Welcome to MAT 131. This web site contains links to important information concering this course.
For information concering course prerequisites, lecturers, textbook, homework and exams, grading, extra help, course schedule, disability support etc. please go to Course Syllabus for MAT 131
If you think that one or more of your problems has been graded incorrectly then please discuss that problem with the person who graded it. The following list displays who grade what problem:
#1: graded by Yasha Savelyev
#2: graded by Jiansong Chen
#3: graded by Noel Rogers
#4: graded by Michael Williams
#5: graded by Qian Wang
The office hours and office numbers of the graders can be found in the Course Syllabus above.
The final exam will take place on Friday 5/16/08 from 11:00am to 1:30pm in Javits 102. It will focus on the material covered since the last midterm (i.e. sections 3.7,3.8,4.1-4.3,4.5-4.9,5.1-5.5).
Review problems for the final exam can be found at Review for Final Exam .