Online Papers
Geometrization of 3-Manifolds and Related Topics
- Scalar curvature and Geometrization Conjectures for 3-manifolds,
Comparison Geometry, M.S.R.I. Publ.,vol.30, (1997), 49-82.
(PostScript, or PDF).
- Scalar curvature, metric degenerations and the static vacuum Einstein equations on 3-manifolds, I,
Geom. & Funct. Analysis., vol.9:5, (1999), 855-967
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF)
- Scalar curvature, metric degenerations and the static vacuum Einstein equations on 3-manifolds, II,
Geom. & Funct. Analysis, vol. 11, (2001), 273-381.
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF)
- Scalar curvature and the existence of geometric structures on 3-manifolds, I,
Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Math., vol. 553, (2002), 125-182.
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF)
- Scalar curvature and the existence of geometric structures on 3-manifolds, II,
Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Math., vol 563, (2003), 115-195.
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF)
- Extrema of curvature functionals on the space of metrics on 3-manifolds,
Calc. Var. and P.D.E., vol. 5, (1997), 199-269.
- Extrema of curvature functionals on the space of metrics on 3-manifolds, II,
Calc. Var. and P.D.E, vol. 12, (2001), 1-58.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF).
- Geometrization of 3-manifolds via the Ricci flow,
Notices of the A.M.S., vol. 51, (Feb. 2004), 184-193.
- Remarks on Perelman's papers,
(July, 03)
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF).
- Singularities of the Ricci flow,
(June 05, to appear in Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Elsevier)
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF).
General Relativity
- On the structure of solutions to the static vacuum Einstein equations,
Annales Henri Poincare, vol. 1, (2000), 995-1042.
(DVI, PostScript, or PDF).
- On stationary vacuum solutions to the Einstein equations,
Annales Henri Poincare, vol. 1, (2000), 977-994.
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF).
- Asymptotic behavior of static and stationary vacuum space-times,
Proc. IX Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome, 2000, 989-990, World Scientific, (2003).
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF).
- On long-time evolution in general relativity and geometrization of 3-manifolds,
Comm. Math. Phys, vol. 222, (2001), 533-567.
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF)
- Remarks on evolution of space-times in 3+1 and 4+1 dimensions,
Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 18, (2001), 5199-5209.
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF)
- Cheeger-Gromov theory and applications to General Relativity,
in: The Einstein Equations and the Large Scale Behavior of Gravitational Fields,
(Cargese 2002), Ed. P.T. Chrusciel and H. Friedrich, Birkauser, Basel, (2004), 347-377.
(DVI, or PostScript,or PDF).
- Regularity for Lorentz metrics under curvature bounds,
Jour. Math. Physics, 44, (2003), 2994-3012.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- Nontrivial, static, geodesically complete, vacuum space-times with a negative cosmological constant,
with P. Chrusciel and E. Delay.
Jour. High Energy Physics, 10 (2002) 063, 1-27.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- Nontrivial, static, geodesically complete space-times with a negative cosmological constant, II: n > 4
with P. Chrusciel and E. Delay, in:
AdS/CFT Correspondence: Einstein Metrics and Their Conformal Boundaries,
Ed. O. Biquard, Euro. Math. Soc. Zurich, (2005), 165-204.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- Asymptotics of future-complete cosmological space-times,
Classical and Quantum Gravity, (Spacetime Safari Issue in Honor of Vince Moncrief),
vol. 21 (2004), S11-S27.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- Existence and stability of even dimensional asymptotically de Sitter spaces
Annales Henri Poincare, vol. 6, (2005), 801-820.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- Asymptotically simple solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations in even dimensions
with P. Chrusciel.
Comm. Math. Phys., vol. 260, (2005), 557-577.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- On the Bartnik extension problem for static vacuum Einstein metrics,
with Marcus Khuri,
Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 30, 125005, (2013)
- On quasi-local Hamiltonians in General Relativity,
Phys. Rev. D, vol. 82, (15 October 2010), 084044
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- Local existence and uniqueness for exterior static vacuum Einstein metrics,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 143, (2015), 3091-3096.
- On the Bartnik conjecture for the static vacuum Einstein equations,
Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 33:1, (2016), 015001
- Embeddings, immersions and the Bartnik quasi-local mass conjectures,
with J. Jauregui,
Ann. Henri Poincare, vol. 20, (2019), 1651-1698
- On the conformal method for the Einstein constraint equations,
Adv. Theor. Math. Phys, Vol. 24:6, (2020), 1325-1374.
- Recent progress and problems on the Bartnik quasi-local mass,
Pure Appl. Math Quarterly, vol. 15, (2019), 851-873.
- On the initial boundary value problem for the vacuum Einstein equations and geometric uniqueness,
with Zhongshan An
(preprint, May 2020, 42 pages)
- The initial boundary value problem and quasi-local Hamiltonians in General Relativity,
with Zhongshan An
Class. Quantum Grav, vol. 38:15, (2021), 154001.
- The Bartnik quasi-local mass conjectures,
(preprint, August 2023, 32 pages).
Einstein Metrics, AdS/CFT Correspondence
- L^2 curvature and volume renormalization of AHE metrics on 4-manifolds,
Math. Research Letters, vol. 8, (2001), 171-188.
(DVI, PostScript, or PDF)
- Boundary regularity, uniqueness and non-uniqueness for AH Einstein metrics on 4-manifolds,
Adv. in Math., vol. 179, (2003), 205-249,
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF)
- On the structure of conformally compact Einstein metrics,
Calc. Var. and PDE, vol. 39, (2010), 459-489.
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF)
- Dehn filling and Einstein metrics in higher dimensions,
Jour. Diff. Geom, vol. 73, (2006), 219-261.
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF)
- Peaks in the Hartle-Hawking wave function from sums over topologies,
with S. Carlip, J. Ratcliffe, S. Surya and S. Tschantz
Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 21, (2004), 729-741.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- Geometric aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence,
in: AdS/CFT Correspondence: Einstein Metrics and Their Conformal Boundaries,
Ed. O. Biquard, Euro. Math. Soc., Zurich, (2005), 1-31.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- On the structure of asymptotically de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spaces,
Adv. Theor. Math. Physics, vol. 8, (2004), 861-893.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- Topics in conformally compact Einstein metrics,
in: Perspectives in Riemannian Geometry, Ed. V. Apostolov, et. al,
CRM Proceedings, vol. 40, Amer. Math. Soc. (2006), 1-26.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- Canonical metrics on 3-manifolds and 4-manifolds,
Asian Journal of Math., vol. 10, (2006), 127-164.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- On the uniqueness and global dynamics of AdS spacetimes,
Class. Quantum Grav., vol. 23, (2006), 6935-6953.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- Unique continuation results for Ricci curvature and applications,
(with Marc Herzlich),
Journal of Geometry and Physics, vol. 58, (2008), 179-207.
(DVI, Postscript, or PDF)
- Erratum: Unique continuation results for Ricci curvature and applications,
(with Marc Herzlich),
Journal of Geometry and Physics, vol. 60, (2010), 1062-1067.
(DVI, Postscript, or PDF)
- Einstein metrics with prescribed conformal infinity on 4-manifolds,
Geometric and Functional Analysis, vol. 18, (2008), 305-366.
(DVI, or PostScript, or PDF)
- On boundary value problems for Einstein metrics,
Geometry & Topology, vol. 12, (2008), 2009-2045.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF)
- Extension of symmetries on Einstein manifolds with boundary,
Selecta Mathematica, vol. 16, (2010), 343-375.
- A survey of Einstein metrics on 4-manifolds,
in: Handbook of Geometric Analysis III, Ed. L. Ji,
P. Li, R. Schoen, L. Simon, International Press, Boston, (2010), 1-30.
(DVI, or Postscript, or
- Holographic Uniformization,
with C. Beem, N. Bobev and L. Rastelli, (preprint, Sept. 2011, 52p).
Commm. Math. Phys., vol. 318:2 (2013), 429-471.
- On the local rigidity of Einstein manifolds with convex boundary,
(preprint Oct 2012 - under reconstruction)
- Static vacuum Einstein metrics on bounded domains,
Annales Henri Poincare, vol. 16, (2015), 2265-2302.
- Alexandrov immersions, holonomy and minimal surfaces in S^3,
(preprint, July 2014 - under reconstruction)
Boundary regularity for the Ricci equation, geometric convergence and Gel'fand's inverse boundary problem,
with A. Katsuda, Y. Kurylev, M. Lassas and M. Taylor.
Inventiones Math, vol. 158, (2004), 261-321.
(PostScript, or PDF)
- Metric tensor estimates, geometric convergence, and inverse boundary problems,
with A. Katsuda, Y. Kurylev, M. Lassas and M. Taylor.
Elec. Res. Annc. of A.M.S. vol. 9, (2003), 69-79.
(PostScript, or PDF)
- On uniqueness and differentiability in the space of Yamabe metrics,
Comm. Contemp. Math. vol. 7, (2005), 299-310.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF).
- Orbifold compactness for spaces of Riemannian metrics and applications,
Math. Annalen, vol. 331, (2005), 739-778.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF).
- The compactification of a minimal submanifold in Euclidean space by the Gauss map,
(old paper, 1984-86, IHES/Caltech Preprint, never published: Journal had the paper
30+ months, then editor said it was "lost", 31pp)
(PDF); scan of original paper.
- Boundary value problems for metrics on 3-manifolds,
in: Metric and Differential Geometry, in Honor of J. Cheeger, Eds. X. Dai and X. Rong,
Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, (2012), 3-17.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF).
- Conformal immersions of prescribed mean curvature in R^3,
Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 114 (2015), 142-157.
(DVI, or Postscript, or PDF).
- Elliptic regularization of the isometric immersion problem,
Jour. Geom. Analysis, vol. 28, (2018), 2768-2779.
- The Nirenberg problem of prescribed Gauss curvature on S^2,
Comm. Math. Helv, vol. 96 (2021), 215-274.