General understanding

Shows a thorough and thoughtful understanding of the material.

Shows a good understanding of the material

Shows a basic understanding of the material 

Shows  little understanding of the material

Math point

Fully and eloquently articulates mathematical concepts. Develops connections among mathematical concepts.

Clearly articulates mathematical concepts 

Explains mathematical concepts without difficulty, but expresses ideas in rudimentary form.

Displays errors in knowledge of mathematical concepts


Well chosen, relevant and clear examples

Appropriate examples. 

Adequate examples with minor flaws

No examples or flawed examples. 

Presentation skills

The presenter speaks clearly and loudly enough to be heard, using, engages the audience.

Clear voice, generally effective delivery; minimal distracting gestures, etc., but occasionally monotone;

Voice ccasionally inaudible; some distracting filler words articulation mostly, but not always, clear;

The presenter cannot be heard or speaks so unclearly that the words cannot be interpreted. Mumbles the words, too many filler words;

Time managment

The presentation is fitted within 15– 20 minutes. The pace does not seem too rushed or too slow.

The presentation is around 15–20 minutes, but the pace was a bit rushed or slow

The presentation lasted less between 10 and  12 minutes or between 22 and 25 minutes. Or The pace was rushed or slow

The presentation lasted less than 10 minutes or more than 25. Or The pace was rushed or slow


Information on slides reflects deep understanding and effective summarization. Information has not simply been copied and pasted from another source. Slides display elements of effective design. Fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc. are effective, consistent and appropriate to the topic and audience.

Information on slides reflects understanding and good summarization. Information has not simply been copied and pasted from another source. Slides display elements of appropriate  design. Fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc. are occasionally distracting.

Summarization and Information on slides is adequate. Some displays have been copied from other source. Design is adequate. 

No or little understanding is reflected on the slides. There is too much text on the slides. Or not  enough information. Or information has been copied and pasted from other sources. Design is not apropriate. 

Logic and organization

The presentation has a clearly defined structure with elegant transitions and an effective introduction

The presentation has a clearly defined structure with some clear transitions and a logical introduction and conclusion

The presentation has a recognizable structure with an introduction and conclusion

The presentation has no clearly defined structure, or the structure is chaotic

Technical content

Compelling, engaging content that covered the topic thoroughly, was interesting to class members, and taught them something.

Content was pretty thorough but lacked in some areas; audience members benefited from the presentation;

The content was weak in coverage but engaging at times, class members took away something interesting;

The content was not stimulating to audience members; presented just in order to minimally satisfy the requirement;