Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Research Associate Professor in the
Department of Mathematics, Stony Brook University
Department of Mathematics, Room 3-115
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3651
(631) 632-8262
E-mail :
Interview for the Notices of the AMS, Vol. 65, No. 4 (2018) 416-417.
Travel and activities
plenary speaker at 8th ENYGMMa,
May 3, 2024, Graduate Center - CUNY, NYC, NY
IMSAC Days in Sofia,
August 8 - 10, 2024, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Conferences organized
Spring'25: Advanced Linear Algebra, MAT 315/ 526 and
Topics in Differential Geometry: Hyperkaehler geometry, moduli spaces and
ergodicity, MAT 645.
Past Teaching
I work in the field of complex differential geometry, in particular
on hyperkähler manifolds and on Kobayashi and algebraic hyperbolicity
questions. Here is my CV.
Partially supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation/SFARI (522730, LK)
- (with F. Bogomolov and M. Verbitsky)
Sections of Lagrangian fibrations on holomorphic symplectic manifolds,
arXiv:2407.07877 [math.AG].
- (with Y. Dutta, E.Izadi and L. Marquand)
Some density results for hyperkaehler manifolds, submitted,
arXiv:2403.04868 [math.AG].
- (with G. Mongardi and A. Oblomkov)
Erratum: Symplectic involutions of K3[n] type and Kummer n type manifolds,
submitted, (pdf), here is the
original paper:
arXiv:1809.02810 [math.AG].
- (with G. Mongardi and A. Oblomkov)
Fixed loci of symplectic authomorphisms of K3[n] and n-Kummer type manifolds,
arXiv:2308.14692 [math.AG].
- Finiteness of stable Lagrangian fibrations,
Sao Paulo J. Math. Sci. 18 (2024) 801-806,
arXiv:2308.05844 [math.AG].
- (with C. Lehn) Non-hyperbolicity of holomorphic symplectic varieties,
Epiga (April 2025 edition)
arXiv:2212.11411 [math.AG].
- (with M. Verbitsky)
Roundness of the ample cone and existence of double Lagrangian fibrations
on hyperkahler manifolds, Kyoto J. Math. (2024)
arXiv:2109.08088 [math.AG].
- (with C. Vafa) Kobayashi non-hyperbolicity of Calabi-Yau manifolds via
mirror symmetry (pdf),
Commun. Math. Phys. 378 (2020) 329-334
arXiv:1908.08573 [math.DG].
- (with R. van Bommel and A. Javanpeykar)
Boundedness in families with applications to arithmetic hyperbolicity,
Journal of the London Math. Soc. II. Ser. 109 (2024)
Article ID e12847, 51p.,
arXiv:1907.11225 [math.AG].
- (with M. Verbitsky)
Holomorphic Lagrangian subvarieties in holomorphic symplectic manifolds
with Lagrangian fibrations and special Kahler geometry,
European Journal of Mathematics 8 (2022) 514-522,
arXiv:1902.05497 [math.DG].
- (with G. Mongardi and A. Oblomkov)
Symplectic involutions of K3[n] type and Kummer n type manifolds,
Bull. London Math. Soc. 54
(2022) 894-909, (pdf),
arXiv:1809.02810 [math.AG].
- (with A. Javanpeykar)
Demailly's notion of algebraic hyperbolicity: geometricity, boundedness,
moduli of maps, Math. Zeit. 296 (2020) 1645-1672,
arXiv:1807.03665 [math.AG].
- Twistor spaces and compact manifolds admitting both Kaehler and
non-Kaehler structures,
J. Geom.
Symm. Phys.
46 (2017) 25-35 (pdf),
arXiv:1711.07948 [math.DG].
- (with F. Bogomolov and M. Verbitsky)
Algebraically hyperbolic manifolds have finite automorphism groups,
Commun. Contemp. Math.
22 (2020) No. 2, 1950003, 10 pp.
arXiv:1709.09774 [math.AG].
- (with M. Verbitsky)
Pullbacks of hyperplane sections for Lagrangian fibrations are primitive,
Commun. Contemp. Math.
21 (2019) No. 8, 1850065, 7 pp.
arXiv:1612.07378 [math.AG].
- Survey of finiteness results for hyperkaehler manifolds,
Proceedings of miniPAGES, Banach Center Publications
(2018) 77-86,
arXiv:1607.03215 [math.AG].
- (with M. Verbitsky) Algebraic non-hyperbolicity of hyperkaehler
manifolds with Picard rank greater than one,
NYJM 23 (2017) 489-495,
arXiv:1604.02601 [math.AG].
- (with F. Bogomolov, S. Lu and M. Verbitsky) On the Kobayashi
pseudometric, complex automorphisms and hyperkaehler manifolds,
"Geometry over
nonclosed fields - Simons Symposium 2015", Springer-Verlag (2017) 1-17
arXiv:1601.04333 [math.AG].
- Finiteness of Lagrangian fibrations with fixed invariants,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 354, Ser. I, No. 7 (2016)
arXiv:1509.01897 [math.AG].
- (editor, with R. Donagi, M. Douglas, M. Rocek)
String-Math 2013 ,
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Volume 88, AMS (2014)
- (with Steven Lu and Misha Verbitsky) Kobayashi pseudometric on
hyperkähler manifolds, J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2014) 90(2):
arXiv:1308.5667 [math.AG].
- (with Misha Verbitsky) Families of Lagrangian fibrations on
hyperkähler manifolds, Adv. Math. 260 (2014) 401-413
arXiv:1208.4626 [math.AG].
- Hyper-Kaehler Fourfolds Fibered by Elliptic Products,
Epijournal de Geometrie Algebrique, Vol. 2 (2018),
Article Nr. 7
arXiv:1208.3778 [math.AG].
- Hyper-Kaehler Fibrations and Hilbert Schemes, PhD Thesis (2006)
MIT Library.
- Complex structures on ruled surfaces, Proc. of the 30-th
Spring Conf. of UBM, Borovets, April 8-11, 2001, p.163-168 (2001)
Erdös Number: 4