MAT 127: Calculus C, LO2
Stony Brook            Spring 2015 |
Your grades for the final exam are now available in BlackBoard.
Final Exam: Info,
Course Summary III,
F05 exam/solutions,
S06 exam/solutions,
F09 exam/solutions,
F10 exam/solutions,
Quizzes 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/solutions,
S15 exam/solutions.
Midterm II: Info,
Sequence vs. Series,
Course Summary II,
F05 exam/solutions,
S06 exam/solutions,
F09 exam/solutions,
F10 exam/solutions,
S15 exam/solutions/comments.
Midterm I: Info,
Course Summary I,
F05 exam/solutions,
S06 exam/solutions,
F09 exam/solutions,
F10 exam/solutions,
S15 exam/solutions/comments.
I heard that some MLC tutors could have been better with giving MAT 127 specific answers. If you go to MLC on a Tuesday afternoon, try to speak with Raquel 2-4pm, Jason or Julia 4-5pm, or Jingchen 6-7pm. Between 2-3:30pm on Tuesdays, you can also go to the MAT 127 OHs in Math 4-104.
The homework assignments will be posted weekly on the main MAT 127 website. The course syllabus includes information about grading, homework, and exams and describes other important course policies. Additional details can be found on the main MAT 127 website. Please also print out and read the Supplementary and Additional Course Information. Note that the grader's OHs have changed (02/08/15).
In order to pass this course, it is essential to have solid understanding of the material covered in earlier calculus courses, such as MAT 123/125/126. As will become apparent on the exams, this is much more the case for MAT 127 than it was for MAT 125 or 126. In order to test your readiness for this course, please print out this MAT 127 Early Exam, take it under self-imposed test conditions, and study the solutions once you are done. A score below mid-to-upper teens would indicate that there is background material that you need to review; see Additional Course Information for review suggestions. In the early exam solutions, you'll find a quick way to do many partial fractions, which will be useful in both parts of the course.
  | name | OHs | |
L01: MWF 10:00–10:53am, Javits 103 | Marcus Khuri (Course Coordinator) | | MWF 11am-noon, Math 3-122 |
L02: MW 4:00–5:20pm, Hvy Engr 201 | Aleksey Zinger | | Tu 9am-noon, Math 3-122* |
L03: MWF 11:00–11:53am, Earth&Space 131 | Marie-Louise Michelsohn | | MWF 10-11am, Math 5-113 |
L04: TuTh 8:00-9:20am, Lgt Engr 152 | Ali Daemi | | MTh 2:30-4pm, SCGP 304 |
L05: TuTh 4:00-5:20pm, Library E4315 | Yuanqi Wang | | TuTh 2-3:30pm, Math 4-104 |
grader | Xiaojie Wang | | M 9-10am, Math 5-125B W 4-6pm, MLC |
Please free to attend the office hours of any of the lecturers (as well as of the grader). Additional help is available through Math Learning Center and the Residential Tutoring Centers. The morning hours at MLC are usually less popular and thus the staff are more likely to be able to devote more attention to each student.
Due to the relatively large size of the class and other obligations, I may not be able to answer every e-mail. Before sending an e-mail with an administrative question (e.g. about exam locations), please check to see if the answer to your question is contained in the course information handouts (Course Syllabus, Supplementary Course Information, and Additional Course Information), on the main MAT 127 website, or this LO2 website or is available through the Stony Brook University pages; I will not respond to such questions. Please do not e-mail mathematical questions (e.g. how to do a specific problem); instead, please come to office hours or talk with me after the lecture. If you would like to discuss your homework grades (as opposed to the homework itself), please speak with the grader.
Date | Topic | Read | Comments |
01/26, M | snow day | ||
01/28, W | Introduction to ODEs | 7.1 |   |
02/02, M | snow day | ||
02/04, W | Direction Fields | 7.2 | HW1 due soon |
02/09, M | Euler's Method | 7.2 | Add/Drop Date |
02/11, W | Separable ODEs | 7.3 | HW2 due soon |
02/16, M | Exponential growth/decay | 7.4 | HW3 due soon |
02/18, W | Logistic growth | 7.5 |   |
02/23, M | Predator-prey systems | 7.6 | HW4 due soon |
02/25, W |   | ||
03/02, M | 2nd Order ODEs | ODE Notes |
Midterm I 8:45-10:15pm |
03/04, W | HW5 due soon | ||
03/06, F | Intro to Sequences | 8.1 | Drop-Down Date |
03/09, M | Sequences and Series | 8.1,8.2 |   |
03/11, W | The Test for Divergence | 8.2 | HW6 due soon |
03/16, M | Spring Break | ||
03/18, W | |||
03/23, M | Integral Test | 8.3 | HW7 due soon |
03/25, W | Comparison and Limit Comparison Tests |   | |
03/27, F | Ratio Test | 8.4 |   |
03/30, M | Alternating Series Test | HW8 due soon | |
04/01, W | Q&A on 2nd order ODEs + 7.6-8.3 | Midterm II 8:45-10:15pm | |
04/06, M | Convergence Tests Wrapup | 8.4 | HW9 due soon |
04/08, W | Power Series | 8.5 |   |
04/13, M | Differentiation and Integration of Power Series | 8.6 | HW10 due soon |
04/15,W | Substitutions into Power Series |   | |
04/20, M | Taylor Series | 8.7 | HW11 due soon |
04/22, W |   | ||
04/27, M | Binomial Theorem | HW12 due soon | |
04/29, W | Taylor Polynomials | 8.8 |   |
05/04, M | Review: ODEs | 7.1-7.6, Notes | HW13 due soon |
05/06, W | Review: Sequences and Series | 8.1-8.8 |   |
05/13, W | Final Exam 11:15am - 1:45pm |