MAT 566: Differential Topology

Stony Brook            Spring 2025


General Course Information, A Proof and a Modern ``Proof"


All readings listed in the table below are from Milnor&Stasheff's Characteristic Classes, except


Tentative Schedule

Date Topic Read Problem Set
01/28, TuReview/overview of vector bundles Sections 1-3; VB Notes ps1
01/30, ThReview of (co)homology Munkres: Sections 31,33
Appendix A: pp257-260, 263bot-270
02/04, Tu
02/06, ThPoincare Duality Appendix A: pp270-279
02/11, TuStiefel-Whitney classes Section 4: pp37-50 ps2
02/13, ThStiefel-Whitney classes and cobordism
Section 4: pp50-53
Section 5: pp55-70; G&H: pp193-194,207
02/18, Tu(Co)homology of CW-complexes Sect. 6: pp73-74; App. A: pp260bot-263
02/20, Th(Co)homology of Grassmannians Sections 6,7; G&H: pp194-197
02/25, TuSchubert Calculus Vakil's slides; notes; G&H: pp197-206
02/27, ThThom Isomorphism Theorem
Spanier pp255-263; Munkres: pp279-280
Sections 8,10; App. A: pp265bot-268top
03/04, TuApplications of TISection 9
03/11, TuEuler class
03/13, Th
03/25, TuTopology of smooth manifolds Section 11
03/27, Th
04/01, TuChern classes Section 12: pp143bot-146
Sections 13,14
04/03, Th
04/08, Tu
04/10, ThAtiyah-Bott Localization Theorem
Atiyah-Bott's paper: Sections 2,3
Notes on Mirror Symmetry: Chapter 1
04/15, TuPontrjagin classesSection 15
04/17, ThChern and Pontrjagin numbersSection 16: pp183-193
04/22, TuOriented cobordism ring Section 16: pp190-195; Section 17
04/24, ThSome homotopy theory Spainer: Sections 7.2-7.5
04/29, TuThom-Pontrjagin constructionSection 18
05/01, ThMultiplicative sequencesSection 19
05/06, TuHirzebruch Signature Theorem
05/08, ThExotic smooth structures on S7 Milnor's paper

This page is maintained by Aleksey Zinger.
Last modified: February 10, 2025.