MAT 545: Complex Geometry

Stony Brook            Fall 2008



The last office hours for the semester are Monday, 12/15, 5-7 in 3-111 and Tuesday, 12/16, 9-10 in P-143. While this is after the class is over and the last problem set is due, you are very much encouraged to stop by with any questions you might have.


Course Instructor

Name: Aleksey Zinger     E-mail: azinger@math     Phone: 432-8618
Office: Math Tower 3-111     Office Hours: Tu 5-7 in 3-111, W 9-10 in P-143



Date Topic Read Problem Set
9/2, TuFunctions of one complex variable pp1-5 #1
9/4, ThFunctions of several complex variables pp6-9
9/9, TuAnalytic varietiespp9-14
9/11, ThComplex manifoldspp14-20
9/16, TuDolbeault cohomology pp23-27 #2
9/18, ThAnalytic subvarities and integration pp12-14,27-34
9/23, TuSheavespp34-38
9/25, ThSheaf cohomologypp38-49
9/30, Tuno class
10/2, ThReview/overview of algebraic topology pp49-60 #3
10/7, TuIntersections of cycles in manifolds
10/9, Thno class
10/14, TuIntersections of analytic cycles pp60-67
10/16, ThHermitian vector bundlespp67-80
10/21, TuHodge Theorem and applications pp80-84,100-106 #4
10/23, Th Elliptic operators on compact manifolds  
10/28, TuFourier series and applications pp84-91
10/30, ThProof of elliptic regularity pp92-100
11/4, Tu
11/6, ThKahler manifolds and Hodge identities pp106-115 #5
11/11, TuHodge and Lefschetz decompositions pp116-126
11/13, ThLine bundles and divisors pp128-136 #6
11/18, TuAdjunction formulas, first chern class pp136-148
11/20, ThVanishing theorems pp148-156,159-161
11/25, TuSome applications pp156-159,161-164
11/27, Thno class
12/2, TuMaps to projective spaces pp176-182 #7
12/4, ThBlowupspp182-189
12/9, TuKodaira Embedding Theorem pp189-192
12/11, Thno class
12/15, MoAlgebraic varieties pp164-176 

This page is maintained by Aleksey Zinger.
Last modified: December 15, 2008.