MAT 401 — Fall 2017 Homepage MAT 401 — Fall 2017 Syllabus

MAT 401 Assignments and Exams
Seminar in Mathematics: Algebra and Algorithms

Fall 2017

Problem Sets There will be 11 weekly problem sets. When computing final letter grades, the lowest problem set score will be dropped. Problem Set scores count for 20% of the final class grade. In the following, please look over all exercises. Please write up careful solutions for the red problems, and hand these in during lecture on Thursday.

You are encouraged to work with other students in the class, but your final write-up must be your own and must be based on your own understanding. Moreover, write-ups must be legible, must be written in correct, understandable English, and must adhere to the usual standards of rigor for an advanced mathematics course. Write-ups which prove too difficult to read or understand may be marked incorrect and / or may be returned to the student to be rewritten. All questions regarding grading of a problem set should be addressed to the instructor in a timely fashion.


Final Paper. The final paper is due on Thursday, December 7th. It should be approximately 10 pages in length. It should be an expository paper. Here is a link to some possible topics: PDF. Please confirm your paper topic with the instructor no later than Tuesday, November 21st.

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Jason Starr
4-108 Math Tower
Department of Mathematics
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3651
Phone: 631-632-8270
Fax: 631-632-7631
Jason Starr