J. Weber Scale Calculus and M-Polyfolds - An Introduction
32o Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática, CBM-32,
IMPA (2019), iii+138 pages.
ISBN 978-85-244-0428-3
download book here
or here
J. Weber Topological Methods in the Quest for Periodic Orbits
31o Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática, CBM-31,
IMPA (2017), vii+248 pages.
ISBN 978-85-244-0439-9
download book here or
W. Weber Electrodynamic Measurements, especially on the
Energy of Interaction
Translator from German to English: J. Weber article
(2020), 64 pages, included as Chapter 13 in this
book (2021).
D.A. Salamon Análise em dimensões superiores
Tradutor do alemão ao português: J. Weber livro (2019), ix+376 páginas.
U. Frauenfelder and J. Weber Floerfolds and Floer functions
Preprint, 19 pages viXra:2502.0011
science, freedom, dignity
U. Frauenfelder and J. Weber On the spectral flow theorem of
Robbin-Salamon for finite intervals
Preprint, 79 pages viXra:2412.0122
science, freedom, dignity
U. Frauenfelder and J. Weber Growth of eigenvalues of Floer
Preprint, 50 pages viXra:2411.0060
science, freedom, dignity
U. Frauenfelder and J. Weber Local gluing
Preprint, 45 pages viXra:2401.0075
science, freedom, dignity
U. Frauenfelder and J. Weber Lagrange multipliers and
adiabatic limits I
J. Symplectic Geom. (to appear)
Preprint, 60 pages viXra:2210.0061
science, freedom, dignity
U. Frauenfelder and J. Weber Lagrange
multipliers and adiabatic limits II
J. Symplectic Geom. (to appear)
Preprint, 47 pages viXra:2210.0057
science, freedom, dignity
U. Frauenfelder and J. Weber A mathematical description of the
Weber nucleus as a classical and quantum mechanical system
Anal. Math. Phys. 14, 31 (2024), 1-26. doi:
10.1007/s13324-024-00891-5 open access SharedItviXra:2207.0070
science, freedom, dignity. W.E.
Weber (1804-1891 (english at
arXiv 🤐
submission overnight: allegedly beeing not even "refereeable
for publication in a conventional journal". Not refereeable
- professional engineering.
J. Weber Classical
Morse theory revisited I - Backward λ-Lemma and homotopy type
Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 47 no.2 (2016), 641-646. doi: 10.12775/TMNA.2016.020arXiv:1410.0995