MAT 566: Differential Topology
Stony Brook Spring 2015 |
Starting Wednesday, February 4, the class will be held in Physics P-125. Here is general information about the course.
All readings listed in the table below are from Milnor&Stasheff's Characteristic Classes, except
Aleksey Zinger
E-mail: azinger@math
Phone: 432-8618
Office: Math Tower 3-117
Office Hours: Tu 9-12
Problem Set 4 is due on Thursday, March 26, by 5pm, in 3-111
Date | Topic | Read | Problem Set |
01/26, M | snow day | ||
01/28, W | Review/overview of vector bundles | Sections 1-3; VB Notes | ps1 |
02/02, M | snow day | ||
02/04, W |
Review of (co)homology (Co)homology of manifolds |
Munkres: Sections 31,33 Appendix A: pp257-260, 263bot-270 Appendix A: pp270-279 | |
02/09, M | Stiefel-Whitney classes | Section 4: pp37-50 | ps2 |
02/11, W | Stiefel-Whitney classes and cobordism Grassmannians |
Section 4: pp50-53 Section 5: pp55-62; G&H: pp193-194,207 | |
02/16, M | Grassmannians and vector bundles | Section 5: pp62-70 | |
02/18, W | (Co)homology of CW-complexes | Sect. 6: pp73-74; App. A: pp260bot-263 | |
02/23, M | (Co)homology of Grassmannians | Sections 6,7; G&H: pp194-197 | |
02/25, W | Schubert Calculus | G&H: pp197-206; Vakil's slides | |
03/02, M | Thom Isomorphism Theorem |
Spanier pp255-263; Munkres: pp279-280 Sections 8,10; App. A: pp265bot-268top |
ps3 |
03/04, W | |||
03/09, M | Euler class | Section 9 | ps4 |
03/11, W | Topology of smooth manifolds | Section 11 | |
03/16, M | Spring Break | ||
03/18, W | |||
03/23, M | Topology of smooth manifolds (cont'd) | Section 11 | |
03/25, W | Chern Classes | Section 12: pp143bot-146 Sections 13,14 |
ps5 |
03/30, M | |||
04/01, W | Pontrjagin classes | Section 15 | |
04/06, M | Workshop on Birational Geometry | ||
04/08, W | |||
04/13, M | Chern and Pontrjagin numbers | Section 16: pp183-193 | |
04/15, W | Applications to oriented cobordism ring | Section 16: pp190-195; Section 17 | |
04/20,M | Some homotopy theory | Spainer: Sections 7.2-7.5 Section 18 | |
04/22, W | Thom-Pontrjagin construction | ||
04/27, M | Multiplicative sequences | Section 19: pp219-226 Warner: Chapter 6 | |
04/29, W | Hirzebruch's Signature Theorem | ||
05/04, M | Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem | Spin Geometry: Chapter III | |
05/06, W | Exotic smooth structures on S7 | Milnor's paper |