MAT 203 (Lec 2)

This is the no-frills webpage of the Fall 2018 section of MAT 203, Lecture 2.

Final exam room assignments:

Exam time: Thursday Dec 13, 2:15pm - 5:00pm

R20 Javits 103
R21 Javits 103
R22 Light Engineering 102
R23 Light Engineering 102
R24 Light Engineering 102

All course information will be provided on this page as it becomes available

1. Click here to get fact-sheet/syllabus/homework page (pdf)

2. My office hours have changed: They are now TTh 1pm-2:30pm

3. Here are SOLUTIONS for HW1 (.pdf).

4. Here are SOLUTIONS for HW2 (.pdf).

5. Here are SOLUTIONS for HW3 (.pdf).

6. The first midterm will take place Thursday, Oct 4.

It is an in-class midterm, so come to the usual lecture hall: Engineering 145.
No Calculators, computers, or formula sheets are allowed.
All you need is a pen or pencil.

7. Here are SOLUTIONS for HW4 (.pdf).

8. Here are SOLUTIONS for Exam 1 (.pdf).

9. Here are SOLUTIONS for HW5 (.pdf).

10. I assigned problem 44 in 13.9, but there is no such problem in the text. The syllabus has been corrected to omit this problem.

11. Here are SOLUTIONS for HW6 (.pdf).

12. Here are SOLUTIONS for HW7 (.pdf). (Corrected as of Oct. 24)

13. The syllabus has been corrected: The second midterm will take place on Thursday, Nov 8, 5:30pm in the usual classroom: Engineering 154

12. Here are SOLUTIONS for HW8 (.pdf).

13. Here are some PRACTICE PROBLEMS (.pdf) for the second exam.

14. Here are SOLUTIONS for HW9 (.pdf).

14.(b) Here are SOLUTIONS for HW10 (.pdf).

15. Here are SOLUTIONS for Exam 2 (.pdf).

16. Here are some PRACTICE PROBLEMS (.pdf) for the final exam.

Final exam room assignments:

Exam time: Thursday Dec 13, 2:15pm - 5:00pm

R20 Javits 103
R21 Javits 103
R22 Light Engineering 102
R23 Light Engineering 102
R24 Light Engineering 102