MAT 311 Fall 2019 Problem Sets | MAT 311 Fall 2019 Syllabus | MAT 311 Fall 2019 Exams |
MAT 311 Course Webpage
Course Announcements Announcements about the course will be posted here. Please check the site regularly for announcements (which will also be given in lecture and/or in recitation).
Course Description The description in the undergraduate bulletin: Congruences, quadratic residues, quadratic forms, continued fractions, Diophantine equations, number-theoretical functions, and properties of prime numbers.
Prerequisites A grade of C or higher in MAT 312 or 313; a grade of C or higher in MAT 200 or MAT 250 or permission of instructor.
The instructor for this course is
Jason Starr.
All instruction will occur in lectures. There are assigned
readings in the syllabus
which are to be completed before lecture. During lecture the
instructor and the students will discuss the material in those
readings, there will be exercises to practice the material, etc. For
the lectures to be effective, you must complete the assigned reading
from the syllabus before lecture.
Lecture is held Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:30 PM 3:50PM in Physics P130.
Office Hours
The office hours for the lecturer, Jason Starr, are here.
The office hours for the grader, Jean-Francois Arbour, are on the department directory.
Grading System The relative significance of exams and problem sets in determining final grades is as follows.
25% | |
20% | |
20% (= 2% x 10) | |
35% |
Graded problem sets and exams will be handed back in lecture. If
you cannot attend the lecture in which a problem set or exam is
handed back, it is your responsibility to contact your instructor and
arrange a time to pick up the work (typically in office hours).
You are responsible for collecting any graded work by the end of the
Required Syllabi Statements
The University Senate Undergraduate and Graduate Councils have
authorized that the following required statements appear in all
teaching syllabi (graduate and undergraduate courses) on the Stony
Brook Campus.
Americans with Disabilities
If you have a physical,
psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your
course work, please contact
the Student Accessibility Support Center,
ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, Room 128,
(631)632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations, if
any, are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation
is confidential.
Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and the Student Accessibility Support Center. For procedures and information go to the following website: and search Fire Safety and Evacuation and Disabilities.
Academic Integrity Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. Faculty in the Health Sciences Center (School of Health Technology & Management, Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at .
Critical Incident Management Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of University Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn. Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures.