CUNY Einstein Chair Mathematics Seminar Video Collection
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Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lectures from 1981 on Thurston's Geometric theorem - Part 1
June 01, 1981
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lectures from 1981 on Thurston's Geometric theorem - Part 2
June 01, 1981
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lectures from 1981 on Thurston's Geometric theorem - Part 3
June 01, 1981
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lectures from 1981 on Thurston's Geometric theorem - Part 4
June 01, 1981
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lectures from 1981 on Thurston's Geometric theorem - Part 5
June 01, 1981
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lectures from 1981 on Thurston's Geometric theorem - Part 6
June 01, 1981
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lectures from 1981 on Thurston's Geometric theorem - Part 7
June 01, 1981
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lectures from 1981 on Thurston's Geometric theorem - Part 8
June 01, 1981
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Circle Packings
September 24, 1985
Ethan Coven (Wesleyan University)
Lecture given on October 9, 1985
October 09, 1985
Michael Handel (Lehman College CUNY)
Surface Diffeomorphisms
October 30, 1985
Hassler Whitney (Princeton University)
Geometric origins of the cohomology of groups, &Letting research come naturally - Part 1
November 05, 1985
Hassler Whitney (Princeton University)
Geometric origins of the cohomology of groups, &Letting research come naturally - Part 2
November 07, 1985
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Colloque Thom - Ouverture (Kuiper)
December 01, 1985
Raoul Bott (Harvard University)
Colloque Thom - Ouverture (Kuiper)
December 01, 1985
Yosef Yomdin (Be'er Sheva University)
Volume Growth and Entropy
February 19, 1986
Sheldon Newhouse (University of Maryland)
Continuity Properties of Entropy
February 19, 1986
Mike Shub (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
Portion of talk on entropy
February 19, 1986
John Mather (Princeton University)
Diophantine conditions for invariant circles of area preserving mappings
February 26, 1986
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Feigenbaum's quantitative discovery for 1-D dynamical systems
April 09, 1986
Stephen Smale (University of California, Berkeley)
Computational Complexity - I (UNAM)
Stephen Smale (University of California, Berkeley)
Computational Complexity - II (UNAM)
Stephen Smale (University of California, Berkeley)
Computational Complexity - III (UNAM)
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Mathematical theory beyond the Feigenbaum phenomena: results and problems (First 35 minutes only)
April 16, 1986
James Yorke (University of Marland College Park)
Chaos in the Boundaries of Basins of Attraction
April 16, 1986
Bruce Knight (Rockefeller University)
Recognition of Non-linear systems in Real Science
April 23, 1986
Mitchell Feigenbaum (Rockefeller University)
Thermodynamics for dynamical systems
April 23, 1986
Serge Lang (Yale University)
Hyperbolic and Diophantine Analysis
April 30, 1986
Michael Keane (Technische Universiteit Delft)
Percolation and Ergodic Theory
April 30, 1986
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Thurston's critical finite theorem
May 13, 1986
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Rational maps and 3-dimensional topology
May 14, 1986
Alberto Verjovsky (Universidad de Braga)
Riemann hypothesis, circle problem, non-Euclidean geometry
May 15, 1986
Lipman Bers (Columbia University)
My Life with Quasiconformal Mappings
May 21, 1986
Mauricio Peixoto (IMPA)
Enumerative boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations
May 20, 1986
Ricardo Mane (Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada)
Structural stability implies hyperbolicity for smooth dynamical systems--a conjecture affirmed
May 23, 1986
John Hubbard (Cornell University)
2-dimensional complex iteration and the complex Henon mapping
May 28, 1986
Victor Donnay (Courant Institute)
A metric on the sphere whose geodesic flow has positive entropy
June 11, 1986
John Morgan (Columbia University)
Trees and Hyperbolic Geometry
September 17, 1986
Gaven Martin (Yale University)
Discrete Quasiconformal Groups
September 24, 1986
Lee Mosher (Princeton University)
Train track complexes and the classification of pseudo Anosovs
October 01, 1986
Joe Christy (Princeton University)
Hyperbolic Attractors in 3-manifolds
October 08, 1986
Lisa Goldberg (CUNY)
Exponential maps and topological conjugacy
October 15, 1986
Albert Fathi (UMPA)
Homotopical stability of pseudo Anosov maps
October 22, 1986
Andreas Floer (Courant Institute)
On the Arnold Conjecture
October 29, 1986
Arthur Robinson (IAS)
Ergodic properties which lift to group extensions
November 05, 1986
Michael Handel (Columbia University)
Zero entropy homemorphisms of the annulus and the torus
November 12, 1986
Thea Pignataro (Columbia University)
Computer Analysis of Attractors
November 19, 1986
Peter Jones (Yale University)
Harmonic measure on curves and related topics
December 03, 1986
Daryl Cooper (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
Classification on Cantor sets
February 17, 1987
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Distortion lemma, Gibbs states and Hausdorf measure
February 19, 1987
David Fried (Boston University)
Lefschetz formulas for flows
February 24, 1987
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Eigenvalue invariants of expanding systems
February 24, 1987
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
The analytic classification of complex analytic expanding systems
March 03, 1987
Mitchell Feigenbaum (Rockefeller University)
The thermodynamics of complicated sets
March 03, 1987
Welington deMelo (IMPA)
New results on 1 dimensional dynamics (wandering intervals and the cross ratio)
March 10, 1987
S.J. Patterson (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
The Spectral Theory and Kleinian Groups
March 17, 1987
George Mackey (Harvard University)
Harmonic Analysis and Group Theory in Diophantine Problems - Part 1
March 17, 1987
George Mackey (Harvard University)
Harmonic Analysis and Group Theory in Diophantine Problems - Part 2
March 24, 1987
Welington deMelo (IMPA)
New results on 1 dimensional dynamics (wandering intervals and the cross ratio)
March 24, 1987
Sebastian VanStrien (Technische Universiteit Delft)
More on the cross-ratio and 1-dimensional dynamics
March 30, 1987
Sebastian VanStrien (Technische Universiteit Delft)
There are Kupka-Smale diffeomorphisms on $S^2$ without sinks or sources in generic one-parameter families
March 30, 1987
John Smillie (Lehman College CUNY)
Expansions on the complex Henon mappings
April 07, 1987
Dan Rudolph (University of Maryland)
Markov tilings of $R^N$ representations of $R^N$ actions
April 21, 1987
John Guckenheimer (Cornell University)
Negative Schwarzian derivative and the Feigenbaum conjecture
April 21, 1987
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
A proof of the Feigenbaum rigidity theorem
April 21, 1987
Michael Handel (Columbia University)
Do periodic point free diffeomorphisms of $T^2$ have rotation vectors
April 28, 1987
Curt McMullen (IAS)
The Quintic principle is solvable by iteration
May 05, 1987
Rafael de la Llave (Princeton University)
A complete set of invariants for smooth conjugacy of hyperbolic dynamical systems
May 14, 1986
Oscar Lanford (ETH Zürich)
Renormalization hyperbolic structure for circle mappings
September 15, 1987
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
A priori estimates for non-linear iteration
September 29, 1987
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Global convergence of Feigenbaum's renormalization
September 29, 1987
Rafael de la Llave (Princeton University)
New developments in smooth conjugacies of Anosov systems
September 29, 1987
Gilles Pisier (Texas A&M University)
P-variation of Martingales
October 06, 1987
Mitchell Feigenbaum (Rockefeller University)
Aspects of scaling in renormalization
October 13, 1987
Steve Hurder (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Dynamics of one-dimensional pseudo groups arising from foliations
October 20, 1987
Charles Tresser (Physique Théorique)
Transitions to Chaos
October 27, 1987
Jean-Marc Gambaudo (Laboratoire de Mathématiques)
Strange attractors
October 27, 1987
John Smillie (Lehman College CUNY)
Dynamics of complex polynomial diffeomorphisms
November 10, 1987
Charles Tresser (Physique Théorique)
The structure of the boundary of chaos for self mappings of the 2-disk
November 10, 1987
D H Phong (Columbia University)
Geometry of periodic strings
November 17, 1987
David Tischler (Queens College (CUNY))
Polynomials with all critical points fixed
November 24, 1987
Harold Rosenberg (Université Paris-Sud XI - Orsay)
Global properties of doubly periodic minimal surfaces
November 24, 1987
Joachim Cuntz (Université Aix-Marseille II at Luminy)
Topological Markov chains and K theory of $C^*$ algebras, a survey
December 01, 1987
Michael Handel (Columbia University)
The rotation orbit types of annulus mappings form a closed set
December 08, 1987
John Franks (Northwestern University)
The Poincarè Birkhoff fixed point theorem
December 08, 1987
Stephen Smale (University of California, Berkeley)
Remarks on generalized Turing machines - Part 1
December 15, 1987
Harvey Friedman (The Ohio State University)
Remarks on generalized Turing machines - Part 2
December 15, 1987
Bruce Kitchens (IBM)
Automorphisms of one sided shifts
December 15, 1987
Linda Keen (Lehman College CUNY)
Examples of automorphisms of one sided shifts from complex analysis
December 15, 1987
John Guckenheimer (Cornell University)
Distortion of unimodal maps
December 22, 1987
Stewart Johnson (Cornell University)
Distortions of unimodal maps
December 22, 1987
Greg Swiatek (University of Warsaw)
The structure of phase locking parameter for critical circle mappings (remarks by Predrag Cvitanović) - Part 1
December 28, 1987
Greg Swiatek (University of Warsaw)
The structure of phase locking parameter for critical circle mappings (remarks by Predrag Cvitanović) - Part 2
January 05, 1988
Greg Swiatek (University of Warsaw)
A Denjoy theorem for critical circle mappings
January 12, 1988
Peter Doyle (Dartmouth)
Geometry of Riemann surfaces, eigenvalues of the Laplacian
February 09, 1988
Jonathan Ashley (IBM)
A Linear Bound for Factor Maps to the N-shift
February 16, 1988
Daniel Goroff (Harvard University)
Dual Variational Principles for Twist Maps
February 23, 1988
Seunghwan Kim (Cornell University)
Bifurcation in Torus Maps, Quasiperiodicity, Mode Locking in Multifrequency dynamical systems
March 01, 1988
Kevin Hockett (Boston University)
A tour through the standard family on $S^1$
March 08, 1988
Folkert Tangerman (Courant Institute)
On the topology of Aubrey Mather sets
March 15, 1988
Klaus Schmidt (IAS)
Expansive Automorphisms of Compact Groups
March 22, 1988
Mark Pollicott (IAS)
Interval maps and the Laplacian of surfaces of
March 29, 1988
Chris Gole (Boston University)
Periodic points of exact symplectic diffeomeorphisms
March 29, 1988
Marek Rycklik (IAS)
Continuity of Lyapunov exponent in the Jacobson theorem
April 12, 1988
Michael Boyle (University at Maryland)
Automorphisms on the One sided Shift
April 19, 1988
Robert Gilman (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Cellular Automata
May 03, 1988
Pieter Veerman (Rockefeller University)
Aubrey Mather sets
May 10, 1988
Ralf Spatzier (Stony Brook University)
Ratner's Theorem and Geometrically Finite Groups
May 17, 1988
Shizuo Kakutani (Yale University)
Induced Transformations
May 17, 1988
Lyman Hurd (Princeton University)
Subshifts arising in the evolution of cellular automata
May 19, 1988
Michael Keane (Technische Universiteit Delft)
Discovering one dependent processes through a dynamical system
May 31, 1988
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Almost conformal conjugacies
October 04, 1988
Greg Swiatek (University of Warsaw)
Critical homeomorphisms of the circle
October 11, 1988
Benjamin Weiss (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
Statistical Stability of Dynamical Systems
October 13, 1988
V Arnold ()
Dynamics and Intersections
October 18, 1988
Mitsuhiro Shishikura (Kyoto University)
Branch coverings of $S^2$ and piecewise linear maps on trees
October 18, 1988
John Smillie (Cornell University)
Ergodic theory of polygonal billiards
November 01, 1988
Lisa Goldberg (CUNY)
Mapping class groups and critical point surgery
November 01, 1988
Waldemar Paluba (Warsaw University)
What we do not know about folding maps
November 08, 1988
Takehiko Morita (Hakuii Osaka)
The prime period theorem for closed orbits of dynamical systems with elastic reflections
November 08, 1988
R. Daniel Mauldin (University of North Texas, Denton)
Uniqueness of kneading parameters and dimension in trapezoid maps
November 15, 1988
John Mather (Princeton University)
Minimal action orbits for Lagrangian systems
November 22, 1988
Michel Herman (École Polytechnique)
Geometrical structure of boundaries of singular Siegel disks - I
November 22, 1988
Michel Herman (École Polytechnique)
Geometrical structure of boundaries of singular Siegel disks - II
November 29, 1988
Adrien Douady (University of Paris-Sud)
The problem of local connectivity of Mandelbrot set
November 29, 1988
Michael Handel (Lehman College CUNY)
Commuting homeomorphisms of $S^2$
December 06, 1988
Benjamin Weiss (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
Impromptu Talk
December 06, 1988
Masahiko Kanai (Tokyo, Yokohama)
Geometry of Geodesic Flows
December 13, 1988
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
A proof of renormalization conjectures
December 14, 1988
Mitchell Feigenbaum (Rockefeller University)
Scaling dynamics
December 14, 1988
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Riemann surfaces and the geometrization of 3-manifolds
December 14, 1988
Sergey Novikov ()
Complex analysis and operator string theory
December 14, 1988
Kostya Khanin (Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics)
Renormalization group method in the theory of dynamical systems
December 14, 1988
Borovkov ()
Random Processes in connection with the problem of analysis
December 14, 1988
Victor Maslov ()
Mathematical models for the cooling process of the 4-Chernobyl block
December 15, 1988
Vladimirov ()
P-adic quantum theory
December 15, 1988
Foias ()
Inertial sets in Fluid Dynamics
December 15, 1988
Andrew Majda (Princeton University)
Nonlinear developments of instability for supersonic jets
December 15, 1988
I. M. Lavrentiev ()
Integral geometry and inverse problems
December 15, 1988
Zizchenko ()
Algebraic varieties of small codimension in complex projective space
December 15, 1988
Peter Sarnak (IAS)
Ramanujan graphs
December 16, 1988
Gonchar ()
Padé approximants and analytic continuation of functions
December 16, 1988
Yury Manin (Steklov Institute of Mathematics)
Counting points on algebraic varieties
December 16, 1988
Platonov ()
Geometrical approach to representation theory
December 16, 1988
Pierre Deligne (IAS)
Geometric incarnation of zeta(N) in the fundamental group of the projective line minus 3 points
December 19, 1988
Victor Kac (MIT)
Loop groups and the non-linear Schroedinger equation
December 19, 1988
Israel Gelfand (Rutgers University)
Spectral theory of nonclassical linear operators and nonlinear systems
December 19, 1988
Ludvig Faddeev (Steklov Institute of Mathematics)
Functional integral quantization on orbits of compact C groups
December 19, 1988
Yuval Peres (Hebrew University)
Optimal disk covering, random matrix products and a ubiquitous fractal measure
December 20, 1988
Harold Rosenberg (Université Paris-Sud XI - Orsay)
Periodic global minimal surfaces in Euclidean three space
December 20, 1988
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
On the spectrum of Feigenbaum's renormalization operator
January 03, 1989
Ya Sinai (Moscow State University)
Quantum chaos - Part 1
January 10, 1989
Ya Sinai (Moscow State University)
Quantum chaos - Part 2
January 10, 1989
John Guckenheimer (Cornell University)
Growth of derivatives
January 17, 1989
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Progress on the renormalization conjectures in dynamical systems
August 11, 1988
Frederick P Gardiner (GSUC/Brooklyn College)
Complex structure on the space of symmetric unparameterized closed strings
February 03, 1989
Michael Yakobson (University of Maryland)
2 Applications of Feigenbaum Theory
February 10, 1989
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Renormalization operators, structure mappings, and contractions
February 14, 1989
Alec Norton (Boston University)
The 2-dimensional Denjoy problem
February 21, 1989
Charles Epstein (University of Pennsylvania)
Characteristic numbers of pseudo convex domains
February 27, 1989
Michal Misiurewicz (IUPUI)
Monotonicity of entropy for piecewise linear maps
February 28, 1989
L.S. Young (University of Arizona)
Yorke Conjecture on the Dimension of Attractors
March 07, 1989
Charles Tresser (University of Arizona)
Monotonicity properties for maps on the interval
March 14, 1989
Peter Veerman (Rockefeller University)
Renormalization of hyperbolic Audrey-Mather sets
March 28, 1989
Mark Nelkin (New York University)
Space and the corrrelations in Isotopic Turbulence
April 04, 1989
Steve Batterson (Boston University)
Dynamics of Eigenvector Algorithms
April 11, 1989
Jean-Christope Yoccoz (Université Paris-Sud)
Analytic Conjugacy of Diffeomorphisms on the Circle
April 14, 1989
D Hall ()
Special periodic orbits in the N body problem
April 18, 1989
Michael Shub (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
A quantitative Bezout theorem
April 25, 1989
Benjamin Bielefeld (Cornell University)
Creating Polynomials Using Quasiconformal Surgery
May 09, 1989
Sheldon Newhouse (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Symbolic dynamics for 2-dimensional diffeomorphisms
May 09, 1989
Stephen Semmes (Rice)
Quasiconformal Mappings and cord arc curves
May 16, 1989
Misha Brin (University of Maryland)
On the classification of Anosov Diffeomorphisms
May 23, 1989
Peter Jones (Yale University)
Estimates of harmonic measures, traveling salesman problems and Julia sets
May 23, 1989
N Markov ()
Conformal Mappings and Gibbs measures
May 30, 1989
Henri Epstein (IHES)
Tangent space to stable manifold for period doubling
October 10, 1989
Charles Tresser (IBM)
Renormalization at the boundary of chaos
October 17, 1989
Giovanni Gallavotti (Universita di Roma)
Fermi Surface
October 24, 1989
Predrag Cvitanovic (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Henon mappings
October 31, 1989
Michael Jacobson (University of Maryland)
Expanding =$>$ Quasisymmetry
November 07, 1989
Mauricio Peixoto (IMPA)
History of dynamics
November 14, 1989
Karen Brucks (Stony Brook University)
Monotonicity Properties of Trapezoidal Maps
December 05, 1989
Oscar Lanford (ETH Zürich)
The global hyperbolicity conjecture for critical circle mappings
January 02, 1990
Charles Pugh (University of California, Berkeley)
Critical Sets and Critical Value
January 09, 1990
Lan Wen (Peking University)
The $C'$ closing lemma for endomorphisms
January 16, 1990
Bob Devaney (Boston University)
Homoclinic orbits and baby Mandelbrot sets
January 23, 1990
Alexandre Eremenko (Purdue University)
Iteration theory for entire functions
January 30, 1990
Bodil Branner (Technical University of Denmark)
Quadratic Polynomials and Local Connectivity
February 06, 1990
Francois Labourie (Universite Paris-Sud)
Anosov flows with smooth stable foliations
February 13, 1990
John Milnor (Stony Brook University/IMS)
Dynamics of Complex Polynomials of Degree ≤ 2 and External Rays
February 20, 1990
Mikhail Lyubich (Stony Brook University/IMS)
Topological and measure theoretic viewpoints in one dimensional dynamics
February 20, 1990
Virginia Harrison (University of California, Berkeley)
Fractal Integration (No sound)
February 23, 1990
Peter Jones (Yale University)
Misiurewicz sets are removable
February 23, 1990
Rick Schoen (Stanford University)
Extremal area preserving maps and Langrangian submanifolds
February 23, 1990
Sheldon Newhouse (University of Maryland)
Structure theory of surface diffeomorphisms with positive topological entropy
February 27, 1990
Folkert Tangerman (Stony Brook University)
Real variable Thurston's algorithm
March 06, 1990
Greg Swiatek (University of Warsaw)
The pure singularity property for circle maps
March 13, 1990
Misha Gromov (IHES and Courant)
The hyperbolic pinching problem
March 20, 1990
Jean-Marc Gambaudo (Universite de Nice)
Self similar constructions in smooth dynamics
April 17, 1990
Michael Jacobson (University of Maryland)
Induced hyperbolicity, absolutely continuous invariant measures, and eometry
April 23, 1990
Yakov Pesin (Pennsylvania State University)
Hyperbolic structures in infinite dimensional systems
May 01, 1990
Arshag Hajian (Northeastern University)
Sequences of integers and ergodic transformations in infinite measure spaces
May 08, 1990
John Franks (Northwestern University)
Simple heteroclinic cycles
May 08, 1990
Jim Anderson (Stony Brook University)
Adding elements to Kleinian groups
May 11, 1990
Dimitri Anosov (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
Hilbert's 21st Problem
May 11, 1990
Robert F Williams (University of Texas, Austin)
Braid Index and Glueing
May 15, 1990
Gustav Hedlund (Yale University)
Symbolic Dynamics
May 22, 1990
Charles Tresser (Physique Théorique)
Symbolic dynamics and renormalization for rotations on the n-torus
October 03, 1990
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Update on renormalization convergence
October 09, 1990
John Hubbard (Cornell University)
Background and state of the art Mandelbrota - Part 1
October 30, 1990
John Hubbard (Cornell University)
Background and state of the art Mandelbrota - Part 2
October 30, 1990
Robert Penner (University of Southern California)
Integration over moduli spaces
October 23, 1990
John Smillie (Cornell University)
Analog of Julia sets in ${\cal C}^2$
November 06, 1990
Phillipe Thieullen (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Continuous Measures for Generic Dimensional Families
November 20, 1990
Kostya Khanin (Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics)
A priori bounds and statistical mechanics
November 13, 1990
Predrag Cvitanovic (Georgia Institute of Technology)
On the topology of Henon maps
November 27, 1990
Michal Misiurewiez (IUPUI)
Continuity properties of topological entropy for interval mappings
December 11, 1990
Andreas Acrivos (CUNY)
Bubbles and Renormalization
December 18, 1990
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Riemann surface laminations
January 08, 1991
Frederick P Gardiner (GSUC/Brooklyn College)
Finite earthquakes, bendings of the Hilbert transform
January 22, 1991
John Velling (Brooklyn college)
Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces at Infinity of H^3
January 29, 1991
Ed Spiegel (Columbia University)
Patterns of Interacting Localized Structures
February 05, 1991
Adrien Douady (University of Paris-Sud)
Polynomial like maps - Part I
February 14, 1991
Adrien Douady (University of Paris-Sud)
Polynomial like maps - Part II
February 14, 1991
Mitsuhiro Shishikura (Stony Brook University)
Hausdorff dimension of boundaries of Mandelbrot sets and Julia sets
February 14, 1991
Pierre Coullet (Institut NonLineaire de Nice)
Pattern and symmetry breaking
February 21, 1991
Seppo Rickman (Helsingin Yliopisto)
Classification of Riemannian Manifold in Conformal Potential Theory
February 28, 1991
John Guckenheimer (Cornell University)
Simple resonance regions of $t^2$ diffeomorphism
February 28, 1991
Viviane Baladi (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
A Thermodynamic Formalism for Mathematicians
March 12, 1991
Seppo Rickman (Helsingin Yliopisto)
A Version of Picard's Theorem for Quasiregular Maps
March 05, 1991
Ed Miller (Polytechnic University)
The Symplectic Geometry of Elliptic Self-Adjoint Operators Coming from Splitting Manifolds
November 19, 1991
Tadeusz Iwaniec (Syracuse University)
P-harmonic tensors and quasiregular maps
March 26, 1991
John Morgan (Columbia University)
Groups Acting on Trees
April 02, 1991
Carlos Gutierrez (IME-USP)
Dissipative vector fields on ${\cal R}^2$
April 09, 1991
Dan Rockmore (Dartmouth College)
Dynamics on the interval and group actions on trees
April 29, 1991
Rafael de la Llave (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Volume preserving maps and applications to fluid dynamics
May 14, 1991
Gregory Margulis (IAS)
Discrete groups of affine transformations
May 17, 1991
Folkert Tangerman (Stony Brook University)
Flat Tops
May 21, 1991
Nicolas Teleman (Stony Brook University)
Beurling-Ahlfors-Donaldson-Sullivan operators and index theory
May 21, 1991
Dimitri Anosov (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
Hilbert's 21st Problem
May 28, 1991
Mikhail Lyubich (Stony Brook University)
Measure of the Julia set of a quadratic polynomial
September 12, 1991
Mikhail Lyubich (Stony Brook University)
Fibonacci recurrence and renormalization
September 17, 1991
Frederick P Gardiner (GSUC/Brooklyn College)
The ode of Beltrami coefficients
September 27, 1991
Richard Schwartz (CUNY)
Total projective curvature of curves
October 01, 1991
Alberto Candel (Washington University)
Uniformization of Foliations by Surfaces
October 08, 1991
Harold Rosenberg (Université Paris-Sud XI - Orsay)
Surfaces of positive curvature
October 11, 1991
Samuel Krushkal (Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
Plurisubharmonic Functions, Invariant Metrics on Teichmüller Space and Quasi Conformal Mappings
October 22, 1991
Jean-Marc Gambaudo (Universite de Nice)
Topological obstuctions for smoothness in dimension 2
November 05, 1991
Philip Boyland (Stony Brook University)
Weak disks of Denjoy minimal sets
November 12, 1991
Michal Misiurewiez (IUPUI)
Cycles for disk homemorphisms and thick trees
November 19, 1991
Alexander Blokh (Stony Brook University/IMS)
Almost Sharkovskii Theorem for (finite) Graphs
November 26, 1991
Jaroslaw Kwapisz (Stony Brook University)
November 26, 1991
Jozef Zajac (Catholic University of Lublin)
Quasihomographies and Universal Teichmüller space
December 03, 1991
Hershel Farkas (Hebrew University)
Elliptic functions, torii, and subgroups of the modular groups
December 03, 1991
G. Daniel Mostow (Yale University)
Commensurabiltiy of lattices in the group of motions of complex hyperbolic space
December 09, 1991
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Holomophic probability measure and $H$ conjecture
December 09, 1991
Adam Epstein (CUNY)
Geometric limits in conformal dynamics
January 14, 1992
Paul MacManus (Yale University)
Quasiconformal Mappings and Rectifiability
January 21, 1992
Bruce Kitchens (IBM)
John Franks' classification for suspensions of subshifts of finite type
January 28, 1992
Peter Buser (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Isospectral Plane Domains
February 04, 1992
Gary Alexander ()
Impromptu Talk
February 11, 1992
Genadi Levin (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
On irrationally visible periodic points
February 11, 1992
Peter Sarnak (Princeton University)
Period matrices of curves of large genus
February 18, 1992
Peter Doyle (Princeton University)
Random walks on a drum head
February 25, 1992
Peter Jones (Yale University)
Bi-Lipschitz mappings and the theory of rectifiability in quasiconformal mappings
February 25, 1992
Mikhail Lyubich (Stony Brook University)
Combinatorics, geometry and attractors of quadratic polynomials
March 03, 1992
Chris Bishop (Stony Brook University)
Harmonic Measure, Archlength and Schwarzian Derivative
March 10, 1992
Robert Devaney (Boston University)
Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics: Computer Experiments in Mathematics
January 01, 1989
John Hubbard (Cornell University)
The beauty and complexity of the Mandelbrot set
January 01, 1989
David Hofmann (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
Natural Minimal Surfaces via theory and computation
January 01, 1990
Mark Philips (University of Richmond)
A tour of Heisenberg Space
July 24, 1990
John Hubbard (Cornell University)
Mandelbrot sets and Julia sets
January 01, 1990
James Yorke (University of Maryland College Park)
Chaos and fractals in simple physical systems
January 01, 1991
Stephen Wolfram (Wolfram Research, Inc.)
Introducing Mathematica
January 01, 1989
Robert Devaney (Boston University)
Transition to chaos, the orbit diagram and the Mandelbrot set
January 01, 1990
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
February 07, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
February 14, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
February 16, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
February 21, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
February 28, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
March 05, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
March 07, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
March 12, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
March 14, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
March 20, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
March 20, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
April 02, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
April 04, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
April 09, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
April 11, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
April 14, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
April 26, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
April 22, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
April 25, 1991
William Thurston (Princeton University)
Princeton Lectures 280 - 299
April 30, 1991
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Renormalization and Rigidity - I
July 01, 1991
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Renormalization and Rigidity - II
July 01, 1991
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Renormalization and Rigidity - III
July 01, 1991
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Renormalization and Rigidity - IV
July 01, 1991
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Renormalization and Rigidity - V
July 01, 1991
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Renormalization and Rigidity - VI
July 01, 1991
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Renormalization and Rigidity - VII
July 01, 1991
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Renormalization and Rigidity - VIII
July 01, 1991
Curt McMullen (IAS)
Renormalization and Rigidity - IX
July 01, 1991
Greg Zuckerman (Yale University)
Riemann surfaces, Lie groups and Conformal Field Theory
March 19, 1992
Marc Burger (CUNY)
Small Eigen Values of Arithmetic Hyperbolic Manifolds,Ergodic theory and Automorphic Duals
March 24, 1992
Waldemar Paluba (CUNY)
Upgrading of Lipschitz continuous mappings, infinitely renormalizable case
March 31, 1992
Marc Burger (CUNY)
Patterson Sullivan theory in rank 2 and the regularity of the Mostow map (Part 1)
April 07, 1992
Marc Burger (CUNY)
Patterson Sullivan theory in rank 2 and the regularity of the Mostow map (Part 2)
April 07, 1992
Alberto Verjovsky (Universidad de Braga)
The generalized complex Henon mappings
April 12, 1992
Alberto Verjovsky (Universidad de Braga)
Convergence of discrete measures and a certain number theoretical hypothesis by B. Riemann
April 21, 1992
Charles Tresser (Physique Théorique)
A thicket of Farey trees
April 28, 1992
Jean-Marc Gambaudo (Universite de Nice)
Linking numbers and smoooth dynamics
May 05, 1992
George Zettler (Columbia University)
A decoding problem in dynamics and in number theory
May 12, 1992
Shlomo Sternberg (Harvard University)
May 19, 1992
Han Sah (Stony Brook University)
Game of Buckyball
May 19, 1992
Matti Vuorinen (University of Helsinki)
Quasiconformal Maps and Hausdorff Dimension
May 26, 1992
Ingrid Daubechies (Rutgers University)
Introductory Survey on the New Theory of Wavelets
September 15, 1992
Albert M Fisher (Stony Brook University)
Ratio Geometry, Rigidity and the Scenery Process for Hyperbolic Cantor Sets
September 22, 1992
Jozef Dodziuk (Queens College (CUNY))
Spectral degenerations of hyperbolic three manifolds
September 29, 1992
John Milnor (Stony Brook University/IMS)
Miscellaneous remarks on quadratic rational maps
October 01, 1992
Adam Epstein (CUNY)
(pre thesis defense) Geometric limits in conformal dynamics - finite type maps and applications
October 01, 1992
Yuji Ito (Keio University)
Cocycles over a nonsingular transformation
October 06, 1992
Tom Spencer (Princeton University)
Standard Map Conjectures
October 13, 1992
Michael Handel (Lehman College (CUNY))
Entropy of non compact spaces
October 20, 1992
Jay Rosen (The College of Staten Island (CUNY))
Brownian Motion: Local Times and Self-Intersections
October 27, 1992
George Tomanov (Yale University)
Measure rigidity for algebraic groups over local fields: Generalization of Marina Ratner theory to p-adic case
October 27, 1992
Frederick P Gardiner (GSUC/Brooklyn College)
Uniformly asymptotically conformal dynamical systems
October 30, 1992
Michael Shub (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
Stably ergodic diffeomorphisms
November 03, 1992
Subhashis Nag (Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta)
Period matrices for universal Teichmüller space and string theory
November 10, 1992
Peter Jones (Yale University)
When is the complement of a Julia set a John domain?
November 17, 1992
Alberto Adrego Pinto (University of Warwick)
Renormalization Theory
November 24, 1992
Kai T Hansen (University of Oslo)
Symbolic dynamics and the pruning front in billiards and once folding maps
December 08, 1992
Amy Wilkinson (University of California, Berkeley)
Smoothable Infinitely Renormalizable Maps on the Interval
December 10, 1992
Greg Swiatek (Stony Brook University)
Generic hyperbolicity in the real quadratic family
December 17, 1992
Gregory Margulis (Yale University)
Group Theory and Ergodicity Results
December 22, 1992
Jeremy Kahn (University of California, Berkeley)
Renormalization, Teichmüller Theory, and Push-forward operators Part I
January 05, 1993
Jeremy Kahn (University of California, Berkeley)
Renormalization, Teichmüller Theory, and Push-forward operators Part II
January 06, 1993
Jeremy Kahn (University of California, Berkeley)
Renormalization, Teichmüller Theory, and Push-forward operators Part III
January 07, 1993
Sen Hu (USTC School of Mathematics)
Compactification of complex Henon maps
January 07, 1993
Iaci Malta (PUC-Rio)
On the problem of solving $F(x)=y$ in the plane
January 12, 1993
Richard Canary (University of Michigan)
The Topology and Geometry of Hyperbolic 3-manifolds
January 19, 1993
Linda Keen (Lehman College (CUNY))
Markov maps for the punctured torus Teichmüller space
January 26, 1993
Yuval Peres (Yale University)
Hausdorff measure of Self-Affine Carpets
February 02, 1993
Carl-Friedrich Bodigheimer (IAS)
Interval Recombinations and Moduli of Riemann Surfaces
February 23, 1993
Michael Handel (Lehman College (CUNY))
The pseudo Anosov partial order on 3 braids
March 02, 1993
Philip Boyland (Stony Brook University)
Quasi periodic orbits in certain four dimensional symplectic maps
March 09, 1993
Lee Mosher (Rutgers University)
Geodesic laminations for spaces that are not negatively curved
March 16, 1993
Charles Tresser (IBM)
Transition to chaos for circle maps
March 23, 1993
Marco Martens (Stony Brook University/IMS)
Rotation numbers for minimal Cantor sets
March 30, 1993
John Franks (Northwestern University)
Rotation sets for torus homeomorphisms
April 04, 1993
Victor Donay (I.A.S.)
Ergodicity, elliptic islands and coexistence of geodesic flows
April 20, 1993
Adam Epstein (CUNY)
Conformal Rigidity for Geometrically Finite Maps on Riemann Surfaces
April 27, 1993
Howard Weiss (Pennsylvania State University)
Hausdorff dimension of sets with multiple exponents, horseshoes and number theory
May 03, 1993
Bruce Kitchens (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis)
${\Bbb Z}^2$ Markov shifts with algebraic structure
May 11, 1993
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
New results on characteristic classes
August 31, 1993
Michael Shub (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
Complexity and equation solving
September 07, 1993
Mikhail Lyubich (Stony Brook University/IMS)
Geometry of quadratic polynomials: moduli, rigidity and local connectivity
September 14, 1993
Adam Epstein (CUNY)
Towers of finite type analytic maps
September 16, 1993
Michael C Sullivan (CUNY)
Bob was wrong about the complexity of knots in dynamical systems
September 21, 1993
Andre de Carvalho (CUNY)
Kneading theory in Dimension 2
September 28, 1993
Mel Nathanson (Lehman College)
The geometry of sumsets in additive number theory
October 05, 1993
Yunping Jiang (Queens College)
On Infinitely Renormalizable Quadratic Julia Sets
October 12, 1993
Alberto Baider (Hunter College)
Analytic Classification of Equivariant Maps on S^1
October 19, 1993
Alexander Blokh (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Rotation Numbers for Interval Maps
October 26, 1993
Michael Handel (Columbia University)
Relative mapping classes for fixed point free homeo mapping of the plane (Brower maps)
November 02, 1993
Janina Kotus (Warsaw University of Technology)
Ergodicity and Hausdorff Dimension of Julia set of Meromorphic Functions
November 09, 1993
Richard Sacksteder (CUNY)
Problems in Fluid Mechanics
November 16, 1993
Louis Crane (Kansas State University)
Topological invariants and gravity theory
November 23, 1993
Timothy Gendron (CUNY)
Surfaces, first quantized and second quantized
November 30, 1993
Jean-Christope Yoccoz (Université Paris-Sud)
An index theorem for planar homeomorphisms
December 07, 1993
Predrag Cvitanovic (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Fredholm determinanats for semi classics OR Slide show of zeta functions in arithmetic classical or quantum mechanics
December 14, 1993
Michael C Sullivan (CUNY)
Kuptenberg's $C^\infty$ counter example to the Seifert conjecture in dimension three
December 21, 1993
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Informal discussion on turbulence
January 04, 1994
John Mather (Princeton University)
Variational construction of connecting orbits - Part 1
January 11, 1994
John Mather (Princeton University)
Variational construction of connecting orbits - Part 2
January 11, 1994
Linda Keen (CUNY)
Rigidity of maps in the tangent family
January 18, 1994
Andrew Majda (Princeton University)
Vortex Sheets and Concentrations in Fluid Flow and Related Equations
January 25, 1994
Yunping Jiang (Queens College)
An Exposition and Generalization of Sullivan's Sector Theorem
February 01, 1994
Jun Hu (CUNY)
Topological conjugacy of circle diffeomorphisms
February 08, 1994
Albert Fisher (Delft University of Technology)
Modelling the scenery flows of some fractal shapes
February 15, 1994
Boris Apanasov (The University of Oklahoma)
Quasi-symmetric 2-knots in $S^4$ and Hyperbolic Lattices
March 01, 1994
Sen Hu (IAS)
On universality of critical KAM curves
March 08, 1994
Feng Luo (Rutgers University)
Schottky groups in 3-dimensional Moebius groups
March 15, 1994
Jun Hu (CUNY)
Renormalizations and Universalities in the bifurcations
March 22, 1994
Nikolai Chernov (Princeton University)
Chaotic Billiards
March 22, 1994
Cawley ()
Anosov dynamics, the Weld-Petersson metric, and Hausdorff dimension
April 05, 1994
Harumi Tanigawa (Nagoya University)
Grafting, Riemann Surfaces and Kleinian Groups
April 12, 1994
Edson deFaria (University of São Paulo)
Limit probability laws for homeomorphisms of the circle
April 19, 1994
Aimo Hinkkanen (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Semi-groups of rational functions
April 19, 1994
Toby Hall (Cambridge)
The creation of horseshoes
April 26, 1994
Serge Troubetzkoy (IMS/Stony Brook University)
Markov partitions via shadowing for diffeomorphisms with no zero exponent
April 26, 1994
Marco Martens (Stony Brook University)
Inducing slopes and conjugacies
May 17, 1994
Jarslaw Kwapisz (Stony Brook University)
Asymptotic entropy for maps of the annulus and the torus
May 10, 1994
Michael Wolf ()
Some harmonic maps from surfaces to 3-manifolds which are not immersions
May 17, 1994
Adam Epstein (CUNY)
Transversality Principles in Conformal Dynamics - Part 1
September 13, 1994
Adam Epstein (CUNY)
Transversality Principles in Conformal Dynamics - Part 2
September 13, 1994
Matthew Brin (Brooklyn College)
PL Conjugates of the Doubling Map
September 20, 1994
Albert M Fisher (Stony Brook University)
Anosov families, scenery and the Teichmüller flow
September 27, 1994
Bryna Kra (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Smooth Conjugacies of Collections of Commuting Circle Diffeomorphisms
September 27, 1994
Jonathan Goodman (NYU)
Fixing the theory of hydrodynamic stability
October 04, 1994
Sergio Klainerman (Princeton University)
On Regularity Properties of Geometric Hyperbolic Equations
October 11, 1994
Benjamin Luce (Clarkson University)
Low dimensional dynamics of the complex Ginsburg-Landau Equation
October 18, 1994
Welington deMelo (IMPA)
Dynamics of the widely observed Lorentz systems
October 25, 1994
Adam Koranyi (CUNY)
QC Mappings and Carnot Geometry
November 01, 1994
Yair Minsky (Stony Brook University)
Laminations and hyperbolic geometry in holomorphic dynamics
November 15, 1994
Mauricio Peixoto (IMPA)
The 2-point boundary value problem: geometry and arithmetic associated with it
November 22, 1994
Alessandra Iozzi (University of Maryland, College Park)
Limit sets of isometry groups of exotic hyperbolic spaces
November 22, 1994
Stainslav Smirnov (California Institute of Technology)
Multifractal analysis of polynomial Julia sets
November 29, 1994
Stainslav Smirnov (California Institute of Technology)
Structure of the divergence-free vector charges and their decomposition into solenoids
November 29, 1994
Marcel Berger (Université Denis Diderot - Paris VII)
Geodesics on Surfaces
September 12, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Structure of Ideal Fluid Motion - Part 1
November 02, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Structure of Ideal Fluid Motion - Part 2
November 02, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Contact structures and ideal fluid motion - Part 1
November 09, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Contact structures and ideal fluid motion - Part 2
November 09, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Arnold's Description of steady state solution of Euler equation - Part 1
November 16, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Arnold's Description of steady state solution of Euler equation - Part 2
November 16, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Divergence free vector fields - its curl on the dimensional torus $T^3$
November 23, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Steady state solutions of Euler equation: Arnold, Beltrami & Harmonic cases
November 23, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Fundamental theorems of ODE generalized - Part 1
November 30, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Fundamental theorems of ODE generalized - Part 2
November 30, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Processes on train tracks
December 07, 1994
Rob Ghrist (Princeton University)
Knots and Dynamics
December 06, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Global time existence theorem for Euler equation
December 13, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Pressure of differentiable process - Part 1
December 14, 1994
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Pressure of differentiable process - Part 2
December 14, 1994
Charles Radin (University of Texas, Austin)
Symmetry in Tilings
December 20, 1994
Oscar Lanford (ETH Zürich)
The Mather invariant fixed point problem
January 03, 1995
Alberto Verjovsky (Universidad de Braga)
Locally free holomorphic actions of the complex affine group
January 24, 1995
E Rips (Hebrew University, Columbia)
Hilbert's Nullaterllensatz for Quadratic Equations in Free Groups
February 21, 1995
Genadi Levin (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Geometry and topology of real quadratic polynomials
February 28, 1995
Sa'ar Hersonky (Cornell University)
On measure and Geometric properties of limit sets
March 07, 1995
Jun Hu (CUNY)
Thread-like maps and renormalizations
March 21, 1995
Anton Zorich (Moscow State University)
Asymptotics of leaves of Orientable Measured Foliations on surfaces and Gauss map on the space of interval exchange transformations
March 28, 1995
Boris Kolev ()
Surface Homeomorphisms with Zero Dimensional Singular Sets
April 04, 1995
Frederick P Gardiner (GSUC/Brooklyn College)
A Mathematical model for Egg=gE
April 11, 1995
Charles Tresser (IBM)
Synchronization - From Engineering to number theory
April 11, 1995
Peter Sarnak (Princeton University)
Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function and Random Matrices
April 25, 1995
Andre de Carvalho (CUNY)
Pruning Fronts and the Formation of Horseshoes
May 09, 1995
Timothy Gendron (CUNY)
Quick Refutation of the Ehrenpiers Mazur Conjecture
May 02, 1995
Folkert Tangerman (Courant Institute)
Circle Maps with Breakpoints
May 16, 1995
Edward Witten (IAS)
Monopoles & Four-Manifolds
April 28, 1995
Edward Witten (IAS)
Strong Coupling Dynamics in String Theory
April 27, 1995
Clifford Taubes (Harvard University)
AMS Tape
January 01, 1995
Edward Witten (IAS)
ICM Lecture
August 25, 1990
Boris L Feigin (Institute Solid State Physics Moskow)
Conformal Theory, ICM Kyoto 1990
August 21, 1990
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
3D Fluid Algebra
September 05, 1995
Jun Hu (CUNY)
Renomalization, rigidity and universality in bifurcation theory - Part 1
September 12, 1995
Jun Hu (CUNY)
Renomalization, rigidity and universality in bifurcation theory - Part 2
September 12, 1995
Eliyahu Rips (Hebrew University)
Group Actions on Sets
September 12, 1995
John Morgan (Columbia University)
Seiberg-Witten Invariants of four-manifolds - Part 1
September 19, 1995
John Morgan (Columbia University)
Seiberg-Witten Invariants of four-manifolds - Part 2 (No audio)
September 19, 1995
Jean-Marc Gambaudo (Universite de Nice)
Asymptotic Linking
September 26, 1995
Meiyu Su (CUNY)
October 03, 1995
Edson DeFaria (IME-USP)
On the Global Hyperbolicity Conjecture for Critical Circle Mappings
October 10, 1995
Clifford Taubes (Harvard University)
Counting psuedo-holomorphic curves in 4D manifolds - Part 1
October 24, 1995
Clifford Taubes (Harvard University)
Counting psuedo-holomorphic curves in 4D manifolds - Part 2
October 24, 1995
Xiao-Song Lin (Columbia University)
I. On the self linking of a knot II. On a secondary Casson invariant
October 31, 1995
Xiao-Song Lin (Columbia University)
On a secondary Casson invariant
October 31, 1995
Robert Penner (University of Southern California)
A new compactification of Riemann's moduli space
October 17, 1995
Robert Penner (University of Southern California)
An Old Product on the Modular Curve
October 17, 1995
Joan Birman (Columbia University)
Braid Foliations on Surfaces in Knot Complements
November 07, 1995
Nathan Seiberg (IAS)
The solution of some 4D Quantum Theories
November 07, 1995
G. Daniel Mostow (Bers Colloquium)
Quasiconformal mappings of Carrot-Carrotheodory spaces
October 19, 1995
Li Zhong (Peking University)
Infinite dimensional Teichmuller space
November 08, 1995
Bodil Branner (Technical University of Denmark)
Surgery in Holomophic Dynamics
November 14, 1995
Raphael Douady (CIMS)
Probability and PDE's in Financial Mathematics
November 14, 1995
Robert McCann (Brown University)
The Geometry of Optimal Transportation
November 21, 1995
Kirill Vaninsky (Princeton University)
On Space-Time properties of solutions for non-linear equations with random initial data
November 28, 1995
Juba Heinonen (University of Michigan)
Quasiconformality of Metric Spaces
November 28, 1995
Hossein Movahedi-Lankarani (Penn State University)
Structures Metrics and Measures
December 05, 1995
Stainslaw Smirnov (California Institute of Technology)
Collet, Eckmann & Holder
December 04, 1995
Robert F Williams (University of Texas, Austin)
Spaces that won't say no
December 05, 1995
Wayne Eberly (University of Calgary)
Polynomial-time Decomposition of Matrix Algebras
December 12, 1995
Duong Hong Phong (Columbia University)
The one loop graviton scattering amplitude in string theory
December 12, 1995
Duong Hong Phong (Columbia University)
Chiral vertex operators and Verlinde's formula
December 12, 1995
Santiago Simanca ()
Basic Concepts in Financial Mathematics
December 19, 1995
Cumrun Vafa (Harvard University)
Duality in String Theory - Part 1
January 02, 1996
Cumrun Vafa (Harvard University)
Duality in String Theory - Part 2
January 02, 1996
John Smillie (Cornell University)
Connectivity of Julia sets in C^2 - Part 1
January 09, 1996
John Smillie (Cornell University)
Connectivity of Julia sets in C^2 - Part 2
January 10, 1996
Bill Harvey ()
Triangle Groups & Moduli of Riemann Surfaces
January 30, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Structures on 4-manifolds and the Dirac Operator
January 23, 1996
Li Ma ()
A Dynamical Approach to Scalar Curvature
February 06, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
January 05, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
February 20, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
February 28, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
March 06, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
March 13, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
March 20, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
March 27, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
April 10, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
April 17, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
April 24, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
May 08, 1996
Santiago Simanca ()
Finanacial Mathematics (Fall 96 course tapes)
May 15, 1996
Duncan Sands (Université de Paris-XI)
Collet-Eckmann & related hyperbolicity conditions for unimodal maps
February 13, 1996
Gheorghita Zbaganu ()
Dobrushin Coefficients of Ergodicity Asymptotic Stability and Relative Entropy
February 20, 1996
Edson Vargas ()
Minimal sets & polynomial maps
February 27, 1996
Jeff Cheeger ( New York University)
On the Structure of Manifolds with Ricci Curvatures Bounded Below
March 05, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
On the foundations of geometry, analysis, & the different structure for manifolds
March 09, 1996
Marco Martens (Stony Brook University)
March 12, 1996
R Friedman ()
Seiberg-Witten invariants of Algebra surfaces
March 19, 1996
Paul Schmutz Schaller ()
Small Eigenvalues on Riemann Surfaces
March 26, 1996
Dusa McDuff (Stony Brook University)
Geometry of Symplectic Energy
April 16, 1996
Sandra Hayes (CUNY)
Lifting Curves in Orbits of Lee Transformations
April 09, 1996
John Milnor (Stony Brook University)
Periodic points & the Mandelbrot Set
April 23, 1996
Vladimir Gershkovich (University of Melbourne)
Morse theory for Riemannian distance
April 30, 1996
Lee Mosher (Rutgers University)
Pseudo-Anosov blows on 3-manifolds
May 07, 1996
Lee Mosher (Rutgers University)
Quasi-isometries of solvable Baumslang-solitar groups
May 07, 1996
Arthur Jaffe (Harvard University)
Physics & non-commutative geometry
May 14, 1996
Marie Farge (CNRS)
Wavelets and Turbulense 1 of 2
May 20, 1996
Marie Farge (CNRS)
Wavelets and Turbulense 2 of 2
May 20, 1996
Meiyu Su (CUNY)
Measured Solenoid Riemann Surfaces & Holomorphic Dynamics
September 10, 1996
Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh (Princeton University)
Regularity and Breakdown of Harmonic Maps
September 17, 1996
Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh (Princeton University)
Regularity and Breakdown of Harmonic Maps
September 17, 1996
Charles Tresser (Physique Théorique)
Chaos theory in engineering and the natural sciences
September 24, 1996
Peter Veerman (Rockefeller University)
Hausdorf dimension of asymptotically self-similar fractals
September 30, 1996
Elizabeth Pecou (Stony Brook University)
Topological Invariants for Volume Preserving Diffeomorphism
October 08, 1996
Moira Chas ()
Degrees of freedom of periodic points of homeomorphism on orientalble surfaces
October 18, 1996
Charles Pugh (Berkeley)
Stable Ergodicity and Stable Accessibility
October 22, 1996
Jenny Harrison (Berkeley)
Geometric Integration of non smooth sets
October 29, 1996
Juna Heinonen (University of Michigan)
Locally Euclidean Conformal Gauge
November 05, 1996
Louis Nirenberg (New York University)
Remarks on Elliptic Equations in Unbounded Domains
November 19, 1996
Yi-Zhi Huang (Rutgers University)
2D Conformal symmetry and vertex operation algebra
December 03, 1996
Benjamin Hinkle (Stony Brook University)
Parabolic Limits of renormalization
December 10, 1996
Scott Axelrod (MIT)
Perturbation Theory and Instantons
December 17, 1996
Charles Tresser (Physique Théorique)
On Chebyshev Poynomials in Dynamics
February 11, 1997
Igor Mezic (UCSB)
Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory Methods in Incompressible Fluids
February 18, 1997
Curt McMullen (Harvard University)
Siegel Linearizable Map on Ziegel Disk
February 18, 1997
Yuji Ito (Brown University)
Orbit Equivalence for Dynamical Systems
February 25, 1997
Seppo Rickman (Helsingin yliopisto )
Extentions of Branched Covering in Low Dimensions and Quasi-Regular Mapping
March 04, 1997
Iuma Heinonen (University of Michigan)
Finding Branched Covers from Metric Spaces to R^n: A Generalized Reshetnyak Theorem
March 04, 1997
Raphael Douady ()
Model Calibration in Finance
March 11, 1997
Stephen Semmes (Rice University)
Complexity of Topological Objects
March 18, 1997
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Characterstic Classes
September 25, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture 10/1/1996
October 01, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture 10/9/1996
October 09, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture 10/16/1996
October 16, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
What you can do with Differential Forms
October 23, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture 10/29/1996
October 29, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Models for Manifolds
November 06, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Maxing a finite Model for Fluid Motion
November 13, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture 11/20/1996
November 20, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Poincaré Duality: From forms to chains and back again
December 04, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Topology and Fluid Motion
December 11, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
The Arrow Construction
December 11, 1996
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture 12/18/1996
December 18, 1996
E.Y. Miller (Polytechnic University)
The Torelli Action on the Homotopy of Representation Spaces is Nontrivial
March 25, 1997
Varghese Mathai (University of Adelaide)
C*-Algebras, K-Theory and Quantum Hall Effect
April 01, 1997
Varghese Mathai (University of Adelaide)
Determinant Line, Von Neumann Algebras and L^2-Torsion
April 01, 1997
Jean Bourgain (IAS)
KAM Methods in PDEs
April 15, 1997
Tom Mrowka (MIT)
Monopoles and contact structures
April 29, 1997
Irving Segal (MIT)
Mathematical Physics for Extreme Distances
April 08, 1997
Victor Pan (Lehman College CUNY)
Structured Matrix Computations
May 13, 1997
Peter Sarnak (Princeton University)
Geometry, Eigenvalue, Arithmetic Part 1 of 2
May 06, 1997
Peter Sarnak (Princeton University)
Geometry, Eigenvalue, Arithmetic Part 2 of 2
May 06, 1997
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture of 10/1/97
October 01, 1997
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture of 10/9/97
October 09, 1997
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture of 10/15/97
October 15, 1997
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture of 11/5/97
November 05, 1997
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture of 12/10/97
December 10, 1997
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture of 12/19/97
December 19, 1997
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture of 12/26/97
December 26, 1997
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture of 12/27/97 (Some audio and video issues)
December 27, 1997
Zoltan Szabo (Princeton University)
4-Manifold & Minimal Conjecture - Part 1
October 07, 1997
Zoltan Szabo (Princeton University)
4-Manifold & Minimal Conjecture - Part 2
October 07, 1997
Vadim Schechtman (Stony Brook University)
Strings and Hodge Theory
October 15, 1997
Michael Weiss (University of Aberdeen)
Index Theory & Algebraic K-Theory
October 19, 1997
Jochen Bruening (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Gluing of Geometric Invariants
October 21, 1997
Jochen Bruening (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Informal Discussion
October 21, 1997
Vadim Schechtman (Stony Brook University)
Lecture of October 22, 1997 - Part 1
October 22, 1997
Vadim Schechtman (Stony Brook University)
Lecture of October 29, 1997 - Part 2
October 29, 1997
Charles Epstein (University of Pennsylvania)
Filling Surface germs and embedding of CR manifolds - Part 1
November 04, 1997
Vadim Schechtman (Stony Brook University)
Homotopy Lie Algebras - Part 1
November 05, 1997
Helmut Hofer (Courant Institute)
Dynamics in Convex Energy Surfaces & holomorphic curves
November 11, 1997
Helmut Hofer (Courant Institute)
Informal Discussion
November 11, 1997
Welington deMelo (IMPA)
Critical Circle Mappings (Jun Hu speaks until 0:07:45)
November 12, 1997
Tom Mrowka (MIT)
Thurston Norm and Scalar Curvature
November 18, 1997
Tom Mrowka (MIT)
Informal Talk
November 18, 1997
Jack Morava (The Johns Hopkins University)
Schur Q-functions & 2D topological gravity
November 25, 1997
Louis Crane (Kansas State University)
Incorporating General relativity into the Categorical Approach
December 02, 1997
Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University)
2-D Topological Quantum gravity in germs - Part 1
December 09, 1997
Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University)
2-D Topological Quantum gravity in germs - Part 2
December 09, 1997
Scott Axelrod (MIT)
Mathematics of NMR - Part 2
December 16, 1997
Andre de Carvalho ()
Pruning Fronts Conjecture - Part 1
January 12, 1998
Andre de Carvalho ()
Pruning Fronts Conjecture Part 2
January 12, 1998
Lee Smolin (Penn State University)
Mathematical Issues in Quantum gravity
January 20, 1998
Lee Smolin (Penn State University)
Informal Discussion
January 20, 1998
John Baez (University of California, Riverside)
Spin Networks in Gauge Theories
March 19, 1998
Sylvain Cappell (NYU)
Topological & Algebraic Invariants of Singular Varieties
February 03, 1998
Boris Apanasov (The University of Oklahoma)
Complex Hyperbolic Manifolds - Part 1
February 10, 1998
Boris Apanasov (The University of Oklahoma)
Complex Hyperbolic Manifolds - Part 2
February 10, 1998
David Yetter (Kansas State University)
Deformation of Categories with Structure
February 24, 1998
David Yetter (Kansas State University)
Deformation of Categories with Structure & low-dimensional topology
February 24, 1998
Louis Kaufmann (University of Chicago)
Knots & Functional Integration
March 03, 1998
Louis Kaufmann (University of Chicago)
Knots & Functional Integration - Informal Discussion
March 03, 1998
David Ebin (Stony Brook University)
Motion of Incompressible fluid - Part 1
March 10, 1998
David Ebin (Stony Brook University)
Motion of Incompressible fluid - Part 2
March 10, 1998
Lucien Szpino (CUNY)
Heights & Discreteness
March 12, 1998
Daniel Freed (IAS)
Part 1
March 17, 1998
Daniel Freed (IAS)
Part 2
March 17, 1998
Herman Gluck (University of Pennsylvania)
Spectral Geometry for the Writhing of knots & the helicity of vector fields
March 24, 1998
Folkert Tangerman (Stony Brook University)
Large Scale Porous Media Flow
March 24, 1998
Andrew Ranicki (University of Edinburgh)
Chain Duality & Manifolds - Part 1
March 31, 1998
Andrew Ranicki (University of Edinburgh)
Chain Duality & Manifolds - Part 2
March 31, 1998
Mikhail Gromov (IHES)
Infinite Dimensional Algebraic varieties
April 21, 1998
Efim Zelmanov (Yale University)
What makes a Group Finite - Part 1
April 28, 1998
Efim Zelmanov (Yale University)
What makes a Group Finite - Part 2
April 28, 1998
Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University)
Gromov-Witten Invariants in higher genius
May 07, 1998
Anton Petrunin (Stony Brook University)
Finiteness theorem & Klingerberg Conjecture
May 12, 1998
Rostislav Matveyev ()
Golden Age of 4-manifolds - Part 1
May 18, 1998
Rostislav Matveyev ()
Golden Age of 4-manifolds - Part 2
May 18, 1998
Clifford Taubes (Harvard University)
Self-Dual Harmonic 2 Forms and J - Part 1
May 19, 1998
Clifford Taubes (Harvard University)
Self-Dual Harmonic 2 Forms and J - Part 2
May 19, 1998
Clifford Taubes (Harvard University)
Self-Dual Harmonic 2 Forms and J - Part 3
May 19, 1998
Graeme Segal (University of Oxford)
Quantum Field Theory & Concept of Space - Part 1
May 26, 1998
Graeme Segal (University of Oxford)
Quantum Field Theory & Concept of Space - Part 2
May 26, 1998
Graeme Segal (University of Oxford)
Quantum Field Theory & Concept of Space - Part 3
May 26, 1998
Robin Forman (Rice University)
Combinatorial Differential Topology
September 08, 1998
Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University)
The Conjectured Structure of Gromov-Witten invariants - Part 1
September 15, 1998
Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University)
The Conjectured Structure of Gromov-Witten invariants - Part 2
September 15, 1998
Joanna Kania-Bartoszynska (Boise State University)
Hopf Algebras and Combinatorial Gauge Theory - Part 1
September 22, 1998
Joanna Kania-Bartoszynska (Boise State University)
Hopf Algebras and Combinatorial Gauge Theory - Part 2 (First 45 minutes is a discussion led by Dennis Sullivan)
September 22, 1998
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
September 23, 1998
Douglas Bullock (Boise State University)
Combinatorial Gauge Theory and Knot Invariants
September 29, 1998
Douglas Bullock (Boise State University)
Combinatorial Gauge Theory and Knot Invariants
September 29, 1998
Douglas Bullock (Boise State University)
Combinatorial Gauge Theory and Knot Invariants
September 29, 1998
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Lecture on 12/30/98
September 30, 1998
Mikhail Moshev (Stony Brook University)
Mirror Symmetry & hyper-Kahler Geometry - Part 1
October 06, 1998
Mikhail Moshev (Stony Brook University)
Mirror Symmetry & hyper-Kahler Geometry - Part 2
October 06, 1998
Kenji Fukaya (Kyoto University)
A Survey of Quantum Cohomology & Higher Invariants for Symplectic Manifolds - Part 1
October 13, 1998
Kenji Fukaya (Kyoto University)
A Survey of Quantum Cohomology & Higher Invariants for Symplectic Manifolds - Part 2
October 13, 1998
Jonathan Weitsman (Lehman College CUNY)
Geometry of the Intersection Rings of Module Spaces of Vector Bundles and Moduli of Euclidean Polygons - Part 2
October 20, 1998
Jonathan Weitsman (Lehman College CUNY)
Geometry of the Intersection Rings of Module Spaces of Vector Bundles and Moduli of Euclidean Polygons - Part 1
October 20, 1998
Slava Matveyev (Stony Brook University)
Geometric Constructions in 4D & Manifolds - Part 1
October 27, 1998
Slava Matveyev (Stony Brook University)
Geometric Constructions in 4D & Manifolds - Part 2
October 27, 1998
Greg Zuckerman (Yale University)
Cohomology and Quantum Field Theory - Part 1
March 02, 1999
Greg Zuckerman (Yale University)
Cohomology and Quantum Field Theory - Part 2
March 02, 1999
Jack Morava (John Hopkins University)
Informal Discussion before Enriched Topological Field Theories & Reimann surfaces
March 23, 1999
Jack Morava (John Hopkins University)
Enriched Topological Field Theories & Reimann surfaces - Part 1
March 23, 1999
Jack Morava (John Hopkins University)
Enriched Topological Field Theories & Reimann surfaces - Part 2
March 23, 1999
Alexander Voronov (Michigan State University)
Homotopy Gerstenhaber Algebras - Part 1
March 30, 1999
Alexander Voronov (Michigan State University)
Homotopy Gerstenhaber Algebras - Part 2
March 30, 1999
Etienne Ghys (CNRS)
Actions of Lattices on the Circle - Part 1
April 20, 1999
Etienne Ghys (CNRS)
Actions of Lattices on the Circle - Part 2
April 20, 1999
Etienne Ghys (CNRS)
Actions of Lattices on the Circle - Part 3
April 20, 1999
Etienne Ghys (CNRS)
Actions of Lattices on the Circle - Part 4
April 20, 1999
Dimitry Tamarkin (Penn State University)
Formality Conjecture - Part 1
May 11, 1999
Dimitry Tamarkin (Penn State University)
Formality Conjecture - Part 2
May 11, 1999
Ezra Getzler ()
B? Algebras (Informal Talk)
May 18, 1999
Ezra Getzler ()
B? Algebras: Hopf Operads and Some Remarks on a Construction of Tamarkin
May 18, 1999
Grigory Mikhalkin (Harvard University)
Real Algebraic Curves, Moment Maps and Amoebas - Part 1
May 25, 1999
Grigory Mikhalkin (Harvard University)
Real Algebraic Curves, Moment Maps and Amoebas - Part 2
May 25, 1999
Grigory Mikhalkin (Harvard University)
Real Algebraic Curves, Moment Maps and Amoebas - Part 3
May 25, 1999
Mikhail Khovanov (IAS)
Jones Polynomials & Euler Characteristic - Part 1
June 01, 1999
Mikhail Khovanov (IAS)
Jones Polynomials & Euler Characteristic - Part 3
June 01, 1999
Ioan James (Oxford University)
Combinatorial Topology versus General Topology
June 07, 1999
Jean-Luc Brylinkski (Penn State University)
Differential Geometry of Gerbes and Holonomy Fun'ls
June 08, 1999
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
String Interactions & Algebraic Topology
September 21, 1999
Zhenghan Wang (Indiana University)
Integral Geometry of Knots & Plane Curves - Part 1
October 05, 1999
Zhenghan Wang (Indiana University)
Integral Geometry of Knots & Plane Curves - Part 2
October 05, 1999
Zhenghan Wang (Indiana University)
Integral Geometry of Knots & Plane Curves - Part 3
October 05, 1999
Igor Frenkel (Yale University)
Representation of Affine Lie Algebras via Platonic Solids - Part 1
October 12, 1999
Igor Frenkel (Yale University)
Representation of Affine Lie Algebras via Platonic Solids - Part 2
October 12, 1999
Igor Frenkel (Yale University)
Representation of Affine Lie Algebras via Platonic Solids - Part 3
October 12, 1999
Igor Frenkel (Yale University)
Representation of Affine Lie Algebras via Platonic Solids - Part 4
October 12, 1999
Tom Mrowka (MIT)
Speculations on the relation between Seiberg Witten & Instanton Homology - Part 1
October 19, 1999
Michael Douglas (Rutgers University)
Branes on Calabi-Yau - Part 1
October 26, 1999
Michael Douglas (Rutgers University)
Branes on Calabi-Yau - Part 2
October 26, 1999
Michael Douglas (Rutgers University)
Branes on Calabi-Yau - Part 3
October 26, 1999
Dimitry Tamarkin (Harvard University)
On d- Algebras - Part 1
November 02, 1999
Dimitry Tamarkin (Harvard University)
On d- Algebras - Part 2
November 02, 1999
Dimitry Tamarkin (Harvard University)
On d- Algebras - Part 3
November 02, 1999
James Stasheff (University of Pennsylvania)
Cohomological Physics - Part 1
November 09, 1999
James Stasheff (University of Pennsylvania)
Cohomological Physics - Part 2
November 09, 1999
James Stasheff (University of Pennsylvania)
Cohomological Physics - Part 3
November 09, 1999
Alexander Migdal (Metacreations)
Hidden Symmetries of the Large N QCD - Part 1
November 16, 1999
Alexander Migdal (Metacreations)
Hidden Symmetries of the Large N QCD - Part 2
November 16, 1999
Alexander Migdal (Metacreations)
Hidden Symmetries of the Large N QCD - Part 3
November 16, 1999
Peter Kronheimer (Harvard University)
The Selberg-Witten Equations on 3-manifolds - Part 1
November 30, 1999
Peter Kronheimer (Harvard University)
The Selberg-Witten Equations on 3-manifolds - Part 2
November 30, 1999
Peter Kronheimer (Harvard University)
The Selberg-Witten Equations on 3-manifolds - Part 3
November 30, 1999
Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford University)
Plurisubharmonic Functions & Symplectic Geometry & Morse Theory - Part 1
December 07, 1999
Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford University)
Plurisubharmonic Functions & Symplectic Geometry & Morse Theory - Part 2
December 07, 1999
Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford University)
Plurisubharmonic Functions & Symplectic Geometry & Morse Theory - Part 3
December 07, 1999
Scott Axelrod (IBM)
Link Invariants Associated with Moduli Spaces - Part 1
December 14, 1999
Scott Axelrod (IBM)
Link Invariants Associated with Moduli Spaces - Part 2
December 14, 1999
Mikhail Movshev (Stony Brook University)
Topological open string theory - Part 2
December 21, 1999
Steve Ferry (Rutgers University)
Controlled Topology - Part 2
February 01, 2000
Carlo Rovelli (University of Pittsburgh)
What do we really know about space-time
February 08, 2000
Ciprian Borcea (Rider University)
Polygon Spaces and Special Lagrangians in Calabi-Yau Manifolds - Part 1
February 29, 2000
Ciprian Borcea (Rider University)
Polygon Spaces and Special Lagrangians in Calabi-Yau Manifolds - Part 2
February 29, 2000
Boris Tsygan (Penn State University)
Non-commutive Geometry and Index Theorem
February 15, 2000
John Baez (University of California, Riverside)
Simplicial Quantum Geometry - Part 1
March 28, 2000
John Baez (University of California, Riverside)
Simplicial Quantum Geometry - Part 2
March 28, 2000
Alexander Givental (University of California, Berkeley)
An Introduction to Gromov-Witten Invariants - Part 1
April 04, 2000
Graeme Segal (Oxford University)
Topological structures in String Theory - Part 1
April 25, 2000
Graeme Segal (Oxford University)
Topological structures in String Theory - Part 2
April 25, 2000
Sergey Novikov (University of Maryland)
Topological Phenomenon in Conductivity of Metals
May 02, 2000
Mitchell Feigenbaum (Rockefeller University)
Mathematical Physics - Part 1
May 09, 2000
Mitchell Feigenbaum (Rockefeller University)
Mathematical Physics - Part 2
May 09, 2000
Claude Bardos (Brown University)
Macroscopic Limits of Reversible Systems - Part 1
May 16, 2000
Claude Bardos (Brown University)
Macroscopic Limits of Reversible Systems - Part 2
May 16, 2000
Lee Smolin (Penn State University)
M-Theory as a Matrix Extension of Chern Simons Theory - Part 1
May 23, 2000
Lee Smolin (Penn State University)
M-Theory as a Matrix Extension of Chern Simons Theory - Part 2
May 23, 2000
Abhav Ashtekar (Penn State University)
Quantum Mechanics of Riemannian Geometry - Part 1
May 31, 2000
Abhav Ashtekar (Penn State University)
Quantum Mechanics of Riemannian Geometry - Part 2
May 31, 2000
Jorgen E Andersen (University of California, Berkeley)
The Poisson algebra of chord diagrams and quantization
September 26, 2000
Michael Polyak (Tel Aviv University)
Quantum Topology - Part 1
October 10, 2000
Michael Polyak (Tel Aviv University)
Quantum Topology - Part 2
October 10, 2000
Alexander Voronov (Michigan State University)
Homotopoy Gerstenhaber Algebras - Part 1
October 24, 2000
Alexander Voronov (Michigan State University)
Homotopoy Gerstenhaber Algebras - Part 1
October 24, 2000
Alberto Cattaneo (Zurich University)
A Natural Physics Approach to Kontsevich Formal Quantization
November 07, 2000
Alberto Cattaneo (Zurich University)
BF Theory
November 07, 2000
Zhenghan Wang (Indiana University)
Differential Geometry and quantum knot invariants - Part 1
November 21, 2000
Zhenghan Wang (Indiana University)
Differential Geometry and quantum knot invariants - Part 2
November 21, 2000
Dror Bar-Natan (Hebrew University)
Elementary Feynman Integrals and 3 manifold invaraints
December 05, 2000
Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University)
Jet Space and certain invariants - Part 1
December 19, 2000
Dimitry Tamarkin (Penn State University)
Cyclic Formality and index formula - Part 1
February 13, 2001
Dimitry Tamarkin (Penn State University)
Cyclic Formality and index formula - Part 2
February 13, 2001
Alexander Shnirelman (Concordia University)
Incompressible Fluids - Part 1
February 27, 2001
Alexander Shnirelman (Concordia University)
Incompressible Fluids - Part 2
February 27, 2001
Kevin Walker (StationQ)
3D Topological Quantum Field Theory - Part 1
March 13, 2001
Kevin Walker (StationQ)
3D Topological Quantum Field Theory - Part 2
March 13, 2001
Paul Melvyn (Bryn Mawr College)
Finite Type Invariants in 3D - Part 1
March 27, 2001
Paul Melvyn (Bryn Mawr College)
Finite Type Invariants in 3D - Part 2
March 27, 2001
Kenji Fukaya (Kyoto University)
Quantization of rational homotopy theory-homotopical algebra, Floer theory and Mirror Symmetry - Part 1
April 10, 2001
Kenji Fukaya (Kyoto University)
Quantization of rational homotopy theory-homotopical algebra, Floer theory and Mirror Symmetry - Part 2
April 10, 2001
Sheldon Katz ()
Integlality Conjectures for Gromov-Witten Invariants and Continuation - Part 1
May 08, 2001
Sheldon Katz ()
Integlality Conjectures for Gromov-Witten Invariants and Continuation - Part 2
May 08, 2001
Morati ()
Spontaneous Talk
October 23, 2001
Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University)
Frobonius manifolds of higher genus - Part 1
March 21, 2000
Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University)
Frobonius manifolds of higher genus - Part 2
March 21, 2000
Yong Geun Oh (IAS)
Lagrangian intersection Floer homology and filtered infinity algebra - Part 1
November 20, 2001
Yong Geun Oh (IAS)
Lagrangian intersection Floer homology and filtered infinity algebra - Part 2
November 20, 2001
Eleny Ionel (University of Wisconsin)
Gromov-Witten Invariants of Symplectic Glueings - Part 1
December 04, 2001
Eleny Ionel (University of Wisconsin)
Gromov-Witten Invariants of Symplectic Glueings - Part 2
December 04, 2001
Robbert Dijkgraaf (University of Amsterdam)
Strings, Categories, M-theory - Part 1
December 18, 2001
Robbert Dijkgraaf (University of Amsterdam)
Strings, Categories, M-theory - Part 2
December 18, 2001
Paul Seidel (IAS)
Fukaya Categories and Deformation - Part 1
January 29, 2002
Paul Seidel (IAS)
Fukaya Categories and Deformation - Part 2
January 29, 2002
Stavros Garoufalidis (University of Warwick)
Rationality of the Kontsevich Integral - Part 1
February 26, 2002
Stavros Garoufalidis (University of Warwick)
Rationality of the Kontsevich Integral - Part 2
February 26, 2002
Boris Dubrovin (IAS)
Integrable systems- classifications, universal identities - Part 1
March 12, 2002
Boris Dubrovin (IAS)
Integrable systems- classifications, universal identities - Part 2
March 12, 2002
Claude Viterbo (Polytechnique University)
Floer Homology and the Free Loop Space - Part 1
March 26, 2002
Claude Viterbo (Polytechnique University)
Floer Homology and the Free Loop Space - Part 2
March 26, 2002
Uwe Kaiser (Boise State University)
Skein Modules and 3-manifolds
April 23, 2002
Kenji Fukaya (IAS)
Floer Homology and Homological Mirror Symmetry - Part 1
April 09, 2002
Kenji Fukaya (IAS)
Floer Homology and Homological Mirror Symmetry - Part 2
April 09, 2002
Rahul Pandharipande (Princeton University)
Counting holomorphic maps between Riemann Surfaces - Part 1
May 07, 2002
Etienne Ghys (CNRS)
The mytery of holomorphic laminations in the compex projective plane
September 19, 2002
John Milnor (Stony Brook University/IMS)
Einstein XX Conference The dynamics of evolution
September 20, 2002
Tom Goodwillie (Brown University)
On some spaces of graphs - Part 1
December 03, 2002
Tom Goodwillie (Brown University)
On some spaces of graphs - Part 2
December 03, 2002
Mikhail Movshev (University of California, Davis)
10 dimensional Yang Mills Theory - Part 1
April 29, 2003
Mikhail Movshev (University of California, Davis)
10 dimensional Yang Mills Theory - Part 2
April 29, 2003
Marie Farge (CNRS)
Combinatorial Topology, Mathematical Quantization & Computational fluid dynamics
November 05, 2003
Kai Schneider (Université de Provence, Marseille)
November 05, 2003
Jozef Dodziuk (Queens College (CUNY))
Combinatorial approximation to hodge theory
February 10, 2004
Scott Wilson (School of UMN Twin Cities)
Combinatorial Approximation to Differential Forms
February 10, 2004
Jenny Harrison (University of California, Berkeley)
Discrete exterior calculus
February 10, 2004
Robert Kotiuga (Boston University)
Enduring Legacy and New Applications of Whitney Forms
February 10, 2004
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Combinatorial Perturbation of Geometry and Analysis
February 10, 2004
John Terilla (Queens College (CUNY))
Quantum field theory and algebraic topology
April 20, 2004
Jae Suk Park (Yonsei University)
Quantum field theory and algebraic topology
April 20, 2004
Vasily Dogushev (MIT)
A proof of Tsygan's formality conjecture for any manifold
April 27, 2004
Thomas Tradler (NYC College of Technology)
Structures in the Hochschild Complex
April 27, 2004
Sergei Merkulov (Stockholm University)
Infinity structures and geometry
May 04, 2004
Sergei Merkulov (Stockholm University)
Differential Forms and string topology
May 04, 2004
Riccardo Longoni (Universita di Roma)
Configuration spaces and quantum field theory
May 11, 2004
Riccardo Longoni (Universita di Roma)
Counterexample to the homotopy invariance of configuration spaces of manifolds
May 11, 2004
John Terilla (Queens College (CUNY))
Mathematical foundations of quantum field theory
November 16, 2004
Alex Bene (University of California, Los Angeles)
Intersections of combinatorial cycles in moculi space
February 08, 2005
Peter Oszvath (Columbia University)
Heegard diagrams and holomorphic disks - Part 1
February 22, 2005
Peter Oszvath (Columbia University)
Heegard diagrams and holomorphic disks - Part 2
February 22, 2005
Paul Seidel (University of Chicago)
Khovanov homology and symplectic topology - Part 1
March 08, 2005
Paul Seidel (University of Chicago)
Khovanov homology and symplectic topology - Part 2
March 08, 2005
Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford University)
Madsen-Weiss theorem for not so algebraic topologists (Part 1)
March 15, 2005
Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford University)
Madsen-Weiss theorem for not so algebraic topologists (Part 2)
March 15, 2005
Stephan Stolz (University of Notre Dame)
Elliptic Topology Via Conformal Field Theory
April 19, 2005
Elke Markert (University of Notre Dame)
Supersymmetric Euclidean Field Theories of dim 0+1
April 19, 2005
Janko Latschev (Humboldt University)
Rational symplectic field theory and string topology
October 11, 2005
Janko Latschev (Humboldt University)
Symplectic field theory and string topology
October 11, 2005
Kevin Costello (University of Chicago)
String Topology, Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics, and Chern-Simons Theory - Part 1
March 28, 2006
Kevin Costello (University of Chicago)
String Topology, Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics, and Chern-Simons Theory - Part 2
March 28, 2006
Jae-Suk Park (Yonsei University)
Quantum algebraic structure - Part 1
April 25, 2006
Jae-Suk Park (Yonsei University)
Quantum algebraic structure - Part 2
April 25, 2006
Mahmoud Zeinalian (A Celebration of Sullivan's Awards)
Algebraic String Operation
April 29, 2006
Kevin Costello (A Celebration of Sullivan's Awards)
Constructing the B model partition function
April 29, 2006
Veronique Godin (A Celebration of Sullivan's Awards)
Representation of the homology of the mapping class groups
April 29, 2006
Michael Sullivan (A Celebration of Sullivan's Awards)
Legendrian contact homology
April 29, 2006
John Terilla (A Celebration of Sullivan's Awards)
Quantum backgrounds and homotopy algebra
April 29, 2006
Scott Wilson (A Celebration of Sullivan's Awards)
Supersymmetic Algebra and Combinatorial Topology
April 29, 2006
Stavros Garoufalidis (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Resurgence in Quantum Topology
September 27, 2006
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Symplectic Primer - Part 1
October 04, 2006
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY)
Symplectic Primer - Part 2
October 11, 2006
Kevin Costello (Northwestern University)
Batalin Vilkovisky Formalism and renormalization
December 13, 2006
Graeme Segal (Oxford University)
Locality in quantum field theory
December 13, 2006
Pavel Mnev (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
Mini Course on Simplicial BF Theory - Part 2
March 07, 2007
Bruno Vallette (Université Nice Sophia-Antipolis)
Deformation theory of representations of prop(erad)s
March 14, 2007
Scott Wilson (School of UMN Twin Cities)
The Algebra of Chains
March 14, 2007
Pavel Mnev (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
Mini Course on Simplicial BF Theory
March 14, 2007
Leonid Chekhov (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
Quantum Teichmüller Spaces
March 28, 2007
Janko Latschev (Humboldt University)
Sympectic field theory
April 18, 2007
Janko Latschev (Humboldt University)
Contact homology
April 25, 2007
Frederick P Gardiner (GSUC/Brooklyn College)
Stasheff's associahedra and Teichmuller theory
May 02, 2007
Jun Hu (CUNY)
Earthquakes and associahedra
May 02, 2007
Tobias Ekholm (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Introduction to the problem of relative SFT
September 24, 2007
Dennis Sullivan (American Institute of Mathematics)
Aim 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Homotopy theory package for relative SFT
September 24, 2007
Dusa McDuff (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Discussion of open problems
September 24, 2007
Kenji Fukaya (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Homotopy theory of A∞-algebras - Part 1
September 25, 2007
Hiroshi Ohta (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Homotopy theory of A∞-algebras - Part 2
September 25, 2007
Kaoru Ono (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Homotopy theory of A∞-algebras - Part 3
September 25, 2007
Dennis Sullivan (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Homotopy theory of A∞-algebras - Impromptu Discussion
September 25, 2007
Octav Cornea (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Cluster homology
September 26, 2007
Janko Latschev (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - A proposed setup for relative SFT
September 26, 2007
Dennis Sullivan (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - String Topology
September 27, 2007
Breakout (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Breakout Session
September 27, 2007
Tobias Eckholm (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Parallel copy relative SFT
September 27, 2007
Kai Cieliebak (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory -
September 28, 2007
Eleny Ionel (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Discussion of progress and open problems
September 28, 2007
John Terilla (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Processing algebraic information in SFT
September 28, 2007
Manabu Akaho (American Institute of Mathematics)
AIM 2007: Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory - Floer homology for Lagrangian immersions
September 28, 2007
Alain Connes (IHES)
Noncommutative Geometry & Physics - Part 1 (Poor Video Qulaity)
October 03, 2007
Alain Connes (IHES)
Noncommutative Geometry & Physics - Part 2 (Poor Video Quality)
October 03, 2007
Moira Chas (Stony Brook University)
New results about the Goldman lie algebra of closed curves on surfaces - Part 1 (Poor Video Quality)
April 16, 2008
Moira Chas (Stony Brook University)
New results about the Goldman lie algebra of closed curves on surfaces - Part 2 (Poor Video Quality)
April 16, 2008
Jae-Suk Park (Yonsei University)
Minimal Model of QFT - Part 1 (Poor Video Quality)
April 23, 2008
Jae-Suk Park (Yonsei University)
Minimal Model of QFT - Part 2 (Poor Video Quality)
April 23, 2008
Tom Lada (North Carolina State University)
L and symmetric Brace algebras (Poor Video Quality)
May 14, 2008
Michael Freedman (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Quantum computing and topological quantum field theory - Part 1
May 21, 2008
Michael Freedman (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Quantum computing and topological quantum field theory - Part 2
May 21, 2008
Tatyana Khodorovskiy (Hunter College)
4-Dimensional Manifolds - Part 1
October 15, 2012
Tatyana Khodorovskiy (Hunter College)
4-Dimensional Manifolds - Part 2
October 22, 2012
Tatyana Khodorovskiy (Hunter College)
4-Dimensional Manifolds - Part 3
November 05, 2012
Joana Cirici (Freie Universitaet Berlin)
Rational homotopy of complex algebraic varieties (non compact and singular)
February 25, 2013
Joana Cirici (Freie Universitaet Berlin)
Generalities on basic homotopy theory
March 04, 2013
Joana Cirici (Freie Universitaet Berlin)
E1-Formality of Complex Algebraic Varieties
March 04, 2013
loannis Vlassopoulos (IHES)
Algebras with duality and 2D Topological field theories - Part 1
June 14, 2013
loannis Vlassopoulos (IHES)
Algebras with duality and 2D Topological field theories - Part 2
June 21, 2013
loannis Vlassopoulos (IHES)
Algebras with duality and 2D Topological field theories - Part 3
June 28, 2013
Christian Arettines (CUNY Graduate Center)
Converting Curves into Combinatorics
July 10, 2013
Jade Vinson (Renaissance Technologies)
Shapes of Space: the Challenge of Negative Curvature
July 17, 2013
Jae-suk Park (Yonsei University)
On derived probability theory motivated by quantum field theory
August 23, 2013
Dennis Sullivan (Stony Brook University)
The complete and precise structure of closed simply connected topological manifolds of dimensions 4,5,6,7,... from the point of view of algebraic topology - Part 1
December 18, 2013
Anibal Medina (Stony Brook University)
The complete and precise structure of closed simply connected topological manifolds of dimensions 4,5,6,7,... from the point of view of algebraic topology - Part 2
January 09, 2014
Dennis Sullivan (Stony Brook University)
The complete and precise structure of closed simply connected topological manifolds of dimensions 4,5,6,7,... from the point of view of algebraic topology - Part 3
January 16, 2014
Anibal Medina (Stony Brook University)
The complete and precise structure of closed simply connected topological manifolds of dimensions 4,5,6,7,... from the point of view of algebraic topology - Part 4
January 23, 2014
Andrew Ranicki (University of Edinburgh)
Algebraic Surgery - Part 1
April 18, 2014
Andrew Ranicki (University of Edinburgh)
Algebraic Surgery - Part 2
April 18, 2014
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