MAT 531 |
Prof. Claude LeBrun |
Grader: Xuemiao Chen |
This course will offer an introduction to
the elementary theory of smooth manifolds.
will include: vector fields, differential forms,
vector bundles, Lie derivatives,
Stokes' theorem, and de Rham cohomology.
Textbook:John M. Lee,Introduction to Smooth Manifolds, Second edition, Springer, 2012. |
Midterm Exam | Thursday, Mar 12 | 11:30 am--12:50 pm |
Final Exam | Wednesday, May 13 | 5:30--8:00 pm |
Your grade will be based upon your performance on the homework, the mid-term, and the final exam. Each exam is worth 25% of your grade, while the homework will determine the remaining 50% of your grade.
Incompletes will be granted only if documented circumstances beyond your control prevent you from taking the final exam.
Homework assignments and other useful information regarding the
course will be posted regularly
this web-site.
You may e-mail Prof. LeBrun by This is the best method for making appointments outside normal office hours.
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