Monday, February 21
- John Hubbard: Limits of quadratic polynomials as dynamical systems and parabolic blow-ups (joint work with Ismael Bachy, much inspired by Adam Epstein)
- Stanislav Smirnov: Quasiconformal maps and harmonic measure
- Pascale Roesch: The parabolic Mandelbrot set
- Sebastian van Strien: Monotony of entropy
- William Thurston: Real Polynomial Entropy
- Nikita Selinger: Boundary behavior of Thurston's pullback map and Pilgrim's conjecture
- Jeremy Kahn: The Surface Subgroup Theorem and the Ehrenpreis conjecture
Tuesday, February 22
- Curtis McMullen: Moduli spaces for holomorphic dynamics on the unit disk
- Serge Cantat: Complex projective varieties with a large group of holomorphic diffeomorphisms
- Sarah Koch: Moduli space maps and compactifications: a worked out example of mating (Joint work with Xavier Buff and Adam Epstein)
- Nessim Sibony: Dynamics of holomorphic foliations by Riemann surfaces
- Alberto Verjovsky: Holomorphic dynamical systems whose orbit spaces give new examples of compact complex manifolds
Wednesday, February 23
- Mitsuhiro Shishikura: Renormalization for irrationally indifferent fixed points of holomorphic functions
- Carsten Lunde Petersen: Conformally natural extensions revisited
- Anna Zdunik: Equilibrium measures in holomorphic dynamics: stochastic properties
Thursday, February 24
- Arnaud Cheritat: About Zhang's premodels for Siegel disks of quadratic rational maps (slides only, video not available)
- Jan Kiwi: Rescaling limits of complex rational maps
- Charles Favre: Non Archimedean Montel theorem
- Rotislav Grigorchuk: On Milnor's Problem on growth of groups
- William Goldman: Two papers which changed my life: Milnor's seminal work on flat manifolds
- Daniel Meyer: Invariant Peano curves of expanding Thurston maps
- Vladlen Timorin: Partial semi-conjugacies between rational functions
- Hiroyuki Inou: Bifurcation locus of the cubic polynomial family
Friday, February 25
- Adam Epstein: Transversality principles in holomorphic dynamics
- Rodrigo Perez: Jackfest?!?
- John Smillie: Billiards in polygons: an example
- Closing.
A special treat from 1965 (and 2011)
- John W. Milnor: The Earl Raymond Hedrick Lecture Series (1965), Differential Topology
- Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Announcement of the 2011 Abel Prize, awarded to John Milnor.