Geometry Festival
in memory of
Detlef Gromoll
SUNY Stony
Brook, Stony Brook, NY
April 17-19, 2009
Detlef Gromoll
(1938-2008) |
Jeff Cheeger, New York University
Quantitative Behavior
of Maps from the Heisenberg Group to L1
Let (X,d)
denote a metric space and let C
denote a collection of metrics on X such that d'∈C implies c•d'∈C for
any real number c>0.
Put ρ(d,C)=
inf{c: d' ≤ d ≤ c•d'}.
Let L denote the
collection of metrics on X of the form d'(x1,x2)=|f(x1)-f(x2)|L1,
for some map f: X→L1, and let N denote the collection of
d on X such that (X,d1/2)
isometrically in L2.
It is easy to verify that L⊂N, and so ρ(d,N)≤ ρ(d,L). If X is finite with
cardinality n, it was shown by Bourgain that ρ(d,L)=O(log n)
for any metric d.
Although the problem of computing ρ(d,L)
exactly is equivalent to other fundamental problems for which there is
believed to be no polynomial time algorithm, there
is a quadratic time algorithm for computing ρ(d,N). Goemans and Linial
conjectured that for some universal constant C>0, independent of
C • ρ(d,C).
Their conjecture was refuted by Khot-Vishnoi (2005) who gave a sequence
examples for which the best C grows at least like a constant times
log(log n). We will discuss a very difference sequence based on the
Heisenberg group, for which C grows at least like (log n)^a for some
explicit a. This is joint with with Kleiner and Naor. It is an
outgrowth of ealier work of Lee-Naor and Cheeger-Kleiner.
Wolfgang Meyer,
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
The Contributions of
Detlef Gromoll to Riemannian Geometry - Part 1
(presented by Blaine Lawson, Stony Brook)
The lecture
will include D. Gromoll's contributions to the
Differentable Sphere Theorem, the Diameter Rigidity Theorem, metric
fibrations, the structure theory for complete
manifolds of nonnegative sectional curvature, results for nonnegative
curvature, and closed geodesics.
Wolfgang Meyer,
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
The Contributions of
Detlef Gromoll to Riemannian Geometry - Part 2
(presented by Michael Anderson, Stony Brook)
The lecture
will include D. Gromoll's contributions to the
Differentable Sphere Theorem, the Diameter Rigidity Theorem, metric
fibrations, the structure theory for complete
manifolds of nonnegative sectional curvature, results for nonnegative
curvature, and closed geodesics.
Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada
Conformal Killing
graphs with prescribed mean curvature
I will discuss
the existence and uniqueness of graphs with prescribed mean curvature
function over a bounded domain in Riemannian manifolds endowed with a
conformal Killing vector field. The domain is contained in a
hypersurface in the integrable orthogonal distribution and the graph is
hypersurface transversal to the flow lines of the field.
This is joint work with Jorge H. Lira.
Guofang Wei,
University of
California Santa Barbara
Smooth Metric Measure
Smooth metric
measure spaces are Riemannian manifolds with
a conformal change of the Riemannian measure and occur naturally as
measured Gromov-Hausdorff limit of Riemannian manifolds. The important
curvature quantity here is the Bakry-Emery Ricci tensor,
which corresponds to the (synthetic) Ricci curvature lower bound for
(nonsmooth) metric measure spaces. What geometric and topological
results for Ricci curvature can be extended to Bakry-Emery Ricci
tensor? Recently there are many developments. We will discuss
comparison geometry and rigidity in this direction.
of Notre Dame
Positive Curvature:
the Quest for Examples
We will discuss
recent progress including the discovery and construction of new
Sormani, Lehman
College and CUNY Graduate Center
The Intrinsic Flat
Distance between Riemannian Manifolds
We define a new
distance between oriented Riemannian manifolds that we call the intrinsic
flat distance based upon Ambrosio-Kirchheim's theory of
integral currents on metric spaces. Limits of sequence of manifolds,
with a uniform upper bound on their volumes, the volumes of their
boundaries and diameters are countably Hm
rectifiable metric spaces with an orientation and multiplicity that we
call integral current spaces.
In general the Gromov-Hausdorff and intrinsic flat limits do not agree.
However, we show that they do agree when the sequence of manifolds has
nonnegative Ricci curvature and a uniform lower bound on volume and
also when the sequence of manifolds has a uniform linear local
geometric contractibility function. These results are proven using work
of Greene-Petersen, Gromov, Cheeger-Colding and Perelman.
We present an example of three manifolds with positive scalar curvature
constructed using Gromov-Lawson connected sums attaching two standard 3
spheres with increasingly many tiny wormholes which converge in the
Gromov Hausdorff sense to the standard three sphere but in the
intrinsic flat sense to the 0 space due to the cancelling orientation
of the two spheres. We conjecture this cannot occur if we exclude
spaces with interior minimal surfaces. This is joint work with S.
transparencies and related preprints are available
University of Cambridge
Connections over Negatively Curved Surfaces
Let M be a
closed orientable surface of negative curvature.
A unitary connection on a Hermitian vector bundle is said to be
if its parallel transport along closed geodesics of g is the identity.
In this talk I will try to show that SU(2)-transparent connections can
understood in terms of Bäcklund transformations and
that the trivial connection is locally unique.
Dedication of Detlef Gromoll Common Room