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MAT 531 |
Our Final exam will be made available on Monday, May 18, by 5 pm, and will be due at 5 pm (EST) on Tuesday, May 19. The exam will be posted on this web-site, and will also be directly accessible via a link that will be e-mailed to you on May 18.
The exam will be open-book. However,
you will not be allowed to discuss it with anyone else while the exam
is in progress.
The sole exception to this rule is that you may e-mail Prof. LeBrun during the exam
if you believe that a problem is misstated, ambiguous, or unclear.
The exam will consist of ten problems. You will be asked to select five of these, and you should turn in only the solutions of these five. You can either write out your solutions by hand, and turn in a scan of your hand-written solutions, or else type out your solutions in TeX, and then turn in the PDF generated by compiling your TeX file. In either case, please send your exam solutions directly to Prof. LeBrun as an e-mail attachment. You can generate an e-mail to him by
Be sure to refresh your browser, to ensure that you are looking at the current version of this this web-page!
Stony Brook University expects students to maintain standards of personal integrity that are in harmony with the educational goals of the institution; to observe national, state, and local laws as well as University regulations; and to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty must notify the Office of Judicial Affairs of any disruptive behavior that interferes with their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn.
DSS advisory. If you have a physical, psychiatric, medical, or learning disability that may affect your ability to carry out the assigned course work, please contact the office of Disabled Student Services (DSS), Humanities Building, room 133, telephone 632-6748/TDD. DSS will review your concerns and determine what accommodations may be necessary and appropriate. All information regarding any disability will be treated as strictly confidential.
Students who might require special evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency are urged to discuss their needs with both the instructor and DSS. For important related information, click here.