Joa Weber
IME USP, São Paulo, Brasil
Floer homology and applications
- Jan/Feb 12 MC
Universität Bielefeld, Germany
Elementare Zahlentheorie
(number theory) - Winter 10/11 LEC
HU Berlin, Germany
Die Geometrie der Gruppe der symplektischen Diffeomorphismen
- Summer09 LEC
Einführung in die Symplektische Geometrie
- Winter 08/09 LEC
Differentialtopologie II
- Summer 08 LEC
Differentialtopologie I
- Winter 07/08 LEC
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Floer Homology II - Spring 01 EXC
Floer Homology I - Winter 00/01 EXC
MAT645 Introduction to Floer theory - Spring 00 LEC
MAT313 Abstract Algebra - Fall 99 LEC
MAT310 Linear Algebra - Spring 99 LEC
MAT 123 Introduction to Calculus - Fall 98 LEC
LEC: Lecture Course
MC: Minicourse
EXC: Exercise Classes