MAT 598 and 475, Fall 2024 Graduate and undergraduate teaching practicum.

MAT 536, Spring 2024 Core course in complex analysis: M-W 10:00-11:20, Physics 127. Textbook is "Complex Analysis" by Don Marshall.

MAT 670, Fall 2023 Topics class on Dessins' d'enfants and quasiconformal folding. Tu-Th 10:30-11:50, Physics P-117.

MAT 402, Spring 2023 MATLAB-based seminar class from Trefethen's book "Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice". MW 2:40pm- 4:00pm Mathematics S235.

MAT 532, Fall 2022 Real Analysis I, M-W 9:45-11:05 , Physics P-124.

MAT 627, Spring 2022 Topics in Complex Analysis: Conformal Fractals, Tu-Th 11:30-12:50, Physics P-112.

MAT 320 Fall 2021 Introduction to Analysis (in-person TuTh 9:45-11:05am; met jointly with MAT 319 for first six weeks)

MAT 533 Spring 2021 Real Analysis II (online lectures, MW 2:40-4pm).

MAT 126 Fall 2020, Calculus B, Lecture 1 (online lecture, in-person recititations).

MAT 638 Fall 2020, Topics in Real Analysis: The Weil-Petersson class, traveling salesman theoresm and minimal surfaces in hyperbolic space

MAT 555, Spring 2019 Introduction to Dynamical Systems

MAT 331, Fall 2018 Mathematical problem solving with computers (MATLAB)

MAT 532, Fall 2018 Real Analysis I (measure theory and functional analysis)

MAT 627, Spring 2018 Topics in Real Analysis (Quasiconformal mappings)

MAT 331, Fall 2017 Mathematical problem solving with computers (MATLAB)

MAT 532, Fall 2017 Real Analysis I (measure theory and functional analysis)

MAT 402, Spring 2017 Undergraduate Seminar: Fractals in Probability and Analysis

MAT 342, Fall 2016 Applied Complex Analysis

MAT 551, Fall 2016 Real Analysis III (Functional Analysis)

MAT 655, Spring 2016 Introduction to transcendental dynamics

MAT 324, Fall 2015 Real Analysis (Measure Theory)

MAT 543, Fall 2015 Complex Analysis II (Geometric Function Theory)

MAT 656, Spring 2015 Topics in Dynamical Systems: Quasiconformal Mappings in Dynamics

MAT 122, Fall 2014 Overview of calculus

MAT 544, Fall 2014 Real Analysis I

MAT 656, Spring 2014 Topics in Real Analysis: Transcendental Dynamics

MAT 118, Fall 2013 Mathematical Thinking

MAT 551, Fall 2013 Functional Analysis

MAT 627, Spring 2013 Topics course on Dynamics of Transcendental Entire Functions

MAT 401, Fall 2012 Undergrad Seminar: Fourier analysis

MAT 551, Fall 2012 Functional Analysis

MAT 550, Spring 2012 Real analysis II: measures, functional analysis, Fourier analysis

MAT 324, Fall 2011 Real Analysis (measure theory)

MAT 638, Fall 2011 Topics in real analysis: probability theory

MAT 542, Spring 2011 Introduction to one variable complex analysis

MAT 543, Fall 2010 Complex analysis II: potential theory and conformal mapping

MAT 118, Fall 2010 Mathematical Thinking

MAT 542, Spring 2010 Introduction to one variable complex analysis

MAT 401 web page (Undergraduate Seminar: conformal mapping, Fall 2009)

MAT 626, Fall 2009 Topics in Complex Analysis: computational aspects of conformal mapping

MAT 542, Spring 2009 One variable complex analysis

MAT 171, Fall 2008 Accelerated Calculus

MAT 626, Fall 2008 Topics in Complex Analysis: the Riemann mapping theorem

MAT 542, Spring 2008 One Variable Complex Analysis

MAT 171 fall 2007 Accelerated Calculus

MAT 324, fall 2007 Measure Theory

MAT 402, spring 2007 Undergraduate seminar: Fourier Analysis

MAT 543, fall 2006 Complex Analysis II: Harmonic Measure

MAT 324, fall 2006 Measure Theory

MAT 627 Conformally Invariant Processes in the plane (Brownian motion and SLE)

MAT 142 web page ( Honors Calculus II, Fall 2005)

MAT 125 web page ( Calculus A, Spring 2005)

MAT 639 web page (Topics in real analysis: Spring 2005)

MAT 122 web page (Overview of Calculus, fall 2004)

MA 401 web page (Undergraduate Seminar: Dimension and fractals, fall 2004)

MAT 125 web page (Calculus A, spring 2004)

MAT627 web page (Topics in complex analysis: conformal mappings and hyperbolic geometry , spring 2004)

MAT 122 web page (Overview of Calculus, fall 2003)

MAT626 web page (Topics in complex analysis: Kleinian groups, fall 2003)

MAT 123 web page (introduction to calculus, Spring 2003)

MAT627 web page (Topics in complex analysis: harmonic measure, Spring 2003)

MAT 142 web page (fall 2002)

MAT122 web page (fall 2002)

On sabattical, Spring 2002

MAT 142 web page (fall 2001)

MAT 636 web page: introduction to quasiconformal mappings (fall 2001)

MAT 131 web page (spring 2001)

MAT639 web page (spring 2001)

MAT 141 web page (fall 2000)

MAT 626 web page (fall 200)

MAT 141 web page (Fall 1999)

MAT 626 web page (Fall 1999)

MAT 550 web page (Spring 1999)

MAT 142 web page (Spring 1999)