Welcome to MAT 314
MAT314 course is a continuation of MAT 313, Abstract algebra. It covers modules over rings, including structure theorem for modules over PID, theory of fields and field extensions and introduction to Galois theory. It is intended for math majors, in particular math majors in advanced track program.
For more information, please select General information link in
the menu to the left.
Announcements are listed in reverse choronological order:
most recent announcement at the top.
- 5/23/2019
- Final exam has been graded, and grades entered in Solar. If you want
to know your final exam grade, email me.
For your infiormation, soultions of the final exam are posted here,
so you can see if you got it right.
Have a nice summer!
- 5/13/2019
- Final exam will be on May 21, 11:15-2pm, in the saem room as our usual class.
A practice final can be found here.
You can pick up graded HW 10 and ask questions during my office hours:
Tu 5/14, 10am-12pm, in P143; Wed 5/13, 10am-12pm in my office (Math 3-112).
- 5/2/2019
- Homework 10 has been posted. It is due on Th, May 9.
- 4/26/2019
- Homework 9 has been posted. It is due on Th, May 2.
- 4/19/2019
- Homework 8 has been posted. It is due on Th, April 25.
- 4/11/2019
- Homework 7 has been posted. It is due on Th, April 18.
- 3/29/2019
- Homework 6 has been posted. It is due on Th, April 4.
- 3/8/2019
- Homework 5 has been posted. It is due on Th, March 14.
- 3/2/2019
- Homework 4 has been posted - sorry for the delay. It is due on Th, March 7.
- 2/22/2019
- Homework 3 has been posted. It is due on Th, Feb 28.
- 2/14/2019
- Homework 2 has been posted. It is due on Th, Feb 21.
- 2/7/2019
- Homework 1 has been posted. It is due on Th, Feb 14.
- 1/30/2019
- Web page created.