Geometry for Teachers

Fall 2021

Time and place:  Monday, Wednesday at 4:25 PM in Physics room P128

Introduction: The course will be concerned with plane geometry, and some related subjects, from both an axiomatic and intuitive point of view.  The goal will be to give the students the necessary background to be good teachers.

  Text Book: Algebra and Geometry by Hung-Hsi Wu Published by the American Mathematical Society, 2020 375pages

Instructor: Prof. David Ebin
Math Tower 5-107
tel. 632-8283
E-mail: ebin@math.stonybrook.edu
Office Hours: M. and W. 3:00-4:20 or by appointment
  Assistant: Yi Wang, For office hours and contact information, see: http://www.math.stonybrook.edu/cards/wangyi.html

Student Lecture: Each student will be required to give a lecture on a topic chosen through consultation with the instructor.  Also students will be expected to participate in class discussions.

 Homework: Homework will be assigned every week. There may be both problem and reading assignments  Doing the homework is a fundamental part of the course work.  Problems should be handed in in lecture, and reading assignments should be completely in time for the appropriate lecture to facilitate class discussions.

1st assignment:  Reading and problem assignment due Sept. 1 :  Read pages 209 -216 (briefly) and read 216 to 235 in I-ch4-1 which was sent to you by email.

2nd assignment:  Due 9/8/21.  Problems 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 on page 236 of I-ch4-1.

3rd assignment: Due 9/15/21 page 257, problems 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

4th assignment: Due 9/27/21  Pages 278 and 279, problems 1 to 10

5th assignment: Due 10/4/21 Page 265, problems 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
6th assignment: Due 10/11/21 Page 305, problems 1 to 7
7th assignment: 
8th assignment:
9th assignment:

10th assignment: 

11th assignment:

12th assignment: 

13th (and last) assignment:

Grading Policy: The overall numerical grade will be computed by the formula   20% Homework + 20 % Student Lecture + 20% class participation + 40% Final Exam   

Final Exam: Wednesday, December 8, 8:30-11:00 PM

N. B. Use of calculators is not permitted in any of the examinations.

  Special Needs: 
If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact on your ability to carry out assigned course work, I would urge you to contact the staff in the Disabled Student Services office (DDS), Room 113, humanities, 632-6748/TTD.  DSS will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate.  All information and documentation of disabilities is confidential.