13.2-13.4 |   | 13.2:5,6,16,17,33,42 | 13.3:2,6,9,19,27,37,40,55 | 13.4:1,10,16,17,18,25,33 |
10/16-10/20 | 13.5,13.6 |   | 13.5:4,10,11,15,20,24,37 | 13.6:3,7,10,21,24,26,38,40,44, 45,55,60 | |
10/23-10/27 | 13.7,13.8 |   | 13.7:1,2,10,19,31,34 | 13.8:21,22,23,32,33,45,47,56,58 | |
11/6-11/10 | 13.9,13.10 |   | 13.9:5,8,10,15,17 | 13.10:5,9,14,16,17,33,41 | |
11/13-11/17 | 14.1,14.2 |   | 14.1:11,18,24,36,44,55,56 | 14.2:1,3,11,12,16,20,25,28,50, 55 | |
11/20-11/24 | 14.3 |   Thanksgiving break, no Friday class | 14.3:5,6,7,8,18,19,20,22,28, 34,40,61 | ||
11/27-12/1 | 14.4,14.6 |   we cover only center of mass in 14.4 | 14.4:4,7,8,18,22 | 14.6:7,15,24,36,37 | |
12/4-12/8 | 15.1,15.2 |   | 15.1:1-6,13,14,23,29,32,38, 41,43,56,60 | 15.2:10,13,23,31,32,35 | |
12/11-12/15 | 15.3,15.4 |   we also meet on Wednesday of this week, usual time and place | 15.3:1,11,16,19,35,38 | 15.4:1-4,7,10,18,19 |