SUNY at Stony Brook MAT 310: Linear Algebra
Fall 2014

Welcome to MAT 310

This is a second course in linear algebra intended primarily for math majors but also useful for other science majors (particularly physics) as well as for those studying engineering and computer science. In contrast to MAT 211, where the focus was on doing computations, this class will be more oriented towards the theoretical aspects of linear algebra. There will be heavy emphasis on writing careful proofs.

For more information, please select General information link in the menu to the left.


Announcements are listed in reverse choronological order: most recent announcement at the top.

Practice final exam and review sheet are now available here.
Information about final exam has been posted.
HW 11 has been posted. Note that it is due on Th after the Thanksiginvg break.
Midterm II will be given on Th, Nov 13, in class. More information will be provided next week.
For those who did poorly on Midterm 1: you can try and do the makeup version. It will not change your grade for midterm 1, but I strongly advise this - just so that you ar ready for the next exam. You can bring it to the professor together with your next HW to be graded.
The math website is working again; all assignments are posted here. Let me know if anything is missing.
Midterm 1 is this Thursday, Oct 2. Click on "Exams" for more info.
HW 3 has been posted.
HW 2 has been posted. Also, I've added my office hours in General information.
First homework has been posted..