Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Wednesday February 19th, 2025
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Title: Hurwitz-Brill-Noether, K3 surfaces and stability conditions
Speaker: Andres Rojas, Humboldt University
Brill-Noether loci for general curves are described by a
collection of theorems dating back to the 70s and 80s. A remarkable
proof of one of these results, the Gieseker-Petri theorem, was given by
Lazarsfeld by specializing to curves on suitable K3 surfaces. This
provided concrete examples of Brill-Noether general curves.
On the other hand, Brill-Noether theory for curves of a fixed gonality k
has not been understood until recent times, when analogues of the
classic theorems have been obtained by several authors.
In this talk I will explain how, by using Bridgeland stability on K3
surfaces with an elliptic pencil, one can find concrete examples of
k-gonal curves which behave generically from this
"Hurwitz-Brill-Noether" perspective, thus establishing a parallel to
Lazarsfeld's approach. This is a joint work with G. Farkas and S.