Below are the lectures from each of the classes, listed by date. These videos aren't perfect, but they are what they are. Maybe you will find them useless, in which case you shouldn't use them. Otherwise, feel free.
Class videos are listed below
- 2013-08-28 (Vectors, lines, and planes)
- 2013-09-04 (Planes and the cross product)
- 2013-09-09 (Lines, planes, and linear systems of equations)
- 2013-09-11 (Technical Difficulties)
- 2013-09-16 (Matrix algebra, determinants)
- 2013-09-18 (Functions of one variable)
- 2013-09-23 (Several variables and partial derivatives)
- 2013-09-25 (Tangent planes, etc.)
- 2013-10-07 (Limits and differentiability)
- 2013-10-09 (Directional derivatives, the derivative matrix)
- 2013-10-14 (Derivatives, gradient vector fields)
- 2013-10-16 (Gradient vector fields, Chain rule)
- 2013-10-21 (Implicit differentiation)
- 2013-10-23 (Extrema and Lagrange multipliers)
- 2013-10-28 (Second derivative test; coordinate systems)
- 2013-11-04 (Integration in other coordinates)
- 2013-11-18 (Improper integrals, line integrals)
- 2013-11-20 (FTC for line integrals, parameterization by arc length)
- 2013-11-25 (Curvature, divergence, curl)
- 2013-12-02 (Green's theorem)
- 2013-12-04 (Green, Gauss, and Stokes thm)