A R O U N D                                                           


A conference to celebrate Jack Milnor's 70th birthday.
March 9-11, 2001.    Stony Brook, New York.

Invited Speakers:
 A. Douady
 Y. Eliashberg
 E. Ghys
 M. Gromov
 J. Kiwi
 N. Makarov
   M. Shishikura
 J. Smillie
 D. Sullivan
 A. Verjovsky
 J. C. Yoccoz
 S. Zakeri

Organizing Committee:

M. Lyubich, G. Margulis, J. Rivera, Ya. Sinai, L.-S. Young.

Contact Address:
    Institute for Math. Sciences
    SUNY Stony Brook, NY, 11794

    Fax: (631) 632-7631
    e-mail: jackfest at math.sunysb.edu

If you are interested in attending the is conference, please fill out the registration form.

Here is information on travelling to Stony Brook.
Click here for the SCHEDULE.

The conference will be supported by the Clay Institute and the NSF.
Some funding, particularly for junior participants, will be available.