Here are some phone numbers and web page addresses which provide information about coming to Stony Brook:
- Directions to Campus (and links to train and ferry schedules) Campus Directions
- Stony Brook campus map: Campus Map (math building is in the lower right corner or map grid 4C. Train station is in box 2C. parking garage is in 5E.)
- Port Jefferson-Bridgeport ferry home page: Port Jeff Ferry homepage , Port Jeff Ferry schedule PJ-B ferry phone nummer (516)-473-0286 toll free outside NY 1-888-44-FERRY
- New London-Orient Point Ferry phone 860-443-5281 Orient Point Ferry homepage
- Long Island railroad schedule for Penn Station (New York City) to Stony Brook: LIRR schedule to Stony Brook Return trip available on same page
- Metro North Schedule (New Haven line): Metro Northschedule
- New Jersey Transit 1-800-722-2222 or 1-973762-510 (outside NJ) (Princeton to Penn Station): NJ transit schedule
- Amtrak 800-872-7245 AmTrak homepage There is a schedule finder on this web page. Here are a few specific schedule pages that might be useful in coming to Stony Brook. Amtrak schedule finder
AmTrak (Boston South Sta. to NYC Penn Station): Boston-NYC schedule Return Return
AmTrak Boston to Bridgeport CT Boston -> Bridgeport Return Return- Airports MacAthur airport in Islip, Long Island is by far the most convenient airport to Stony Brook. It is served by USAir, Delta, American and Northwest (last I checked), is sixteen miles from the campus and takes about 30 minutes to drive between campus and airport. Laguardia and Kennedy are about 50 miles away, but I would leave about three hours for ground transport, to be on the safe side. Newark airport off Long Island and the ground transport vans don't usually go there directly. You would have to take some ground transport to Manhatten and then take the train from Penn Station to Stony Brook. You should probably leave 4 or 5 hours for ground transport to Stony Brook. I have never flown in or out of Newark, so I don't know exactly how this works. The other three airports are definitely preferable.
- Airport Ground Transport. From Islip, Kennedy or Laguardia I usually use the shared van service offered by Classic Airport Shareride. Their number is 516-567-5100. Advanced reservations are a good idea. The fare from Laguardia or Kennedy to Stony Brook is around $40 (ask if there is a special rate for going to the Stony Brook campus; there used to be). From Islip, I am not sure, but it should be less (maybe around $20). One can also take a bus (Gray line) from Kennedy or LaGuardia to Manhatten (I think there is a stop at Penn Station) and then take the Long Island railroad out to Stony Brook. There is a also a water taxi from the Delta shuttle terminal at Laguardia which will take you to 34th street at the east river and then it is a few blocks to Penn station (which is also on 34th street). I think the water taxi is $15, but have never taken it myself.