Michelle Manes (University of Hawaii)
Mathematics Teachers' Circle
December 2nd, 2015
Andrew Douglas (NYC College of Technology)
The Creation of a Mathematics Education Program at City Tech, CUNY
February 23, 2015
Stacy Brown (California Polytechnic State University, Pomona)
Problematizing mathematics as a mechanism for supporting teacher knowledge growth
February 16, 2015
Sergei Tabachnikov (Penn State University)
Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters: an immersive undergraduate program
February 1, 2015
Justin Dimmel (University of Michigan)
How do teachers expect students to represent mathematical work? A study of routine ways that proofs are presented and checked in high school geometry
January 29, 2015
Michael Tallman (Arizona State University)
Examining the Pedagogical Implications of a Secondary Teacher's Understanding of Angle Measure
January 26, 2015
Cathy Kessel
Variation in Participation, Stereotypes, and Beliefs about Mathematics
December 2, 2014
Catherine Good, (Baruch College)
Mindsets That Foster Student Engagement in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering
November 7, 2014
Hung-Hsi Wu, (University of California Berkeley)
Textbook School Mathematics and the professional development of teachers
October 27, 2014
Roger Howe (Yale University)
You can't separate content from teaching
September 29, 2014
Alexander Karp (Columbia University, Teachers College)
What is not taught in mathematics teacher education programs?
September 22, 2014
William G. McCallum (University of Arizona)
The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
September 15, 2014