MAT 645 |
Prof. Claude LeBrun.
Office: Math Tower 3-108.
Office hours: TΘ 2:00--3:30 pm.
This is the second semester of a year-long course on twistor correspondences in Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian geometry. We will now see how techniques similar to those explored last semester can also shed light on Riemannian metrics of special holonomy, manifolds whose geodesics are all closed, and the Einstein-Weyl equations in Lorentz signature.
A good understanding of last semester's lectures would be helpful, but may not be absolutely necessary. On the other hand, the lectures will certainly presuppose some basic knowledge of Riemannian geometry and complex manifold theory, and students without this sort of background may not be able to follow the discussion.
Grades will be based upon attendance and class participation.
The Professor may be reach by e-mail by
This is the best method for making appointments outside normal
office hours.
Ruling lines on a quadric surface.
Disability Support Services (DSS) Statement: If you have a physical, psychological,
medical, or learning disability that may affect your course work, please contact the
office of Disabled StudentServices (DSS), Educational Communications Center (ECC) Building,
room 128, telephone (631) 632-6748.
They will determine with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate.
All information and documentation is confidential. Students who require assistance during
emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and Disability
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