In 1976 she entered a special Moscow French
school; in 1982 she enrolled in Moscow high school #57
which provided special Mathematical education.
In this school, Anya met a number of brilliant teachers and made several good friendships with the students. Even after their graduation, the students of this #57 school continued working together during the vacation time on the White Sea Biological Station (BBS). Anya graduated from #57 in June 1986 and in August of that year she met Igor Slobodkin at the BBS station, who graduated from the same school #57 in 1984.
Also in 1986 Anya entered a BS-MS
at Moscow University. By that time Igor had already completed two years
in the Physics and Technology Institute ( PhysTech).
Three and half years later, in January 19, 1990, Anya and Igor married.
In spring of 1991 Anya gradueted from Moscow
University with the summa cum laude MS degree in CS. In May, 1990, Anya
took part in a scientific conference for the first time. It was the
Russian National Conference on Computer Linguistic in Tartu University (Estonia).
Her presentation "Synthesizing Language Semantic Structures for
Rendering Transitive Actions" was published in the Conference Proceedings.
In August, 1991, Anya and Igor came to Boston
as graduate students.
So began their life in America.....