MAT 307 (Multivariable Calculus with Linear Algebra)

Fall 2011

SUNY at Stony Brook

Linear algebra and multivariable calculus are closely related subjects. Even though algebra and analysis (calculus) seem very different, they come together in very naturally in this arena. Differential calculus deals with understanding complicated nonlinear behavior (functions) by linearization (the derivative). When working with more than one variable, the linear objects are more complicated and are organized or understood in terms of linear algebra.
MAT 307 and MAT 308 together cover the same material at MAT 203, MAT 211 and MAT 303 at a somewhat more theoretical level. This means that this course is going to move quickly and will be a significant amount of work. Since MAT 307 only covers about half of the material in MAT 211, students who complete only MAT 307 and not MAT 308 may need to take MAT 211.
There is a lot of material in the text that cannot be covered in class, and you will need to read the relevant sections on your own. The text is rather densely written, so you may not understand it on the first or even second reading. Keep trying - it will eventually pay off handsomely. Ask questions to your instructor and TA.


FINAL EXAM: Monday, Dec 19, 2:15-4:45pm in Melville Library E4320

Monday, Dec 12, Lecture class: Review for Final Exam; please come prepared with questions. The exam will be about 10 problems, covering all topics of the semester, but with a heavy emphasis on material since Midterm II.

Here is the Final Exam

MIDTERM II: Monday, Nov 7, 2:20-3:40 in Lecture Class
Again, the exam will have 5-6 problems, of varying difficulty. Material on Exam: Chapters 5 and 6. No long proofs and no overly long calculations. This exam may be a bit more challenging than Midterm I.

Wednesday, Nov 2: Ch. 5 and 6 Review in Lecture Class
At least part of the class will be review for Midterm II. Please come prepared with concrete problems and issues to discuss. The format is basically: you ask, I answer.

Here is the Midterm II exam

MIDTERM I: Wednesday, Oct 5, 2:20-3:40 in Lecture Class
The exam will have 5-6 problems covering topics in: Chapters 1, 2 and Chapter 4 up to and including 4.3. Difficulty of the problems will vary (some easy, some harder) but overall similar to level of HW problems. No proofs.

Here is the Midterm I exam

MAT 303

Lecture and Recitation

Final Exam: Monday Dec 19, 2:15-4:45pm, Place: TBA



2:20pm- 3:40pm

SB Union


Michael Anderson




Earth & Space


Panagiotis Gianniotis