MAT 322 Analysis in several dimension -
General Information
Place and time: TuTh
11:30am-12:50pm, Harriman Hall 112
Lecturer: Moira Chas
Email address moira.chas AT,
Office: Math 3-119; tel. 632--8622.
Office hours: Tu 11am to 12pm in 3-119 Math Tower,
We 10am to
11am in P-143,1
We 11am to 12pm
in 3-119 Math Tower, and by appointment
Graders: Alexandra Viktorova
Text: Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential
Forms: A Unified Approach - 5th edition – 2015 by John Hubbard and Barbara
Burke Hubbard (Author)
Course outline: This is a rigorous course in
Calculus of several variables. We will analyze techniques to study
functions whose domains are subsets of R
n, essential tools in
the pursuit of advanced level mathematics, and many sciences. We shall
begin with the geometric description of R
n,, and discuss
matrices as linear transformations. We will develop criteria for
differentiability of functions, solve basic linear equations, relate the
dimensions of kernel and images of linear transformations, and discuss the
inverse and implicit function theorems. Then, we will proceed with the
definition and study of higher order derivatives of functions, quadratic
forms, integration, and submanifolds of R
n,, the latter subject
emphasizing the case of curves and surfaces. The course will end with a
description of forms and the exterior differentiation operator, the
statement of Stokes' Theorem and some of its applications.
Reading: Reading the relevant sections (as well as other
treatments of the material) will greatly increase your comprehension, and
enable you to ask relevant questions in class.It is very important to read
the indicated sections beforehand
Classwork: While attendance will not be taken, it is very
important that you make to class. The work we will be doing in class
is very important, and we will discuss topics not included in the
Homework and Schedule: The list of homework assignments
and the most current schedule of topics can be found on the class web
page. It will change, so check it regularly.
Homeworks will be due in class on the Wednesday following the week they
are assigned. There will be a mix of problems you should prepare for class
discussion and those you should write up carefully to be handed in.
Late homework will not be accepted. However, grades for homework
assignments may be dropped in cases of documented problems.
- Each graded problem is worth 3 points.
- Homework should by legible and written in complete
English sentences.
- You may discuss the assignments in this course with classmates,
before working in the write-up.
- Each student's submission must be his or her own work.In other
words, the write-up must be individual.
- It is not allowed to browse the Internet for solutions
- In most problems if there is no work shown, there is no credit. In
other words, an answer with no justification is not admissible (even
if it is the correct answer!)The grader will do her best to grade all
the submitted problems, but we might need to choose a subset of those.
The grading of the problems will follow the rubrik from the Emert
and Parish's article in the
book .
Score |
Description. |
3 |
Conceptual understanding apparent; consistent notation, with
only an occasional error; logical formulation; complete or
near-complete solution/response. |
2 |
Conceptual understanding only adequate; careless mathematical
errors present (algebra, arithmetic, for example);some logical
steps lacking; incomplete solution/response. |
1 |
Conceptual understanding not adequate; procedural errors;
logical or relational steps missing; poor response or no response
to the question posed. |
0 |
Does not attempt problem or conceptual understanding totally
lacking. |
Examinations and grading: There will be two midterm
exams, weekly homeworks, and a final exam.
Mathematics is
not a spectator sport; you must work problems in
order to fully understand the material. Don't fool yourself into thinking
you understand just because it makes sense when you see the problems done
by someone else.
Grades will be based on the following scheme:
- Homework and class participation-- 20%;
- Midterms -- 20% each;
- Final Exam 40%.
Make sure that you can attend the exams at the scheduled times;
will not be given. If one midterm exam is missed because of a
serious (documented) illness or emergency, the semester grade will be
determined based on the balance of the work in the course.
The dates, times and topics of the exams will be posted in the course
website. Grades will be posted on Blackboard.
Communications: e-mail announcements for this
course will be sent through Blackboard. If you are new to Blackboard, or
if you have not used Blackboard in some time, please log on to Blackboard
and review the e-mail information. Please follow the instructions for
e-mail forwarding if you prefer an e-mail address different from your
official Stony Brook University e-mail address.
Disability Support Services: If you have a physical,
psychological, medical, or learning disability that may affect your course
work, please contact Disability Support Services (DSS) office: ECC
(Educational Communications Center) Building, room 128, telephone (631)
632-6748/TDD. DSS will determine with you what accommodations are
necessary and appropriate. Arrangements should be made early in the
semester (before the first exam) so that your needs can be accommodated.
All information and documentation of disability is confidential. Students
requiring emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with
their professors and DSS. For procedures and information, go to the
following web site and search Fire safety and
Evacuation and Disabilities.
Academic Integrity: Each student must pursue his or her
academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted
work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong.
Faculty are required to report any suspected instance of academic
dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information
on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please
refer to the academic judiciary website at
Critical Incident Management: Stony Brook University expects
students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people.
Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any
disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises
the safety of the learning environment, and/or inhibits students' ability
to learn.