Dusa McDuff (nee Margaret Dusa Waddington) was born
on October 18, 1945 in London, England. She received her
Bachelor's degree from the University of Edinburgh in 1967
and her Ph. D. from the University of Cambridge in 1971. During
her graduate school years she traveled to Moscow, where she was
greatly influenced by I. M. Gel'fand.
After finishing her doctorate, she held a two-year Science
Research Council Fellowship at Cambridge. She was then
appointed lecturer at the University of York (1973-1976) and
then at the University of Warwick (1976-1978). In 1978 she came
to the United States to take a positon at the State University of
New York at Stony Brook, where she is currently Professor
of Mathematics. She has held visiting positions at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (1974-1975) and at the Institute for
Advanced Study (1976-1977).
Professor McDuff was invited to address the International
Congress of Mathematicians in Kyoto, 1990, and the annual meeting of
the American Mathematical Society in
1988. During the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Boulder in
August 1989, she delivered the first American Mathematical Society
Progress in Mathematics lecture.
In 1991 she was awarded the Satter Prize of the American
Mathematical Society, and in 1993 she was elected
a Fellow of the Royal Society.
McDuff's thesis was in Operator Theory:
she solved a well-known problem about von Neumann algebras, by
constructing infinitely many different factors of type
``II-sub-one.'' After her study of Gel'fand-Fuchs cohomology
in Moscow, she worked on the relation between
groups of diffeomorphisms and the classifying space for foliations.
For the past twelve years
she has worked on global symplectic geometry.
At Stony Brook, Dusa McDuff has
been a major participant in Calculus reform; she currently has
four graduate students writing theses under her
supervision; and she has been very active in the Women
in Science and Engineering (WISE) program, which offers
academic, financial and social support to women undergraduate
students in those fields.
For information on the WISE program, contact Dean Wendy
Katkin, SUNY, Stony Brook NY 11794-3391. Telephone: 516-632-6998.