Subject | Papers |
Homotopy Theory | 14, 17, 18, 20, 24, 35, 39, 50, 117, 122, 123 |
Manifold Classification (smooth, PL, topological) | 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 63, 105, 117, 121 |
Singularities | 7, 10, 116 |
Homology Theory | 23, 24, 25, 30, 35, 116, 123, 132 |
Dynamical Systems | 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 30, 32, 36, 45, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 64, 67, 72, 73, 77, 86, 98, 103 |
Geometry of Manifolds, Flat bundles | 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 41, 56, 60, 66 |
Differential Geometry | 27, 28, 39, 40, 62, 66, 76, 78, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87 |
Kleinian Groups | 44, 45, 48, 49, 53, 54, 55, 56, 65, 78 |
Foliations of Manifolds | 33, 36, 38, 40, 43, 51 |
Sobolev Manifolds (bilipschitz and quasiconformal) | 41, 42, 63, 88, 96, 99, 101, 110, 113 |
Holomorphic Dynamics | 56, 57, 58, 64, 70, 71, 73, 74, 80, 89, 92, 94, 97, 100, 106, 109 |
Logic | 47, 61 |
One Dimensional Dynamics and Analysis | 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 102, 107, 112, 119 |
Probability and Brownian Motion | 66, 68, 75 |
Optimal Control | 69 |
Circle Packings | 81 |
String Topology | 111, 114, 115, 118, 120, 124, 125 |
Differential Cohomology | 123, 126 |
Homotopical Algebra | 39, 127, 129, 136 |
Fluids | 128, 131, 135 |
[ 1] | Triangulating Homotopy Equivalences . Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton. (1966) 187 pages. (See [105]). |
[ 2] | Triangulating Homotopy Equivalences . Preprint, Univ. of Warwick (1967), 10 pages. |
[ 3] | Smoothing homotopy Equivalences . Preprint Univ. of Warwick (1967), 12 pages. |
[ 4] | On the Hauptvermutung for Manifolds . Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 73 (1967), 598-600. |
[ 5] | On the Regular Neighborhood of a two-sided submanifold (with M. Cohen). Topology 9 (1970), 141-147. |
[ 6] | Geometric Topology I. Localization, Periodicity & Galois Symmetry . MIT 1970, Mimeogr. Notes, 432 pages. (See [20] and [117]). |
[ 7] | Combinatorial Invariants of Analytic Spaces . Proc. Liverpool Singularity Symposium, I (1969/70), 165-168, Lecture Notes in Math. 192 Springer, Berlin, 1971. |
[ 8] | Geometric Periodicity & the Invariants of Manifolds . Manifolds- Amsterdam 1970, 44-75, Lecture Notes in Math. 197 Springer, Berlin, 1971. |
[ 9] | Galois Symmetry in Manifold Theory at the Primes . Actes du Congres International des Mathematiciens (Nice, 1970), Tome 2, pp.169-175. Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1971. (See [117]). |
[ 10] | Singularities in Spaces . Proc. of Liverpool Singularities Symposium II, 196-206, Lecture Notes in Math. 209 Springer, Berlin, 1971. |
[ 11] | On the Kervaire Obstruction (with C. Rourke). Ann. of Math.(2) 94 (1971), 397-413. |
[ 12] | The Signature, Geometric cycles, and K-theory . Manuscript 1973/74. (See P. Seigel, Witt spaces: a geometric cycle theory for K_0 homology at odd primes. Amer. J. Math. 105 (1983), 1067-1105). |
[ 13] | The Transversality Characteristic Classes and Linking Classes in Surgery Theory (with J. Morgan). Ann. of Math.(2) 99 (1974), 463-544. |
[ 14] | Genetics of Homotopy Theory and the Adams Conjecture . Ann. of Math.(2) 100 (1974), 1-79. |
[ 15] | A Remark on the Lefschetz fixed point formula for differential Maps (with M. Shub). Topology 13 (1974), 189-191. |
[ 16] | Inside and Outside Manifolds . Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. (Vancouver. B.C., 1974 Vol.1, pp. 201-207. Canad. Math. Congress, Montreal, 1975). |
[ 17] | Differential Forms and the Topology of Manifolds . Manifolds-Tokyo 1973 (Proc. International Conf. Tokyo, 1973), pp. 37-49. Univ. Tokyo Press, Tokyo 1975. |
[ 18] | Homology Theory and Dynamical Systems (with M. Shub). Topology 14 (1975), 109-132. |
[ 19] | On the Intersection Ring of Compact Three Manifolds . Topology 14 (1975), 275-277. |
[ 20] | Geometric Topology, Localization, Periodicity & Galois Symmetry . Paru dans biblioteka cirica { Matematika}. ((Version russe, 1975)). |
[ 21] | Genericity theorems in topological dynamics (with J. Palis, C.Pugh, M. Shub). Dynamical Systems, Univ. Warwick, Coventry, 1973/ 1974, Lect. Notes in Math., 241-250, Lecutre Notes in Math. 468, Springer, Berlin, 1975. |
[ 22] | A Topological Invariant of Flows on 1-Dimensional Spaces (with B. Parry). Topology 14 (1975), 297-299. |
[ 23] | Currents, flows and diffeomorphisms (with D. Ruelle). Topology 14 (1975), 319-327. |
[ 24] | Real Homotopy Theory of Kahler Manifolds (with P. Deligne, P. Griffiths, J. Morgan). Invent. Math. 29 No. 3 (1975), 245-274. (See also Seminaire Bourbaki, Vol. 1975/76, Exp. No. 475, 69-80. Lecture notes in Math., 567, Springer, Berlin, 1977). |
[ 25] | The Euler Characteristic of an affine space form is zero (with B. Kostant). Bull. AMS 81, (1975), 937-938. |
[ 26] | La Classe d'Euler Reele d'un Fibre Vectoriel a Groupe Structural . C.R. Acad. Sciences. Paris A.B. 281 (1975) no. 1, Aii, 17-18. |
[ 27] | Geometrie differentielle, Sur l'existence d'un infinite de geodesiques periodiques sur une variete Riemannienne compacte . C.R. Acad. Sci. Pari Ser. A-B, 281 (1975), A289-A291. |
[ 28] | Complex Vector Bundles with Discrete Structure Group (with P. Deligne). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. A-B, 281 (1975), A289-A291. Fibres Vectoriels Complexes a Group Structural Discret.. |
[ 29] | A Semi-Local Combinatorial Formula for the Signature of a 4k-Manifold (with A. Ranicki). Journal of Diff. Geometry 11 (1976), 23-29. |
[ 30] | On the Homology of Attractors (with R. F. Williams). Topology 15 (1976), 259-262. |
[ 31] | A Generalization of Milnor's Inequalities Concerning Affine Foliations and Affine Manifolds . Comment. Math. Helv. 51 (1976), 183-189. |
[ 32] | A counterexample to the periodic orbit conjecture . Publ. Math. IHES 46 (1976), 5-14. |
[ 33] | Cycles for the dynamical study of foliated manifolds and complex manifolds . Invent. Math. 36 (1976), 225-255. |
[ 34] | The homology theory of the closed geodesic problem (with M. Vigue-Poirrier). Journal of Diff. Geometry 11 (1976), 633-644. |
[ 35] | Cartan-de Rham homotopy theory . Colloque “Analyse et Topologie” en l'honneur de Henri Cartan. (Orsay 1974), Asterisque no. 32-33 (1976), 227-254. |
[ 36] | A new flow . Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 82 (1976), 331-332. |
[ 37] | A counterexample to the periodic orbit conjecture . Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS, Volume 46 (1976) , p. 5-14. |
[ 38] | Foliations with all leaves compact (with R. Edwards, K. Millett). Topology 16 (1977), 13-32. |
[ 39] | Infinitesimal computations in topology . Publ. Math. IHES 47 (1977), 269-331. |
[ 40] | A foliation of geodesics is characterized by having no "tangent homologies" . Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 13 (1978), 101-104, North Holland Publ. Co. |
[ 41] | On complexes that are lipshitz manifolds (with L. Siebenmann). Proc. of Georgia Topology Conference (1977) Academic Press New York-London (1979), 503-525. |
[ 42] | Hyperbolic geometry and homeomorphisms . (Proceedings of Georgia Topology, Conference 1977) Academic Press New York-London (1979), 543-555. |
[ 43] | A homological characterization of foliations consisting of minimal surfaces . Commentari Math. Helvetici 54 (1979), 218-223. |
[ 44] | On the density at infinity of a discrete group of hyperbolic motions . Publications Mathematiques IHES, 50 (1979), 171-209. |
[ 45] | Rufus Bowen (1947-1978) . Inst. Hautes Etudes Sci. Publ. Math. 50 (1979), 7-9. |
[ 46] | Travaux de Thurston sur les Groupes Quasi-Fuchsiens et les Varietes Hyperboliques de Dimension 3 Firbrees sur $S^1$ . {Seminaire Bourbaki} 1979/80 no. 554. |
[ 47] | For $n>3$, there is only One Finitely Additive Measure on $S^n$ Rotationally Invariant and defined on all Lebesgue Measurable Sets . {Bull. of AMS} (4) 1981 No. 1 pp. 121-123. |
[ 48] | A Finiteness Theorem for Cusps . {Acta Math.} 147 (1981), 289-299. |
[ 49] | Growth of Positive Harmonic Functions and Kleinian Group Limit Sets of Zero Planar Measure and Hausdorff Dimension Two . N. H. Kuiper volume, {Springer Lecture Notes in Math}. 894 (1981)127-144. |
[ 50] | Zariski Dynamics of a Homotopy Type (with R. Body). Manuscript 1978. (See [109]). |
[ 51] | Geometry of Leaves (with A. Phillips). Topology 20 (1980), no. 209-218. |
[ 52] | On Lifting Automorphisms of monotone Σ-complete C*-Algebras (with J. D. Matiland Wright). { The Quarterly Journal of Math.} Clarendon Press, Oxford, 32, No. 127 (1981). |
[ 53] | On the Ergodic Theory at Infinity of an Arbritrary Discrete Group of Hyperbolic Motions . Princeton Univ. Press, Proceedings of the 1978 Stony Brook Conference on Kleinian Groups, June 1978. |
[ 54] | Disjoint Spheres, Diophantine approximations, and the Logarithm Law for Geodesics . {Acta Math.} 149 (1982), 215-237. |
[ 55] | Discrete conformal groups and measurable dynamics . {Proc. Of Poincare Symposium} (#39 of PSPM) 1983, part 1, 169., Bloomington, Indiana. Reprinted from {Bull. AMS} (W.S.) 6 (1982), 57-73. |
[ 56] | Seminar on conformal and hyperbolic geometry, notes by M. Baker and J. Seade . Preprint IHES, 1982, 92 pp. |
[ 57] | Iteration des fonctions analytiques complexes. (French) [Iteration of complex analytic functions] . C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math 294 (1982), no. 9, 301-303. |
[ 58] | On the Dynamics of Rational Maps (with R. Mane, P. Sad). {Ann.Scient. Ec. Norm. Sup.} (4) serie 16 (1983), 193-217. |
[ 59] | Conformal Dynamical Systems . Proc. of International Systems Conference, Rio de Janeiro, IMPA, 1981. {Springer Verlag Lec. Notes in Math}. 1007 (1983), “Geometric Dynamics”, pp 725-752. |
[ 60] | Manifolds with canonical coordinates charts: some examples (with W. Thurston). L'Enseignment Mathematique (2) 229 (1983) no. 1-2 pp. 15-25. |
[ 61] | Division algebras and the Hausdorff-Banach-Tarski Paradox (with P. Deligne). Enseignement Mathematique. t.29 (1983), 145-150. |
[ 62] | The Dirichlet Problem at infinity for a negatively curved manifold . Journal of Diff. Geometry, 18 (1983), 723-732. |
[ 63] | An analytic proof of Novikov's theorem on rational Pontrjagin classes (with N. Teleman). Publ. Math. IHES no. 58 (1983), 79-81. |
[ 64] | On the iteration of a rational function: computer experiments with Newton's method (with J. H. Curry, L. Garnett). {Communications and Math. Physics}, 91 (1983), 267-277. |
[ 65] | Etropy, Hausdorff Measures old and new, and limit sets of geometryically finite groups . Acta Math.153 (1984), 259-277. |
[ 66] | Function theory, random paths and covering spaces (with T. Lyons). J. Diff. Geometry 19 (1984), 299-323. |
[ 67] | Rational ergodicity of geodesic flows (with J. Aaronson). Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 4 (1984) 165-178. |
[ 68] | Brownian motion and harmonic functions on the class surface of thrice punctured sphere (with H. McKean). Advances in Mathematics, 51, no. 3 (1984), 203-211. |
[ 69] | Nilpotent bases for distributions and control systems (with H. Hermes, A. Lundell). Journal of Diff. Equations 55 no. 3 (1984), 385-400. |
[ 70] | Quasiconformal homeomorphisms and dynamics I. Solution of the Fatou-Julia problem on wandering domains . Annals of Mathematics, 122 (1985), 401-418. |
[ 71] | Quasiconformal homeomorphisms and dynamics II. Structural Stability Implies Hyperbolocity for Kleinian Groups . {Acta Mathematica} 155 (1985), 243-260. |
[ 72] | Expanding endomorphisms of the circle revisited (with M. Shub). Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 5 (1985), 285-289. |
[ 73] | On the measurable dynamics of the exponential map (with E. Ghys, L. Goldberg). Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 5 (1985), no. 3, 329-335. |
[ 74] | On the dynamical structure near an isolated completely unstable elliptic fixed point . Atas do 14 Coloquio Brasileiro de Matematica, vol. II, Publ. do IMPA, 1985, 529-542. |
[ 75] | A relation between probability, geometry and dynamics-the random path of the heat equation on a Riemannian manifold . Atas do 14 Coloquio Brasileiro de Matematica, vol. II, Publ. do IMPA, 1985, 553-559. |
[ 76] | Related aspects of positivity: λ-Potential theory on manifolds lowest eigenstates, Hausdorff geometry, renormalized Markov processes . Aspects of Mathematics and its Applications, North-Holland Mathematical Library, 34 (1986). |
[ 77] | Generic dynamics and monotone complete C*-algebras (with B. Weiss, J. Wright). {Trans. of the AMS} 295, (1986), 795-809. |
[ 78] | Ground state and lowest eigenvalue of the Laplacian for non-compact hyperbolic surfaces (with T. Pignataro). C.M.P. 104 (1986), 529-535. |
[ 79] | Quasiconformal homeomorphisms in dynamics, topology, and geometry . {Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians}, Berkeley, CA., Vol. 2, (1986), 1216-1228. |
[ 80] | Extending holomorphic motions (with W. Thurston). Acta Math.157 (1986), 243-257. |
[ 81] | The convergence of circle packings to the Riemann mapping (with B. Rodin). {J. of Diff. Geometry}, 26, no. 3 (1987), 349-360. |
[ 82] | Related aspects of positivity in Riemannian geometry . {J. of Diff. Geo.} 25 (1987), 327-351. |
[ 83] | Estimating small eigenvalue of Riemann Surfaces (with J. Dodziuk, T. Pignataro, B. Randol). {Contemporary Mathematics}, Vol 64, 1987, 93-121. |
[ 84] | The spinor representation of minimal surfaces in space . Preprint Texas 1986 (a letter to H. Rosenberg). |
[ 85] | On negative curvature, variable, pinched and constant . Preprint Texas 1986. (See [79]). |
[ 86] | Differentiable structures on fractal like Sets, determined by intrinsic scaling functions on dual Cantor Sets . {Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics}, 48 (1988), 15-23. |
[ 87] | Variation of the Green Function on Reimann surfaces and Whitney's holomorphic stratification conjecture (with R. Hardt). Inst. Hautes Etudes Sci. Publ. Math. No. 68 (1988), 115-137. |
[ 88] | Quasiconformal 4-manifolds (with S. K. Donaldson). {Acta Mathematica}, 163, 1989, 181-252. |
[ 89] | Bounded structure of infinitely renormalizable mappings. (The Quasiconformal Explanation of the Universal Constants in One Dimensional Dynamical Bifurcations) . Cvitanovi$\`c$, {Universality of Chaos}, 2nd Edition, Adam Hilger, Bristol, England, 1989. (See [92]). |
[ 90] | On conformal welding homeomorphisms associated to Jordan Curves (with Y. Katznelson, S. Nag). { Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae}, Series A. I. Mathematica, 15}, 1990, 293-306. |
[ 91] | Renormalization, Zygmund smoothness and the Epstein class. Chaos, order & patterns . (Lake Como, 1990), 25-34, Nato Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. B Phys., 280, Plenum, New York, 1991. |
[ 92] | Bounds, quadratic differentials and renormalization conjectures . {AMS Centennial Publications}, II. “Mathematics into the 21st Century.” (1988 Centennial Symposium, Aug. 8-12), American Mathematical Society, Providence, R. I., 1992, 417-466. |
[ 93] | Quantized calculus on the circle and quasi Fuchsian Groups (with A. Connes). Preprint IHES, 1994. |
[ 94] | Expanding directions of period doubling operator (with Yunping Jiang, T. Morita). {Comm. of Math. Physics} 144, 1992, 509-520. |
[ 95] | Symmetric structures on a closed curve (with F. Gardiner). Amer. J. Math. 114 (1992), 683-736. |
[ 96] | Formules locales pour les classes de Pontrajagin topologiques (French) [Local formulas for topological Pontryagin classes] (with A. Connes, N. Teleman). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 317 (1993), no. 5, 521-526. |
[ 97] | Linking the universalities of Milnor-Thurston, Feigenbaum and Ahlfors-Bers . {Topological Methods in Modern Mathematics}. The Proceedings of Symposium held in honor of John Milnor's 60th Birthday, SUNY at Stony Brook, June 14-21, 1991. Publisher Perish, Inc. |
[ 98] | Infinite cascades of braids and smooth dynamical systems (with Jean-Marc Gambaudo, C. Tresser). {Topology}, 33, No. 1, (1994) 85-94. |
[ 99] | Quasiconformal mappings, operators on Hilbert space and local formulae for characteristic classes (with A. Connes, N. Teleman). {Topology}, 33(1994), No. 4, pp. 663-681. |
[100] | Lacunary series aas quadratic differentials in conformal dynamics (with F. Gardiner). {Contemporary Mathematics}, (AMS Series), 169, (1994) 307-330. |
[101] | Exterior d, the local degree and smoothability . Proceedings of a Conference in honor of William Browder, 1995 {Annals of Math Studies}, Vol. 138, Princeton University Press. Pp. 328-338. |
[102] | Teichmuller theory and the universal period mapping via quantum calculus and the H (1/2) space on the circle (with S. Nag). Osaka Journal of Mathematics,(1995) 32, no. 1 pp.1-34. |
[103] | Wandering domains and invariant conformal structures for mappings of the 2-Torus (with A. Norton). Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 21 (1996), no. 1, 51-68. |
[104] | Determinant bundles, Quillen metrics and Mumford isomorphisms over the universal commensurability Teichmuller space (with I. Biswas, S. Nag). Acta Math. 176 (1996), no. 2, 145-169. |
[105] | Triangulating and smoothing homotopy equivalences and homeomorphisms. Geometric Topology Seminar Notes . The Hauptvermutung book, 69-103, K-Monogr. Math., 1, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1996. |
[106] | Dynamics of geometrically finite rational maps (with G. Cui, Y. Jiang). Manuscript 1996. |
[107] | Topological conjugacy of circle diffeomorphisms (with J. Hu). Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 17 (1997), 173-186. |
[108] | Quasiconformal homeomorphisms and dynmaics III. The Teichmuller space of a holomorphic dynamical system (with C. McMullen). Adv. Math. 135 (1998), no. 2, 351-395. |
[109] | P-universal spaces and rational homotopy types (with R. Body, M. Mumura, H. Shiga). Comment. Math. Helv. 73 (1998), no. 3, 427-442. |
[110] | On the foundation of geometry, analysis and the differential structure for manifolds. Topics in lowdimensional topology, In Honor of Steve Armentrout . Proceedings of the Conference on low-Dimensional Topology (The Pennsylvania State University) Editors: A. Banyaga, H. Movahedi-Lankarani & R. Wells., 89-92, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1999. |
[111] | String topology (with M. Chas). Math.GT/9911159, 29 pages, 8 figures. Subj-class: Geometric Topology; Quantum Algebra. To appear in Annals of Mathematics (2001). |
[112] | Reminiscences of Michel Herman's first great theorem . In "Michael R. Herman" Gazette des Mathematiciens No. 8 (2001). Societe Mathematique de France, Paris, 2001, 91-94. |
[113] | On the locally branched Euclidean metric gauge (with J. Heinonen). Duke Math. J. 114 (2002), 15-41. |
[114] | Closed string operators in Topology leading to Lie Bialgebras and higher string algebra (with M. Chas). Proceedings of the Abel Bicentenniel Symposia, Oslo Norway 2002. arXiv GT/0212358. |
[115] | Open and closed string field theory interpreted in classical algebraic topology . Proceedings of Oxford Symposium for Graeme Segal "Geometry, Topology, and Quantum Field Theory", 2003, ed. U. Tillman, Cambridge University Press, 2004, 344-357. arXiv QA/0302332. |
[116] | Rene Thom's work on geometric homology and bordism . Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 41 (2004), 341-350. |
[117] | Geometric topology, Part I: Localization, periodicity, and Galois symmetry . K-Monographs in Math, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2004. |
[118] | Higher genus string topology (with M. Chas). Manuscript 2004. |
[119] | Dynamical systems applied to asymptotic geometry (with A. Pinto). IMS at Stony Brook University, Preprint No. 6, 2004. |
[120] | Σ-models and string topology . Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 73, 2005. |
[121] | Geometric topology: Localization, periodicity and Galois symmetry . The 1970 MIT Notes of Dennis Sullivan, edited by Andrew Ranicki. K-Monographs in Mathematics, Vol. 8, Springer (2005). |
[122] | A free differential lie algebra associated to the unit interval (with R. Lawrence). (math.AT/0610949) Submitted to The Journal of Topology and Geometry, 2007. |
[123] | Axiomatic characterization of ordinary differential cohomology (with J. Simons). (math.AT/0701077). Submitted to The Journal of Topology, 2007. |
[124] | The homotopy invariance of the string topology loop product and string bracket (with R. L. Cohen, J. Klein). (arXiv math.GT/0509667.) Submitted to The Journal of Topology, 2007. |
[125] | String topology: background and present state . (arXiv math.GT/0710.4141). To appear in Current Developments in Mathematics Conference 2005 Proceedings. |
[126] | Structured vector bundles define differential K-theory (with J. Simons). (arXiv math.AT/0810.4935). |
[127] | Homotopy theory of the master equation package applied to the algebra and geometry: a sketch of two interlocking programs . (arXiv math.QA/0803.588). |
[128] | Algebra, Topology and algebraic topology of 3D ideal fluids . (arXiv math.AT/1010.2721). |
[129] | The Mayer-Vietoris Property in Differential cohomology (with J. Simons). (arXiv math.DG/1010.3300). |
[130] | The Mayer-Vietoris Property in Differential cohomology (with J. Simons). (arXiv math.AT/1010.5269). |
[131] | A finite time blownup result for quadratic ODE's . Peixoto Birthday Volume (arXiv math.AT/1011.0422). |
[132] | Structure of k-cycles on a k-dimensional space (with N. Ranade, C. Sadanand). (arXiv math.AT/1203.5288). |
[133] | Transverse string topology and the cord algebra (with S. Basu, J. McGibbon, M. Sullivan). (arXiv math.GT/1210.5722). |
[134] | The cumulant bijection and differential forms (with N. Ranade). (arXiv math.AT/1407.0422). |
[135] | 3D incompressible fluids: Combinatorial models, Eigenspace models, and a conjecture about well-posedness of the 3D zero viscosity limit . J. Differential Geom. Volume 97, Number 1 (2014), 141-148. |
[136] | A formula for topology/deformations and its significance (with R. Lawrence). Fund. Math. 225 (2014), 229-242. |
[137] | Generalized Euler classes, differential forms and commutative DGAs (with A. Gorokhovsky, Z. Xie). Journal of Topology and Analysis (2019). |
[138] | Lattice Hydrodynamics . Yoccoz Memorial Volume; Asteriques 415; 2020 (arXiv math.AP/1811.00086). |
[139] | Quantitative towers in finite difference calculus approximating the continuum (with R. Lawrence, N. Ranade). Atiyah Memorial Volume; Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 72 (1-2) (2021) 515-545. |
[140] | Numerical Comparison of Momentum Model and Vorticity Model (with A. Kwon, P. Rao, D. An). |
[141] | Rochlin's Theorem, a Problem and a Conjecture (with D. Sullivan). |
[142] | Characters for Complex Bundles and their Connections (with J. Simons, D. Sullivan). (arXiv math.KT/1803.07129). |
[143] | Differential Characters for the K-theory (with J. Simons, D. Sullivan). |
[144] | A Stratified Rational Homology Manifold Version of the Atiyah-Bott Fixed Point Theorem (with D. Sullivan). |
[145] | Infinity structure of Poincar ge duality spaces (with D. Sullivan, T. Tradler, M. Zeinalian). Algebr Geom. Topol. 7 (2007), p. 233-260. |
[146] | Complement to the Thurston 3-D geometrization picture (with D. Sullivan, A. Kwon). (arXiv: 1906.10820). |