Ljudmila Kamenova

Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach

Research Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Stony Brook University

Department of Mathematics, Room 3-115
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3651
(631) 632-8262

E-mail : kamenova@math.stonybrook.edu

Interview for the Notices of the AMS, Vol. 65, No. 4 (2018) 416-417.

On hyperkaehler geometry - written for the SCGP, Fall 2023.

Travel and activities

Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar, February 23, 2024, Columbia University, NYC

Singularity theory and hyperbolicity, March 18 - 22, 2024, Newtwon Institute, Cambridge, UK (online participant)

plenary speaker at 8th ENYGMMa, May 3, 2024, Graduate Center - CUNY, NYC, NY

Moduli Spaces and Singularities, May 20 - 24, 2024, CRM, Montreal, Canada

MPS Conference on Arithmetic Geometry, Group Actions and Rationality Problems, May 29 - 31, 2024, Simons Foundation, NYC, NY

IMSAC Days in Sofia, August 8 - 10, 2024, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

Complex Geometry at Large, August 12 - 16, 2024, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria

Japanese-European Symposium on Symplectic Varieties and Moduli Spaces, September 17 - 20, 2024, RIMS, Kyoto, Japan

Monthly Lecture Series on the Geometry of the Cotangent Bundle and Hyperbolicity, February 28, 2025, IMSA, University of Miami, FL

Differential Geometry, Topology, and Special Structures Seminar, May 2, 2025, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC

Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2025, July 21 - 25, 2025, IMSA, University of Miami, FL

  • Conferences organized


    Spring'25: Advanced Linear Algebra, MAT 315/ 526 and Topics in Differential Geometry: Hyperkaehler geometry, moduli spaces and ergodicity, MAT 645.

  • Past Teaching


    I work in the field of complex differential geometry, in particular on hyperkähler manifolds and on Kobayashi and algebraic hyperbolicity questions. Here is my CV.

    Partially supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation/SFARI (522730, LK) 2017-2024.

    1. (with F. Bogomolov and M. Verbitsky) Sections of Lagrangian fibrations on holomorphic symplectic manifolds, submitted, arXiv:2407.07877 [math.AG].

    2. (with Y. Dutta, E.Izadi and L. Marquand) Some density results for hyperkaehler manifolds, submitted, arXiv:2403.04868 [math.AG].

    3. (with G. Mongardi and A. Oblomkov) Erratum: Symplectic involutions of K3[n] type and Kummer n type manifolds, submitted, (pdf), here is the original paper: arXiv:1809.02810 [math.AG].

    4. (with G. Mongardi and A. Oblomkov) Fixed loci of symplectic authomorphisms of K3[n] and n-Kummer type manifolds, submitted, arXiv:2308.14692 [math.AG].

    5. Finiteness of stable Lagrangian fibrations, Sao Paulo J. Math. Sci. 18 (2024) 801-806, arXiv:2308.05844 [math.AG].

    6. (with C. Lehn) Non-hyperbolicity of holomorphic symplectic varieties, Epiga (April 2025 edition) (pdf), arXiv:2212.11411 [math.AG].

    7. (with M. Verbitsky) Roundness of the ample cone and existence of double Lagrangian fibrations on hyperkahler manifolds, Kyoto J. Math. (2024) (pdf), arXiv:2109.08088 [math.AG].

    8. (with C. Vafa) Kobayashi non-hyperbolicity of Calabi-Yau manifolds via mirror symmetry (pdf), Commun. Math. Phys. 378 (2020) 329-334 arXiv:1908.08573 [math.DG].

    9. (with R. van Bommel and A. Javanpeykar) Boundedness in families with applications to arithmetic hyperbolicity, Journal of the London Math. Soc. II. Ser. 109 (2024) Article ID e12847, 51p., (pdf), arXiv:1907.11225 [math.AG].

    10. (with M. Verbitsky) Holomorphic Lagrangian subvarieties in holomorphic symplectic manifolds with Lagrangian fibrations and special Kahler geometry, European Journal of Mathematics 8 (2022) 514-522, (pdf), arXiv:1902.05497 [math.DG].

    11. (with G. Mongardi and A. Oblomkov) Symplectic involutions of K3[n] type and Kummer n type manifolds, Bull. London Math. Soc. 54 (2022) 894-909, (pdf), arXiv:1809.02810 [math.AG].

    12. (with A. Javanpeykar) Demailly's notion of algebraic hyperbolicity: geometricity, boundedness, moduli of maps, Math. Zeit. 296 (2020) 1645-1672, (pdf), arXiv:1807.03665 [math.AG].

    13. Twistor spaces and compact manifolds admitting both Kaehler and non-Kaehler structures, J. Geom. Symm. Phys. 46 (2017) 25-35 (pdf), arXiv:1711.07948 [math.DG].

    14. (with F. Bogomolov and M. Verbitsky) Algebraically hyperbolic manifolds have finite automorphism groups, Commun. Contemp. Math. 22 (2020) No. 2, 1950003, 10 pp. (pdf), arXiv:1709.09774 [math.AG].

    15. (with M. Verbitsky) Pullbacks of hyperplane sections for Lagrangian fibrations are primitive, Commun. Contemp. Math. 21 (2019) No. 8, 1850065, 7 pp. (pdf), arXiv:1612.07378 [math.AG].

    16. Survey of finiteness results for hyperkaehler manifolds, Proceedings of miniPAGES, Banach Center Publications 116 (2018) 77-86, (pdf), arXiv:1607.03215 [math.AG].

    17. (with M. Verbitsky) Algebraic non-hyperbolicity of hyperkaehler manifolds with Picard rank greater than one, NYJM 23 (2017) 489-495, (pdf), arXiv:1604.02601 [math.AG].

    18. (with F. Bogomolov, S. Lu and M. Verbitsky) On the Kobayashi pseudometric, complex automorphisms and hyperkaehler manifolds, "Geometry over nonclosed fields - Simons Symposium 2015", Springer-Verlag (2017) 1-17 (pdf), arXiv:1601.04333 [math.AG].

    19. Finiteness of Lagrangian fibrations with fixed invariants, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 354, Ser. I, No. 7 (2016) 707-711 (pdf), arXiv:1509.01897 [math.AG].

    20. (editor, with R. Donagi, M. Douglas, M. Rocek) String-Math 2013 , Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Volume 88, AMS (2014)

    21. (with Steven Lu and Misha Verbitsky) Kobayashi pseudometric on hyperkähler manifolds, J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2014) 90(2): 436-450 (pdf), arXiv:1308.5667 [math.AG].

    22. (with Misha Verbitsky) Families of Lagrangian fibrations on hyperkähler manifolds, Adv. Math. 260 (2014) 401-413 (pdf), arXiv:1208.4626 [math.AG].

    23. Hyper-Kaehler Fourfolds Fibered by Elliptic Products, Epijournal de Geometrie Algebrique, Vol. 2 (2018), Article Nr. 7 (pdf), arXiv:1208.3778 [math.AG].

    24. Hyper-Kaehler Fibrations and Hilbert Schemes, PhD Thesis (2006) (pdf), MIT Library.

    25. Complex structures on ruled surfaces, Proc. of the 30-th Spring Conf. of UBM, Borovets, April 8-11, 2001, p.163-168 (2001) (pdf).


  • Family

  • Bridge

  • Badminton

  • Aikido

  • Erdös Number: 4