Invariants of Singularities in zero and positive characteristic

Department of Mathematics

at Stony Brook University

5th Biannual Stony Brook Mini-School in Geometry

Friday, December 4, 2015

Over the past twenty years or so, some interesting but subtle new invariants of singularities have come to play an important role in birational geometry. Defined equivalently via conditions or integrability or combinatorial data encoded in a resolution of singularities, these invariants have turned out to govern many geometric, analytic and arithmetic questions. Recently, a surprising connection has emerged with algebraic constructions involving the Frobenius morphism in positive characteristics, and there remain many fascinating open questions about the connection. Aimed at graduate students and postdocs in geometry, the mini-school will present an introduction to this circle of ideas. No previous exposure to the topics will be presupposed.


All lectures will take place at Simons Center for geometry and physics, room 102.

Please register here

(deadline November 20).


10.00-11.15 Introduction to Singularities Rob Lazarsfeld
(Stony Brook)
11.15-11.45Coffee break
11.45-1.00Frobenius invariants of singularities Kevin Tucker
(UI Chicago)
2.15-3.30Connections between characteristic zero and p>0 invariants Mircea Mustata
(University of Michigan)
3.30-4.00Coffee break
4.00-5.15The analytic viewpoint Dror Varolin
(Stony Brook)

How to get here

Directions to Stony Brook and the location of Mathematics department.
If you are driving, please park in a faculty/staff lot, and obtain a visitor permit from the registration desk inside Simons Center.
LIRR train schedule. We recommend the train departing Penn Station at 7.49 am, with a connection at Jamaica at 8.18am, arriving at Stony Brook at 9.43am.


Lunch and coffee will be provided and we will defray modest travel costs (trains or carpooling) for non-local participants.
To help us process reimbursement, please pool your expenses by asking one person in a group to buy round-trip tickets for everybody, and give us one receipt for reimbursement (with the names of the others), etc.
The lunch and coffee will be subsidized for local participants.
Organized by Radu Laza and Robert Lazarsfeld.

Stony Brook Algebraic Geometry portal

Supported by the NSF and Stony Brook Algebraic Geometry Fund