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MAT 569 |
Prof. Claude LeBrun.
Office: Math Tower 3-108.
Office hours: TΘ 2:00-3:30
This course constitutes the second half of a two-semester
introduction to
Riemannian geometry. Now equipped with a basic
understanding of Riemannian metrics, connections, and curvature, we
will systematically study the interplay between
topology and curvature.
Prerequisite: MAT 568, or the professor's explicit permission.
Homework exercises will be assigned frequently, but only collected on a sporadic basis. You will be expected to work these in considerable detail. Knowing how to calculate is essential for a real understanding of this subject!
Grades will be based on homework and class participation.
The Professor may be reached by e-mail at . This is the best method for making appointments outside normal office hours.
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DSS advisory. If you have a physical, psychiatric, medical, or learning disability that may affect your ability to carry out the assigned course work, please contact the office of Disabled Student Services (DSS), Humanities Building, room 133, telephone 632-6748/TDD. DSS will review your concerns and determine what accommodations may be necessary and appropriate. All information regarding any disability will be treated as strictly confidential.
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Illustration: Boy's surface arising from a minimal immersion of ℝℙ2 into S3.