in dynamics, geometry and topology

Second Announcement

Stony Brook, New York
May 18 (Monday) - May 24 (Sunday) 1998

Current Information

We plan to bring together people looking at laminations and foliations from different points of view in the hope that it will create fruitful interactions between somewhat separated fields. The conference will include both introductory mini-courses and research lectures.

Themes to be included
Riemann surface and hyperbolic laminations, and their relation to conformal dynamics.
Laminations and currents in higher dimensional holomorphic dynamics.
Analytic differential equations.
Groupoids and non-commutative geometry
Geodesic laminations on surfaces; laminations and foliations in 3D manifolds.
Foliations, symplectic and contact structures.

Main Speakers:

Bedford, Bonahon, Camacho, Connes, Eliashberg, Fenley, Fornaess, Gabai, Ghys, Gomez-Mont, Hatcher, Hubbard, Hurder, Ilyashenko, Kaimanovich, Kerckhoff, Kiwi, Mosher, Sibony, Smillie, Sullivan, Verjovsky.

There will also be a number of shorter talks in parallel sessions.

The Conference is supported by the NSF and the Rosenbaum Foundation.

There will be a registration fee of $35 for faculty, $20 for students.

We have reserved blocks of rooms at 2 hotels near the campus for attendees of the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you this spring in Stony Brook.
The Organizing Committee
Eliashberg, Ghys, Lyubich, Milnor, Minsky, Sullivan, Phillips, Verjovsky.