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- Basic Algebra
- Basic Real Analysis,
with an appendix "Elementary Complex Analysis"
- Stokes's Theorem and Whitney
- Advanced Algebra
- Advanced Real Analysis
- Lie Groups Beyond an
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Terms and Conditions for Basic
Algebra, Basic Real
Analysis, Advanced
Algebra, and Advanced
Real Analysis
Digital Second Edition, not to be sold, no ISBN
©2016 Anthony W. Knapp
Published by the Author
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Terms and Conditions for Stokes's
Theorem and Whitney Manifolds
Original Digital Edition, not to be sold, no ISBN
©2021 Anthony W. Knapp
Published by the Author
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Terms and Conditions for Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction
Digital Second Edition, not to be sold, no ISBN
©2023 Anthony W. Knapp
Published by the Author
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Last modified: 9/1/2023