International Conference on
Cycles, Calibrations and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Celebrating Blaine Lawson's 70th Birthday
October 22-28, 2012
Mathematics Department and Simons Center for Geometry and Physics
Stony Brook University

   Confirmed Speakers:
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
Simon Brendle
Robert Bryant
Alice Chang
Jeff Cheeger
Jose Figueroa-O'Farrill
Eric Friedlander
Phillip Griffiths
Vincent Guedj
Robert Hardt
Reese Harvey
Mark Haskins
Nigel Hitchin
Spiro Karigiannis
Conan Leung
Paulo Lima-Filho
Aaron Naber
Louis Nirenberg
Sema Salur
Rick Schoen
I.M. Singer
Gang Tian
Cumrun Vafa
Misha Verbitsky
Claire Voisin
John Wermer

Lectures will begin on Monday, October 22 and conclude by Noon, Sunday October 28.
(Find abstracts for lectures here.)

A Collaboration Workshop
for Graduate Students and Post-docs

An internal workshop for graduate students and young researchers will be run throughout the meeting; it will be directed by Blaine Lawson, Sergei Grigorian and Sema Salur. Its aim is to encourage mathematical interaction and collaborative thinking among the younger participants.

The workshop will begin with an introductory session on Monday, October 22: a number of concrete open questions and themes for research will be presented for discussion throughout the meeting.

Each day in the late afternoon an hour will be reserved for participants to meet and exchange ideas about these problems and any new related questions that come up. Participants will also be encouraged to review and discuss that day's talks. The meetings will take place in a room set aside for this purpose. That room will be kept available throughout each day for the participants. There will also be a "blackboard'' available on the department website for posting comments, papers, etc. relevant to the ongoing discussions.

Anyone interested in participating in the workshop should send a brief CV, and have an advisor or mentor send a brief letter of recommendation, to:
cycles2012-workshop AT

Funding for living expenses and some travel will be available for participants.


The conference will have six full days of lectures and one half day.

See this page for the schedule of the conference,or here for a printable list (with abstracts and titles).

Banquet and Dinner

A banquet will be held on Wednesday, October 24, at Avalon Park and Preserve.

Pricing for the banquet is to be determined.

Please indicate on the registration form if you would like to attend the banquet.

A dinner will be held on Friday, October 26, at the Simons Center Cafe. Pricing for the dinner is:.
  • Faculty: $25
  • PostDocs: $15
  • Graduate Students: $10
Please indicate during conference registration if you would like to attend the dinner.


A conference poster is now available for download here.
Feel free to print and distribute it as desired.


Here is the list of registered participants as of .


Hotel arrangements for the speakers will be made by the conference staff.

All other participants should make their own hotel arrangements and bookings.
See this page for information about hotels.


The videos from the Minimal Varieties in Geometry and Physics Conference include mini-courses on "M-Theory and Calibrations" and "Minimal Surfaces in 3-Manifolds", together with a number of talks relevant to this conference.

Video recordings of all the lectures may be found here.


To contact us, please send an email to cycles2012 AT

Organizing Committee: Michael Anderson, Leon Takhtajan, Marcus Khuri


This conference is made possible by support from