MAT 320: Introduction to Analysis

Stony Brook            Spring 2019


Effective 3/12, this website is for MAT 320 only; MAT 319 HW and all other info will be posted on BlackBoard from now on.
MAT 319 and 320 OHs are now separate. The last joint recitation is on Monday, 3/11, in Physics P113.

Final Exam Information

Practice quizzes 1, 2, 4, practice final and solutions 1, 2, 3, 4, final from MIT 18.100B Fall 2010
General Course Information, MLC Hours, Official errata to Ross's book
Sequences and Series, Power Series, Note on Corollary 4.5, Note on Baire Spaces, Note on Theorem 21.11

Tentative Schedule

The lectures are TuTh 11:30-12:50 in Math P131; the recitations are MW 10-10:53 in Math P131.
All assigned readings below are from Ross's required textbook.

Dates TopicRead Problem Set
1/28, M - 2/4, M Mathematical inductionChapter 1
The Completeness Axiom
2/5, Tu - 2/11, M Limits of sequencesSections 7-9
Limit theorems for sequences
2/12, Tu - 2/18, M Cauchy sequencesSections 9-11
2/19, Tu - 2/25, M More on subsequencesSections 11,12
lim inf and lim sup
2/26, Tu - 3/4, M SeriesSections 14,15
Convergence tests for series
3/5, Tu - 3/6, W Review for Midterm ISections 1-5,7-12,14,15 none
3/7, Th Midterm I: joint for MAT 319 and 320; snow date: 3/12, Tu; info
3/11, M Overview of Midterm I; last joint class
3/12, Tu - 3/14, ThMetric spaces Section 13
Convergence, compactness
3/18, M - 3/21, Th no classes, no office hours
3/25, M - 4/1, MMore on compactness pp171-179
notes notes
More on completeness, connectedness
4/2, Tu - 4/8, MContinuous functions Sections 21,22,17-20
4/9, Tu - 4/10, W Review for Midterm IISections 13,21,22,17-20
notes above
4/11, Th Midterm II: info
4/15, M Overview of HW8 and Midterm II
4/16, Tu - 4/22, M Uniform convergenceSections 23-26
Power series
4/23, Tu - 4/29, M Weierstrass Approximation TheoremsSection 27
4/30, Tu - 5/6, M Riemann IntegralSections 32-34
5/7, Tu - 5/9, Th Review for Final Exameverything above none
5/21, Tu final exam, 11:15am-1:45pm: info

This page is maintained by Aleksey Zinger.
Last modified: March 7, 2019.