Research Articles by
Claude LeBrun
H-Space with a Cosmological Constant,
Proc. R. Soc. London A
380 (1982) 171--185.
The First Formal Neighbourhood of Ambitwistor Space for Curved Space-Time, Lett.
Math. Phys. 6 (1982) 345--354.
Spaces of Complex Null Geodesics in Complex-Riemannian Geometry,Trans.
Am. Math. Soc. 278 (1983) 209--231.
Twistor CR Manifolds and Three-Dimensional Conformal Geometry, Trans.
Am. Math. Soc. 284 (1984) 601--616.
Ambitwistors and Einstein's equations, Class. Quant. Grav. 2
Foliated CR Manifolds, J. Diff. Geom. 22 (1985) 81--96.
(with M.G. Eastwood) Thickenings and Supersymmetric Extensions of Complex
Manifolds, Am. J. Math. 108 (1986) 1177--1192.
On the Topology of Self-Dual 4-Manifolds, Proc. Am. Math. Soc.
98 (1986) 637--640.
Thickenings and Gauge Fields, Class. Quant. Grav. 3 (1986)
Orthogonal Complex Structures on S6, Proc. Am. Math.
Soc. 101 (1987) 136--138.
Poon's Self-Dual Metrics and Kähler Geometry, J. Diff. Geom.
28 (1988) 341--343.
A Rigidity Theorem for Quaternionic-Kähler Manifolds, Proc.
Am. Math. Soc. 103 (1988) 1205--1208.
(with M. Rothstein) Moduli of Super Riemann Surfaces,
Comm. Math.
Phys. 117 (1988) 159--176.
Counter-Examples to the Generalized Positive Action Conjecture,
Math. Phys. 118 (1988) 591--596.
Quaternionic-Kähler Manifolds and Conformal Geometry,
Math. Ann. 284 (1989) 353--376.
(with M. Anderson and P. Kronheimer) Complete Ricci-Flat Kähler Manifolds
of Infinite Topological Type,
Comm. Math. Phys. 125 (1989)
(with Y.-S. Poon and R.O. Wells, Jr.) Projective Embeddings of Complex
Comm. Math. Phys. 126 (1990) 433--452.
- Ambitwistors and Conformal Gravity, NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. B Phys. 245
(1990) 621--632.
Twistors, Ambitwistors, and Conformal Gravity, in Twistors in
Mathematics and Physics,
LMS Lecture Notes
156, Bailey & Baston, editors, Cambridge University
Press, 1990, pp. 71--86.
Complete Ricci-Flat Kähler Metrics on Cn Need Not Be Flat,
Symp. Pure Math. 52.2 (1991)
Thickenings and Conformal Gravity,
Comm. Math. Phys. 139 (1991)
Explicit Self-Dual Metrics on CP2 # ... # CP2,
J. Diff. Geom. 34 (1991) 223--253.
Anti-Self-Dual Hermitian Metrics on Blown-Up Hopf Surfaces,
Ann. 289 (1991) 383--392.
Scalar-Flat Kähler Metrics on Blown-Up Ruled Surfaces,
J. reine
angew. Math. 420 (1991) 161--177.
On Complete Quaternionic-Kähler Manifolds,
Duke Math. J. 63
(with M.G. Eastwood) Fattening Complex Manifolds: Curvature and Kodaira-Spencer
Maps, J. Geom. Phys. 8 (1992) 123--146.
Twistors, Kähler Manifolds, and Bimeromorphic Geometry I,
Am. Math. Soc. 5 (1992) 289--316.
(with Y.-S. Poon) Twistors, Kähler Manifolds, and Bimeromorphic Geometry
J. Am. Math. Soc. 5 (1992) 317--325.
(with Y.-S. Poon) Self-Dual Manifolds with Symmetry, Proc. Symp.
Pure Math. 54 (1993)
(with M.A. Singer) Existence and Deformation Theory for Scalar-Flat
Kähler Metrics on Compact Complex Surfaces,
Inv. Math. 112 (1993)
Self-Dual Manifolds and Hyperbolic Geometry, in Einstein Manifolds
and Yang-Mills Connections,
LNPAM 145, T. Mabuchi and S. Mukai, editors,
Marcel Dekker, 1993, pp. 99--131.
A Kähler Structure on the Space of String World-Sheets,
Quant. Grav. 10 (1993) L141-L148.
A Finiteness Theorem for Quaternionic-Kähler Manifolds with Positive
Scalar Curvature,
Contemp. Math. 154 (1993) 89--101.
(with S.R. Simanca) Extremal Kähler Metrics and Complex Deformation
Geom. Func. Analysis 4 (1994) 298--336.
(with S.R. Simanca) On the Kähler Classes of
Extremal Metrics,
in Geometry and Global Analysis,
Kotake, Nishikawa & Schoen, editors,
Tohoku University, 1994, pp. 255--271.
(with S.M. Salamon) Strong Rigidity of Positive Quaternion-Kähler Manifolds,
Math. 118 (1994) 109--132.
(with M.A. Singer) A Kummer-type Construction of Self-Dual 4-Manifolds,
Math. Ann. 300 (1994) 165--180.
Anti-Self-Dual Riemannian 4-Manifolds, in Twistor Theory,
LNPAM 169, Stephen
Huggett, editor, Marcel Dekker, 1995, pp. 81--94.
Einstein Metrics and Mostow Rigidity,
Math. Res. Lett. 2 (1995)
(with S.R. Simanca) On Kähler Surfaces of Constant Positive Scalar
Curvature, J. Geom. Analysis 5 (1995) 115--127.
Fano Manifolds, Contact Structures, and Quaternionic Geometry,
J. Math. 3 (1995) 419--437.
Anti-Self-Dual Metrics and Kähler Geometry,
Proc. Int. Cong.
Math. 1994, vol. 1, , Birkhäuser, 1995, pp.
On the Scalar Curvature of Complex Surfaces,
Geom. Func. An. 5 (1995) 619--628.
Polarized 4-Manifolds, Extremal Kähler Metrics, and Seiberg-Witten
Math. Res. Lett. 2 (1995) 653-662.
Four-Manifolds without Einstein Metrics,
Math. Res. Lett. 3 (1996)
Einstein Metrics on Complex Surfaces, in
Geometry and Physics, LNPAM 184,
Anderson, Dupont, Pedersen & Swann,
editors, Marcel Dekker, 1997,
pp. 167--176.
(with S. Nayatani and T. Nitta) Self-Dual Manifolds with Positive Ricci
Math. Z. 224 (1997) 49-63.
(with J.-S. Kim and M. Pontecorvo) Scalar-Flat Kähler Surfaces of All
J. reine angew. Math. 486 (1997) 69--95.
Yamabe Constants and the Perturbed Seiberg-Witten Equations,
Comm. An. Geom. 5 (1997) 535--553.
Twistors for Tourists: A Pocket Guide for Algebraic Geometers, Proc.
Symp. Pure Math. 62.2 (1997) 361--385.
On the Notion of General Type,
Rendiconti Mat. Roma 17 (1997) 513--522.
(with F. Catanese) On the Scalar Curvature of Einstein Manifolds,
Math. Res. Lett. 4 (1997) 843--854.
On Four-Dimensional Einstein Manifolds, in
The Geometric Universe:
Science, Geometry, and the Work of Roger Penrose,
Mason, Tod, Tsou &
Woodhouse, editors, Oxford University Press, 1998, pp. 81--98.
(with M. Gursky) Yamabe Invariants and Spinc Structures,
Func. An. 8 (1998) 965--977.
Weyl Curvature, Einstein Metrics, and Seiberg-Witten Theory,
Res. Lett. 5 (1998) 423--438.
Kodaira Dimension and the Yamabe Problem,
Comm. An. Geom. 7 (1999)
(with M. Gursky) On Einstein Manifolds of Positive Sectional Curvature,
Glob. An. Geom. 17 (1999) 315--328.
Topology versus Chern Numbers for Complex 3-Folds,
J. Math. 191 (1999) 123--131.
Four-Dimensional Einstein Manifolds, and Beyond, in
in Differential Geometry, vol VI:
Essays on Einstein Manifolds,
C. LeBrun
& M. Wang, editors, International Press of Boston, 1999, pp. 247--285.
Einstein Metrics and the Yamabe Problem, in
in Mathematical Physics, V. Alexiades & G. Siopsis, editors, AMS/IP,
pp. 353--376.
Diffeomorphisms, Symplectic Forms, and Kodaira Fibrations,
Geom. Top. 4 (2000) 451--456.
Curvature and Smooth Topology in Dimension Four,
et Congrès 4 (2000) 179--200.
Ricci Curvature, Minimal Volumes, and Seiberg-Witten Theory,
Math. 145 (2001) 279--316.
(with M. Ishida) Spin Manifolds, Einstein Metrics, and Differential
Math. Res. Lett. 9 (2002) 229--240.
Hyperbolic Manifolds, Harmonic Forms, and Seiberg-Witten Invariants,
Geom. Dedicata 91 (2002) 137--154.
(with L.J. Mason) Zoll Manifolds and Complex Surfaces,
J. Diff. Geom. 61 (2002) 453--535.
Scalar Curvature, Covering Spaces, and Seiberg-Witten Theory,
New York J. Math. 9
(2003) 93--97.
(with M. Ishida) Curvature, Connected Sums, and
Seiberg-Witten Theory,
Comm. An. Geom. 11 (2003) 809--836.
- Einstein Metrics, Four-Manifolds, and Differential Topology,
in Differential Geometry, vol. VIII:
Papers in Honor of Calabi,
Lawson, Siu, and Uhlenbeck, S.-T. Yau, editor,
International Press of Boston, 2003, pp. 235--255.
Optimal Metrics, and the Differential Topology of 4-Manifolds,
Different Faces of Geometry,
S.K. Donaldson,
Y. Eliashberg & M. Gromov, editors,
Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2004,
pp. 199--256.
Einstein Metrics, Symplectic Minimality,
and Pseudo-Holomorphic Curves,
Ann. Glob. An. Geom. 28
(2005) 157--177.
Twistors, Holomorphic Disks, and Riemann Surfaces with Boundary,
Perspectives in Riemannian Geometry,
V. Apostolov, A. Dancer, N. Hitchin
& M. Wang, editors,
American Mathematical Society, 2006, pp. 209--221.
(with L.J. Mason)
Nonlinear Gravitons, Null Geodesics,
and Holomorphic Disks,
Duke Math. J. 136 (2007) 205--273.
- (with K. Akutagawa and M. Ishida)
Perelman's Invariant, Ricci Flow, and the Yamabe Invariants of Smooth
Arch. Math. 88 (2007) 71--76.
- (with X.X. Chen and B. Weber) On Conformally Kähler, Einstein
J. Am. Math. Soc. 21 (2008) 1137-1168.
(with B. Maskit)
On Optimal 4-Dimensional Metrics,
J. Geom. Analysis 18
(2008) 537-564.
Four-Manifolds, Curvature Bounds, and Convex Geometry, in
Riemannian Topology and Geometric Structures on Manifolds,
K. Galicki & S.R. Simanca, editors,
Birkhäuser, 2009,
pp. 119--152.
- (with L.J. Mason)
The Einstein-Weyl Equations, Scattering Maps, and Holomorphic Disks,
Math. Res. Lett. 16 (2009) 291--301.
Einstein Metrics,
Complex Surfaces, and
Symplectic 4-Manifolds,
Math. Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc. 147 (2009) 1--8.
Einstein Metrics, Four-Manifolds, and Conformally Kähler Geometry, in
Surveys in Differential Geometry, vol. XIII:
Geometry, Analysis, and Algebraic Geometry:
Forty Years of the Journal of Differential Geometry,
Cao & Yau, editors,
IP Boston, 2009, pp. 135--147.
The Einstein-Maxwell Equations, Extremal Kähler Metrics,
and Seiberg-Witten Theory, in
The Many Facets of Geometry: a Tribute to Nigel Hitchin,
Garcia-Prada & Salamon, editors,
Oxford University Press,
2010, pp. 17--33.
- (with L.J. Mason)
Zoll Metrics, Branched Covers, and Holomorphic Disks,
Comm. An. Geom. 18 (2010) 475--502.
On Einstein, Hermitian 4-Manifolds,
J. Diff. Geom. 90 (2012)
Einstein Manifolds and Extremal Kähler Metrics,
J. reine angew. Math. 678 (2013) 69--94.
Calabi Energies of Extremal Toric Surfaces, in
Surveys in Differential Geometry, vol. XVIII:
Geometry and Topology, Cao & Yau, editors,
International Press of Boston,
2013, pp. 195--226.
- (with M.F. Atiyah)
Curvature, Cones, and Characteristic Numbers,
Math. Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc. 155 (2013) 13--37.
The Einstein-Maxwell Equations, Kähler Metrics, and Hermitian Geometry,
J. Geom. Phys 91 (2015) 163--171.
Einstein Metrics, Harmonic Forms, and Symplectic Four-Manifolds,
Ann. Global An. Geom. 48 (2015) 75--85.
Weyl Curvature, Del Pezzo Surfaces, and Almost-Kähler Geometry,
J. Geom. Analysis 25 (2015) 1744--1772.
Edges, Orbifolds, and Seiberg-Witten Theory,
J. Math. Soc. Japan 67 (2015) 979--1021.
The Einstein-Maxwell Equations and Conformally Kähler Geometry,
Comm. Math. Phys. 344 (2016) 621--653.
- (With H.-J. Hein)
Mass in Kähler Geometry,
Comm. Math. Phys. 347 (2016) 183--221.
Twistors, Hyper-Kähler Manifolds, and Complex Moduli,
Special Metrics and Groups Actions in Geometry,
Chiossi, Fino, Musso, Podestà & Vezzoni, editors, Springer, 2017,
pp. 207--214.
Mass, Kähler Manifolds, and Symplectic Geometry,
Ann. Global An. Geom. 56 (2019) 97--112.
Bach-Flat Kähler Surfaces,
J. Geom. Analysis 30 (2020) 2491--2514 .
(with C.J. Bishop) Anti-Self-Dual 4-Manifolds, Quasi-Fuchsian
Groups, & Almost-Kähler Geometry,
Comm. An. Geom. 28 (2020) 745-780.
Einstein Metrics, Harmonic Forms, and Conformally Kähler Geometry, in
Geometry in the Large, LMS Lecture Notes 463,
Dearricott, Tuschmann, Nikolayevsky, Leistner, & Crowley, editors,
Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 214--240.
Einstein Manifolds, Self-Dual Weyl Curvature, and Conformally Kähler Geometry,
Math. Res. Lett. 28 (2021) 127-144.
Einstein Manifolds, Conformal Curvature, and Anti-Holomorphic Involutions,
Ann. Math. Qué. 45(2) (2021) 391-405.
Twistors, Self-Duality, and Spinc Structures,
SIGMA 17 (2021) 102, 11 pages.
The Scalar Curvature of 4-Manifolds, in
Perspectives in Scalar Curvature, vol. 1,
M. Gromov & H. B. Lawson, eds, World Scientific, 2023, pp. 643-707.
Yamabe Invariants, Homogeneous Spaces, and Rational Complex Surfaces,
SIGMA 19 (2023) 027, 11 pages.
Curvature in the Balance: The Weyl Functional and Scalar Curvature of 4-Manifolds,
Pure Appl. Math. Q. 19 (2023) 2737-2763.
- (with M. Albanese)
Kodaira Dimension and the Yamabe Problem, II,
Comm. An. Geom. 31(2023) 2387-2411.
- (With O. Biquard and P. Gauduchon)
Gravitational Instantons, Weyl Curvature, and Conformally Kähler Geometry,
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2024) 13295-13311.
- Einstein Constants and Smooth Topology, e-print
arXiv:2502.10560 [math.DG].
Research supported in
part by grants from the National Science Foundation, and by a Simons Fellowship in Mathematics.