Schedule for MAT 336 - Fall 2021 - Lectures 1 and 2

Week Topics Covered Assignments Presentations
I-8/24 Administrative details
What is mathematics?
The begining of counting
Timeline of mathematics

Register on for the interactive platform before the first lecture, use your SB email.

  • Lecture 1, 11:30am link.
  • Lecture 2, 3:00pm link.

Fill form: Homework 0 (due 8/27)

  • Lecture 1, 11:30am link.
  • Lecture 2, 3:00pm link.

Fill form: topics for presentation (due 8/27)

  • Lecture 1, 11:30am link.
  • Lecture 2, 3:00pm link.

Not yet
II - 8/30
The Ishango bone
Number systems
Primary and Secondary Sources

Homework 1 is here

Reading: Familarize yourself with the syllabus and review slides of Week I.

Not yet
III - 9/6
Reliable sources: Using the Web

Ancient Egypt
Number system.
Multiplication and Division
Unit fractions and the 2/n table
Method of False position.
Areas and Volumes.

Readings (due Tuesday 9/7): The World's First Mathematics Textbook On the Egyptian method of decomposing into unit fractions(first six pages)

Form bibliography, outline and draft of slides (both lectures). Here you'll find examples of of abstract, outline, slides, paper and presentation. The posted example contains finished slides. You need to submit a draft, not the finished product. This form has to be submitted on Friday 9/10 regardless on the date of your presentation. It will be graded as "completed" or "not completed". If all entries except one are filled it will be marked as completed. However, it will be good if you put a bit of effort because will try to give you feedback on your entries. It is fine if by the time of your presentation you need to change some of the items..

Quizz 1.Sample Quiz

Optional Reading: Egyptian Mathematics

Thursday: On the Egyptian method of decomposing into unit fractions (L1: Ioannis, L2: Matt )
IV - 9/13
Ancient Egypt
Method of False position.
Areas and Volumes.
The Pythagorean Theorem
Number System and cuneiform notation
Tables of reciprocals and multiplications

Homework 2 and sample quizz 2 are here

Readings (due Tuesday 9/14): Words and Pictures: New Light on Plimpton 322 (Sections 1, 2, and 6)

Tuesday: A River-Crossing Problem in Cross-Cultural Perspective2 (L1: Jailing, L2: Owen)

V -9/20
Number System and cuneiform notation
Square roots and the Pythagorean theorem
Plimpton 322

Quizz 2

Form topic, bibliography, abstract and math point of the paper is here .

Reading: Mayan calendar and number system

Tuesday Graph in cultures (L1: Keisuke, L2: Kenny ) (see also here)

Thursday: Aztec Arithmetic: Positional Notation and Area Calculation (L1: Daniel, L2: Chun-chi )(see also here)

VI - 9/27
Around the world
Mayan Mathematics
Inca Mathematics
Mathematics in Africa
The beginnings of mathematics in Greece
Three famous problems of the antiquity

Homework 3 is here


Tuesday: Origin and Evolution of the Secant Method in One Dimension (L1: Martin, L2: NOT ASSIGNED )

Tuesday: Thales (L1: Zoya, L2: Mary )

Thursday: Euler and the Bridges of Konigsberg (L1: Jay , L2: Solomon)

Thursday: History of graph theory after Euler (L1: Syed, L2: Richard )

VII - 10/4
The beginnings of mathematics in Greece
Plato, Aristotle
The idea of proof
Euclid's Elements
Postulates and common notions.
The Platonic Solids

Quizz 3: (Topics: Number systems: Mayan, Mesopotamian. Mayan calendars -Haab and Tzolkin, see the slides-, Computation of areas in Mesopotamia Mathematics)

Form: Paper outline can be found here. (The outline is the skeleton of the paper. Your paper should be divided into sections, the title of htose sections form the outline.)

Tuesday: Rigor and Proof in Mathematics I (Sections 1 to 6) (L1: Wenrui (John), L2: Tianyu )

Thursday: Rigor and Proof in Mathematics II (Sections 7 to 14)(L1: Cody, L2: Patryk )
VIII - 10/11
Escher, curvature and two dimensional geometries
Discussion about Euclid's fifth postulate.
Fall break: No class on Tuesday Oct 12. Nothing due this week.
Thursday: Is Mathematical Truth Time-Dependent (L1: Mohammed, L2: He )

Thursday: How Hyperbolic Geometry Became Respectable(L1:Lauren , L2: Henry )

IX - 10/18
Euclid's Elements
Geometric Algebra
Pythagorean Theorem
Areas and volumes
Infinitude of primes

  • Euclid's Elements, bilingual version in PDF.
  • Euclid's elements in htlm, with hyperlinks that facilitate understanding.
  • A reproduction of Oliver Byrne’s Elements of Euclid.
  • Tuesday: Archimedes' Quadrature of the Parabola(L1: Jeremy, L2: Twentififty)

    Tuesday: The Geometry of Burning-Mirrors in Antiquity (L1: Nicole, L2: Helen)

    Thursday: The Birth of Literal Algebra (L1: Alex , L2: Zenhao )
    X - 10/25
    More Helenic Mathematics
    Mathematics in Ancient and Medieval China
    The rod number system
    Volume of the sphere
    The Nine Chapters of the Mathematical Art

    Homework 4 is here .

    Optional Reading ( related to Homework 4)
    On proof and progress in mathematics by William Thurston
    Proofs in Mathematics by Alexander Bogomolny
    When is a proof? by Keith Devlin


    Tuesday: The "Piling up of squares" in Ancient China (L1: Zifeng, L2: Qinting)

    Tuesday: Liu Hui and Tsu Keng-chih on the Volume of a Sphere(L1: Xirui , L2: Yike)

    Thursday: The Chinese Hexagram (L1: Zhaoqi-Logan , L2: Lake )See also here and here.

    XI - 11/1
    Mathematics in Ancient and Medieval India
    The Indus or Harappan civilisation
    Geometry and the sulba sutras
    Mathematics and Sanskrit grammar
    Development of Indian numerals
    Jaina Mathematics (Reading)

    Quizz 4

    Form: Draft of paper . Submit the link to the approriate Google doc here


    Tuesday: History of zero (see also here) (L1: Grace, L2: Aiden)

    Tuesday: Ancient Indian Square Roots: An Exercise in Forensic Paleo-Mathematics (L1: Nigel, L2: Joshua )

    Thursday: Multiplication from Lilavati to the Summa (L1: Qiankun, L2: Yinan)
    XII - 11/8
    Mathematics in the Islamic World
    The Islamic Golden Age
    Omar Khayyam

    Homework 5 is here


    Tuesday: Kepler's disovery of elliptical orbits (L1: Hannah, L2: Eial)

    Tuesday: The Story of the Binomial Theorem (L1:Avary , L2: Adam)

    Thursday: The Algebra of Abu Kamil (L1: Pemla, L2: Natalia)

    XIII - 11/15
    A brief history of the solution of polynomial equations
    Quadratic equations
    Cardan and Tartaglia (Reading)
    The equation of degree 5.
    A brief history of Analytic Geometry

    Paper! Submit it in Blackboard. Since I received many requests for extensions, the deadline is postponed until Nov 26 (but you can submit anytime from now on)

    Tuesday: Fermat (L1: Briona, L2: Aaron)

    Tuesday: History of the Euclidean Steiner tree problem (L1: Sierra, L2: Qimeng )

    Thursday: Descartes and Problem-Solving (L1: Elizabeth, L2: Divyan)
    XIV - 11/22
    Calculus ideas before the invention of Calculus

    The invention of Calculus
    Thanksgiving, no class Thursday
    Tuesday: On Gauss’s First Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (L1: Hayley , L2: Eric)

    Tuesday: Sophie Germain (L1:Rebecca , L2: Weiling ) (see also here )

    XV - 11/29
    Selected topics among the following
    Back to the Fifth Postulate
    The four color theorem
    Mathematical history of computers
    A chronology of π
    A brief history of Number theory

    Homework 6


    Tuesday: Mathematicians on Mathematical Patterns in nature, from Antiquity to Turing ( L2: Doyeon)

    Tuesday: Bernhard Riemann and his contributions to mathematics (L1 : Thomas)

    Thursday: Hilbert's problems ( L2: Pen)