Monday | |||
9:30-10:45 | Jonathan Galvan Bermudez | Counting and Probability | |
11:15-12:30 | Austin Konkel | Cryptography | |
1:45- 3:00 | Tom Sexton | Optimization | Powerpoint for this lecture |
3:30- 4:45 | Lei Wang | The Euclidean Algorithm, Bézout's Identity, and Diophantine Equations | |
KenKen #1ab, KenKen #2ab, KenKen #3ab, KenKen #4ab, KenKen #5ab, KenKen #6ab, or you can play online. | |||
Tuesday | |||
9:30-10:45 | Tom Sexton | Optimization II | Excel file used in this class |
11:15-12:30 | Christine Pitocco | Forecasting | |
1:45- 3:00 | Brennan Williams | The Pigeonhole Principle | Lecture Notes |
3:30- 4:45 | Devin Thelemann | Propositional Logic | |
Here are some for you to try: Suko #1, Suko #2, Suko #3, Suko #4, Suko #5, Suko #6, Suko #7, Suko #8, Suko #9, Suko #10 or you can play online. | |||
Wednesday | |||
9:30-10:45 | Santiago Cordero Misteli | Graphs and Topology | |
11:15-12:30 | Christine Pitocco | Forecasting II | |
12:30- 1:30 | |||
1:45- 3:00 | Joshua Paley | Vectors | |
3:30- 4:45 | Lei Wang | The Euclidean Algorithm, Bézout's Identity, and Diophantine Equations II | |
TwoNotTouch #1+2, TwoNotTouch #3+4, TwoNotTouch #5+6, TwoNotTouch #7+8, TwoNotTouch #9+10, TwoNotTouch #11+12, or you can play online. | |||
Thursday | |||
9:30-10:45 | Thomas Graf | Mathematical Linguistics | Automata Theory for Language |
11:15-12:30 | Austin Konkel | Cryptography II | |
1:45- 3:00 | Santiago Cordero Misteli | Graphs and Geometry | |
3:30- 4:45 | Jonathan Galvan Bermudez | Counting and Probability II | |
Cryptogram handout, Cipher #1, Cipher #2, Cipher #3, Cipher #4, or you can generate some online. | |||
Friday | |||
9:30-10:45 | Devin Thelemann | Infinite Sequences and Series | |
11:15-12:30 | Brennan Williams | Geometry and Sets | Slides |