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XXth Annual Geometry Festival

SUNY Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
April 8-10, 2005


The Twentieth Annual Geometry Festival will be held at the Mathematics Department of Stony Brook University from Friday afternoon, April 8, to Sunday noon, April 10, 2005.

Everyone is invited to the Geometry Festival, and graduate students are especially encouraged to attend.


Claude LeBrun, David Ebin, Blaine Lawson, Detlef Gromoll, Dusa McDuff, Mike Anderson, Denny Hill, and Sorin Popescu.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:


Here is our list of speakers.
Abstracts of the talks may be found here.

A list of speakers at previous Geometry Festivals can be found here.


Registration will begin at 3pm on Friday in the basement lecture hall (S-240) of the Mathematics Building. The first talk will be at 4:30PM on Friday, followed by a wine-and-cheese reception.

All remaining lectures will take place Saturday and Sunday.

Participants will be on their own for dinner Friday evening, but will be provided with a list of suggested restaurants.

On Saturday and Sunday mornings, continental breakfast will be served from 8:30–9:30 AM, prior to each day's first talk. There will be a banquet Saturday night (see below).

Of course, coffee and other refreshments will be available during the hours of the conference.

The Festival will end at noon on Sunday, to allow ample time for travel home that afternoon.


We will try to arrange for you to receive a visitor's parking permit for campus lots, provided you request one well in advance of the festival. There should also be metered spaces available for those who forgot to plan ahead. Consult this page just prior to the Festival for the latest updates.

All the conference hotels are several miles from the conference site. However, convenient shuttle bus service will be provided to the participants, free of charge.


We have reserved blocks of rooms at the following area hotels at reduced rates:

Danford's Inn 25 East Broadway, Port Jefferson, NY (631) 928-5200. On the harbor in Port Jefferson village. Adjacent to banquet site. Very scenic.

The Three Village Inn, Main Street, Stony Brook, NY (631) 751-0555. On the harbor in Stony Brook. Scenic location, with a more rural feel.

The Holiday Inn Express (631-471-8000). Charmless, but practical. Rate includes free airport shuttle service.

We recommend you make your reservations as soon as possible, as space is limited. Please mention that you are attending the Stony Brook Mathematics Department conference in order to qualify for a special reduced rate.

Participants are asked to register in advance. A secure electronic Registration Form is available. The registration fee is $30 per person for faculty, and $10 per person for graduate students. For those attending the banquet on Saturday night, there will also be a fee of $50 per faculty member, and $15 per graduate student. These fees will be waived for speakers.

Please check this site from time to time for updates.

Participants will pay for their own travel, hotel accommodations, and meals not provided by the Festival. However, substantial grants from the National Science Foundation and from Stony Brook University will make it possible for us to reimburse the expenses of a large number of graduate students, post-docs, and other qualified applicants who do not have access to travel funds from other sources. To apply for support, follow the procedure detailed below.


This Geometry Festival is supported by grants from The National Science Foundation and Stony Brook University.

Substantial funds have already been set aside for the reimbursement of travel and hotel costs incurred by qualified applicants. Strong funding preference will be given to those graduate students and younger faculty to whom other funds are not available. Please check the appropriate boxes and provide the indicated information on the registration form to help us with this.

If you wish to apply for funding, please email us the following information:

  1. Your curriculum vitae.
  2. Either
    • a list of your publications, or
    • a letter of recommendation.
  3. A statement of whether other support is available to you from the NSF and/or your own institution.
Visa holders and other international guests should be prepared to present their passports, I-94 (arrival/departure record) and other visa-related documents to festival staff if they wish to qualify for funding.

Requests for travel support will be accepted up to the time of the Festival.


This web site will be updated from time to time. Please check it once again for last minute changes, just before you come to the Geometry Festival.

The web site will remain in place for a while after the Geometry Festival is over, so that you can refer to it for information about, and links to, future Festivals.

Please bookmark this site as: http://www.math.sunysb.edu/geomfest05.

Web page: http://www.math.math.sunysb.edu/geomfest05/ Started: February 22, 2005. Updated: April 28, 2005.
Comments to: geomfest@math.sunysb.edu URL: http://www.sunysb.edu